Chapter 22

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Luka caught his mother as she stumbled. He sat her in Maya's chair carefully before glaring at his brother.

"What the hell are you doing? Trying to give her a heart attack?"

Luka seethed with rage at him, and Micheal stepped forward to stop him.

"Calm down Luka. Maya and I have been yelling at him for the past hour and a half. Dad is coming to talk with us after his meeting."

Anna looked at Kono with sad eyes.

"Now we have two things to worry about."

Kono looked down at the floor depressed.

"I know Mama, I'm sorry. She went into heat suddenly, and I-."

Anna sighed and beckoned him forward. He dropped to his knees and hugged her tightly. She kissed his head while the others watched.

Reid walked in at that moment and eyed them all curiously.

"What are you idiots doing?"

Maya looked offended at the title, while Micheal scoffed.

"We aren't all idiots here. Just currently one of us."

Kono whimpered as Reid stood behind him. He looked up at his father with scared eyes. Reid smiled down at him before yanking him up by his collar.

"And what did my idiot son do now?"

He listened to Maya and Micheal's explanation of the problem. After they were done, Reid released Kono's shirt and let him fall to the floor.

"And you only found out a few hours ago?"

Kono nodded from the floor.

"Yeah. She called right after we got done talking with Mark. I know I messed up, but you can't be too mad at me."

Reid yelled how could he not, and Kono flinched away.

"She's my mate dad! I had to help her when she went into heat."

Everyone stilled and looked at Reid. He sighed and began groaning while rubbing his eyes.

"I didn't want to say anything yet, because she's a cops daughter. Miles knows her so I thought it would be alright."

Reid scoffed at him before crouching down to him. He grabbed his hair and ripped his head back with great force. Kono grit his teeth when some hair was ripped out.

"You thought it would be alright? Do you get to choose who knows what in this house?"

Reid asked him quietly. Anna shifted in her seat slightly. Alpha pheromones filled the room at an alarming speed. Anna and Maya both swallowed loudly, clearly becoming unsettled.

Luka and Micheal stepped back from their father as he continued to yell at Kono. They didn't dare try to stop him while he was like this, not unless they wanted to get their throats ripped out.

"You bring that girl here and we will talk. I don't care who knows about her, because I didn't. And as Alpha, I make all the rules."

Kono nodded and Reid stood. He reined in his pheromones and looked at everyone in the room.

"Does anyone else have something to say before I walk out."

He turned to Luka and informed him about knowing Yuki accepted him. Luka nodded and kept his eyes on the ground. He didn't want to upset his father any more than he already was.

Reid hated cops with a passion. They were constantly trying to have him arrested and charged with all these crimes. He enjoyed toying with them and their minds, slowly watching them lose their sanity as cases went on. Miles was the only exception, but Reid still made it clear he hated the profession.

"Go get her Kono. I'll be in my office."

They all scattered from the room quickly. Micheal helped Anna up from her seat and started walking with her to her room. Her face was still pale, and Luka wondered if she was going to be alright.

Luka hurried to his room and opened the door quickly. Yuki was standing next to the bed and yelled when Luka barged in suddenly. He huffed when Luka apologized to him.

"Why are you in such a rush Luka?"

He stood there as Luka went through an explanation. Yuki looked scared at the end of his talking, so Luka pulled him into a hug.

"I hope your dad doesn't hurt her or something."

Luka hummed and squinted his eyes.

"I don't think he would hurt her. He most likely would just tell Kono to leave and take her somewhere."

Yuki wiggled away from Luka and stared at his shirt.

"I hope he doesn't do that either. It's not his fault Kono got carried away with his mate."

Luka paused at the sad note in his voice. Yuki pushed the button on Luka's shirt slowly.

"I'm sure it will turn out fine."

Yuki nodded and pulled Luka down to him. He pressed a kiss onto his cheek before pulling back. Luka watched his face turn red and laughed. Yuki looked at him shocked, and Luka covered his mouth with his hand.

"I'm sorry for laughing Yuki. I'm going to take a shower quick, do you want to join me?"

Yuki gaped at him and slowly shook his head. Luka smiled and leaned down to kiss him. Yuki watched him go into the bathroom before turning to a dresser.

He pulled out clothes for Luka after checking his face in the mirror. His heart was racing, and his body ached.

Calm down Yuki, he thought. This isn't the time to be getting all horny now.

He slapped his cheeks and set the clothes down on the toilet. Luka poked his head out and thanked him while smiling. Yuki froze and then ran out the door.

He didn't even think before going in there to give Luka his clothes. And he was sure that Luka could smell his excited scent.

Yuki sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. He listened to the water running, and couldn't help but smile.

I really love this guy, he thought happily. Even if he is an idiot sometimes.

He laughed to himself while the shower shut off. Yuki paused and listened to Luka move around the bathroom. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Luka. His hair was still dripping with water as he stepped out.

Yuki got up and grabbed the towel that was around his neck. Luka smiled and bent down so he could dry his hair off better. After he was done, Luka grabbed Yuki by the waist and planted a kiss on his lips.

Yuki blushed and touched his lips gently while Luka watched.

"Why are you so adorable Yuki?"

He shrugged his shoulders and went back on the bed. Luka sat down and shook out his hair before leaning back. His head hit Yuki's legs and he sighed.

"I'm really glad that you accepted me as your mate Yuki. I mean it."

Yuki ran his fingers through Luka's hair and smiled down at him.

"I know that. And I'm happy you still want me after Brent-."

His words got cut off as he was thrown backwards. Luka glared down at him with his body pressed close to Yuki's. His arms boxed Yuki in, and his knee went in between Yuki's legs.

"Don't say that assholes name. Forget about him and focus on me. I want you just as bad as I did when we first met Yuki. Don't ever forget that, and don't ever thank me for loving you. My job as an Alpha is to protect you, and give you so much pleasure that you might even end up forgetting your name."

Yuki looked up at him from under his lashes and blushed.

"That much huh?"

Luka pulled back and smirked at him.

"That much."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now