Chapter 15

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I'm sorry if things are unclear, I tried to make it easy to understand.

Yuki stepped out of the shower and dressed himself slowly. The medicine had acted quickly, but his body still buzzed.

The medicine was only supposed to suppress the pheromones so that others were not affected by the heat. It was more expensive than the pills, and Yuki never used it before.

Luka had left as soon as Yuki closed the door and he heard him yelling at someone out in the hall. He couldn't help but blush when he thought about what almost happened.

Yuki touched his lips and whined quietly. He almost kissed Luka, something he wanted to do for years. He almost had it, but fate was cruel.

Yuki opened the door and looked around. It had been a few hours after his heat tried to take over, and he didn't know what time it was.

He searched for his phone and found it in the table next to the bed.

2:30 p.m.

He rubbed at his eyes and set the phone back down. His father nor stepmother had called him so Yuki figured that they didn't hear about his episode in the office yet.

Which was weird, but oh well.

Yuki left the room and walked about fifteen steps before he heard someone running. He turned and saw Sarah running up to him. She stopped and tried to catch her breath.

"I'm so glad that you're alright now Yuki."

She pulled him in to a hug and he slowly returned it. He looked at her and then turned away.

"What were you running for?"

Sarah walked alongside him and then sighed.

"Well you see, all four of the masters kids left about twenty minutes ago, and now no one can find them."

Yuki nodded and wondered where they could have gone. He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Sarah moved it and looked away.

"Sorry Yuki. You looked really deep in thought. Its not good to do that for too long."

She smiled and they walked into the kitchen. Yuki frowned and sighed. He was thinking of what everyone was saying behind his back.

Anna was probably going to ask him if he was okay, and he really didn't want to deal with that right now.

Sarah placed a plate in front of him and a water next to it.

"So, Yuki, I have a question."

Sarah was leaning on the counter and waited for Yuki to finish chewing his food.

"What is it?"

Hopefully not anything about school, he thought.

"What's your pack like?"

Yuki chocked on the food and Sarah quickly patted his back. After he caught his breath, Yuki sighed.

"Well it nothing special. The pack is just people around town. It's not really like a close-knit family. Dad mostly hangs out with his friends at work, and his wife just talks with everyone."

Sarah watched him pick at his food slowly.

"I notice that you don't really talk about your mom."

Yuki stopped and looked Sarah in the eye. She saw the glint of anger and noticed his scent turned sour.

"My mother died when I was young. That woman my father married is just a nuisance."

Sarah gaped at the venom in his voice. Yuki stilled and stood up suddenly.

"I'm sorry Sarah, I didn't mean to say that."

She shook her head and grabbed his hands. Yuki looked down at her and nodded when she smiled.

"Don't apologize to me. I know that you have a hard life. Being the omega in a pack is hard. Even for me it gets tough."

Yuki nodded again and pulled away.

"Especially with all these hot guys running around."

Yuki struggled to hold his laugh in and stared at Sarah. She giggled and began cleaning the kitchen up. Yuki watched her for a moment before leaving. He walked around the house for a while before he realized that he was pacing.

Luka had left with his siblings, and Yuki felt lonely now too. They had managed to strengthen their bond earlier, but Yuki's wolf pushed for more.

Yuki sighed and grabbed at his hair. He couldn't stay here forever. His father would get the call and Marie would have him kicked out. She would grin down at him while Yuki sat there and did nothing to defend himself.

But what could he do? Would Reid let him stay here any longer? Luka could have been lying to him earlier, and it was just a matter if time until he kicked Yuki to the curb.

And why did Yuki care about what Luka did anyway?


Yuki looked up at the voice and saw Anna standing there. He didn't even realize that he had sunk down onto the floor.

She was looking at him with concern, and he looked around. There wasn't anyone in the halls, and Anna's room wasn't anywhere close.

"Why are you here?"

His voice came out softly and she smiled down at him. She held out her hand and Yuki grabbed it. Once he was standing, Anna smoothed out her clothes.

"What's the matter Yuki? Am I not allowed to go for a walk around the house?"

Yuki shook his head and mumbled out an apology. Anna held out her hand again, and he grabbed it. They walked in silence holding hands for a while.

"What's on your mind?"

Yuki stopped and squeezed her hand tightly.

"I'm scared Anna. I don't know how my dads going to react when he finds out what happened. I wreaked the principals office at school and got suspended for two weeks. And I think that Luka is just telling me lies when he says that I'm important to him."

He stopped and looked at her. Anna saw tears in his eyes and gently brushed them away. 

"I know everything seems like it closing in on you Yuki. You have to trust and believe that everything will work out. Don't worry about your father because I'm sure he will understand. Your stepmother can take a hike too for all I care."

She paused and tucked a stray hair behind Yuki's ear. He leaned into her touch briefly before pulling away. Anna let him go and sighed deeply as he walked a few steps ahead.

"And the thing with Luka is that he is going to love you no matter what honey. Your his mate and nothing is every going to change that."

Yuki spun around quickly and looked at her. Anna tried to touch him, but Yuki moved away.

"What the hell do you mean that he is my mate?"

Anna stuttered and looked at the wall. Yuki stalked up to her and growled. She quickly looked at him and moaned.

"I'm sorry Yuki. I thought he told you when you went into heat."

Yuki shook his head and backed away slowly. Being mates changed everything for him. How did they know that Yuki was his mate? Didn't you only find them when you turned eighteen?

Yuki could faintly hear Anna calling his name, but his mind was working to fast now. His breath was coming in short gasps and his body felt heavy.

Anna grabbed his shoulders, but Yuki shoved her away. She stumbled and grabbed the wall.  He looked at her and then bolted down the hall. Anna yelled for him to wait, but Yuki didn't hear her. He ran and ran until he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

When Yuki looked up he was in the backyard. He looked at the flowers and suddenly collapsed on the spot. The wind was soft and he felt his body slowly calming down.

Yuki felt his phone buzz, but he didn't look at it.

His wolf whined and soon, Yuki felt the tears running down his face.
Because now, Yuki had a real shot at having a happy life.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now