Chapter 36

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Yuki groaned as he made his way to the kitchen. Luka went ahead of him to talk with his father and Hana offered to walk with him.

"Sorry I just left you yesterday Hana."

Hana smiled and told him it was alright.

"I know you had to talk with Luka. I spent time with Maya and Amy. She is pregnant just like you."

Yuki laughed and said he knew that. Hana pouted and Yuki picked her up. She giggled as he carried her to the kitchen. She said that she wanted to eat pancakes, and Yuki nodded. His stomach growled, and Hana giggled again.

They arrived at the kitchen and Yuki walked in with Hana still in his arms. He stopped when he saw everyone in there, and asked what was going on.

Anna smiled and stood up from her seat slowly. Yuki put Hana down and walked over to her. She hugged him tightly and told him how worried she was.

"We were all worried actually. Mark wouldn't sit still for more then a minute at a time."

She stopped talking and covered her mouth as she laughed. Mark grumbled from his seat and said he wouldn't apologize for being worried. Yuki went over to him and hugged him.

"Thanks for worrying about me dad. I'm fine now that I'm back home."

Mark smiled and told him to sit down. Yuki did and looked around for Luka. He didn't see him, and felt panic prick at the back of his neck.

Hana sat beside him and looked up at him. She seemed to notice his fear, and grabbed his hand. He took a shaky breath and squeezed back.

He looked up to see Maya, Kono, and Anna were staring at him. Yuki tilted his head at them, but they didn't say anything. He was going to ask what was wrong, but someone walked in.

He moved to look behind him and saw Micheal and Reid. Micheal paused and stared at Yuki before walking up to him.

"You and Luka finally did it huh. I cant believe he got you pregnant already."

Yuki blushed and looked away. Micheal smirked and ruffled Yuki's hair before sitting in a chair. Reid kissed his wife before looking around the room.

"Where the hell is Luka? I have a whole hour of yelling planned for him."

Maya shrugged her shoulders and looked at Kono. He did the same and crossed his arms. Amy began to speak, but Kono shushed her and whispered something to her. Her eyes went wide and she looked at Yuki.

Kono nodded when she laughed, and Yuki knew they were up to something.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Mark sighed and grabbed a fork.

"I don't know. Eat before the food gets cold. And wipe off Hana's mouth."

Yuki glanced to her and saw food all over her face. He wiped it off and she whined at him. They all ate breakfast and went their separate ways after. Yuki took Hana to the garden in the back of the house, and showed her all the flowers.

She ran around for a few hours and eventually got tired. He took her back in the house and washed the mud off of her. Yuki put her in his bed, and laid down next to her.

They fell asleep together, and Yuki woke up first.

Luka was standing over him with a smile. Yuki untangled himself from Hana and stood up. He stumbled a bit, and Luka grabbed him by the waist.

"Are you falling for me again Yuki?"

He smirked down at the smaller male in his arms. Yuki frowned and rubbed at his stomach.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now