Chapter 6

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Sorry if this chapter is crappy. I had a difficult time with this one.

He walked down the hall quickly, pushing aside everyone that stood in his way. His eyes were searching for one person, Yuki.

He didn't show up in class, and he knew something was wrong. His fists clenched at his side, and he felt his eyes itch.

I have to calm down before my wolf takes control. He thought to himself.

He spots a familiar face, and rushes to her side.

"Maya, have you seen Yuki?"

She gives him a confused look and then shakes her head.

"No Luka, not since lunch. You just had a class with him didn't you?'

He shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"That's the thing though. He didn't show up, and now I can't find his scent."

She cursed and began walking with him. She could see the look in his eyes and knew Luka was close to snapping.

Luka never did fare well when he didn't know where Yuki was. He was like this ever since they were children. The siblings never really had friends, and when Yuki showed kindness to them, they weren't about to let go.

And now that Luka knows that Yuki is his mate, well things were even harder for him. Luka didn't want Yuki to know yet, not unless he was sure he could handle being the mate to a mafia member.

The two practically ran through the halls until they saw Kono and Micheal. They looked up at the two when they approached, noticing the looks of panic.

"Have you two seen Yuki? We can't find him, and Luka can't smell him."

Maya panted out the words and tried to catch her breath. Kono tucked a piece of hair behind his ear and looked at Luka.

"Yeah, he went home early. I think he got sick."

He shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

"Yuki has never missed a day of school, nor has he ever left early."

Micheal pointed out to his younger sibling. Kono stopped and quietly agreed.

"And it's weird that he didn't say anything to us. He didn't even go to the nurse; just went and left."

Micheal continued talking, but Luka didn't hear him. His wolf was growling and they all could feel the tension in the air.

Something happened to Yuki. He didn't know what, but he was going to find out.

Maya glanced at Luka, and saw how upset he was. She could feel his Alpha pheromones coming off of him. She would have been scared, if it wasn't panic surrounding him as well.

"We are going to find him Luka."

He stiffened at the softness in her voice. His wolf growled at her and he saw her flinch. 

"Sorry Maya. I never felt like this before, and I don't know how to fight it."

They all looked at him and nodded. Every one of them knew the bond between mates was strong, even if they were not mated yet.

Luka lifted his nose to the air and sniffed. He growled and began running down the halls. His siblings ran after him and yelled for him to slow down. 

He stopped at the pool room and scrunched his nose. He grabbed the handle and jiggled it, cursing after realizing it was locked.

Maya pushed him aside and bent down to the lock. She remover a pin from her hair and inserted it into the door. It clicked and Luka swung it open. 

They searched the room, but didn't see anything.

Michael sighed as Luka began pacing the room.

"The smell of chlorine is overbearing. We won't find anything in here."

Luka punched the wall and exhaled.

"I can smell him. Along with other Alphas."

Kono was holding his nose and turned to leave. 

"Well duh Luka. This room is used by everyone."

Luka glared at him and raked a hand through his hair.

"Right, let's go."

Everyone nodded and followed him out the door. He turned back briefly to the room before continuing after the others.

Yuki ran down the stairs as fast as he could. His breath came out in pants and he stood at the bottom for a moment to catch his breath.

He left the school and walked to the nearest police station. Yuki wasn't sure if they would listen to him or not, but he had to do something.

And he was right. When they asked Yuki for proof of the incident, he froze. He didn't have anything besides his word.

The woman who he spoke with said that they couldn't do much without hard evidence. She did say that they would contact the school for more information.

Yuki left and began wondering if he made the right choice. Even if they couldn't do anything now, it would still be shown that he didn't just lay down and take it. 

He walked home slowly while thinking of the ordeal. The front door opened as he ascended the stairs to his house. His step mother glared at him and grabbed him by the arm.

"What the hell do you think your doing? Leaving school suddenly and not telling anyone. Where were you?"

He hung his head and looked at the ground. She drug him inside the house and slammed the door.

"Your father is going to freak when he hears about this. I almost called the cops on you too."

Yuki laughed and looked her in the eye.

"That's where I was mother."

He spat the word out, and didn't care that she would hit him. She snarled and pushed him into the wall. Her hands grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to her face.

"Don't ever call me that that again."

Yuki lost his smirk but didn't break eye contact.

She released him and flipped her hair behind her shoulder; more calmer now.

"Why were you with the cops? What did you do this time?"

Yuki swallowed and clenched his fists.

"I was raped."

He waited for her reaction silently.  Her eyes went wide for a moment before she smirked.


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