Chapter 30

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Blood and violence warning!

Luka ran out of the room to see what was happening outside. He turned the corner and was faced with rouges. Three males stood there with their gazes locked on him. Luka growled and grabbed the gun from his waistband.

The rogues lunged at him in a fury. Three shots rang out, and they all dropped. Luka watched Miles sigh and check his clip. Luka watched the rouges blood flow around his shoes. Miles nodded to him after putting the clip back in.

"You should go get Yuki and stay with him. We got most of them already."

Luka nodded and ran back to the room. He stilled by the door when he felt a chill run through him. The door slammed into the wall as Luka burst in. He saw the smashed window, and yelled for Yuki.

There was an overbearing Alpha presence, but nobody there.

Luka went to the window and searched for Yuki's scent. When he didn't find it, he turned back to the hallway.

Miles was still standing there, and he asked Luka what was wrong.

"They took Yuki. I don't know who it was, but they smell familiar."

Miles told him to keep up before running down the halls. They found Reid and told him what happened. He nodded and wiped blood off of his hands.

"They are here on Rein's orders. Nobody else has been reported missing so far, but they wouldn't just randomly take him. Rein must have told them to get him."

Luka yelled that he might have taken Yuki himself. Reid ordered him to calm down, but Luka didn't hear him.

Luka went to shift, but stopped as his father neared him. He released his pheromones while telling Luka to stand down.

"I know this is bad, but we will get him. You need to think calmly before you get yourself killed."

Miles informed them that he was going to see how the others were holding up. Reid gave him a small nod and Miles was gone. Luka stared at the floor as the pheromones held him in place.

Even with Luka also being a Alpha, Reid was superior. He was far stronger then Luka was, and he knew this.

Reid sighed when Luka finally calmed down. He grabbed his shoulder and forced Luka to look at him.

"Yuki is strong Luka. He can take care of himself for now. Lets get everyone together before we decide anything."

Luka followed his fathers steps until he suddenly stopped. He looked around him to see what was wrong and growled.

Micheal was laying with a large gash in his neck. Miles was kneeling next to him while calling for an ambulance. Reid asked him what happened, and stepped towards them.

"I came to make sure Anna was safe and I found this. She said she came out because she heard Micheal yelling, but it was too late. I heard her screaming and started running. The rouge was already gone, and I couldn't smell anything."

Reid swallowed before telling Miles to move. He picked Micheal up and told Luka to stay with his mother.

At that moment, Anna opened the door to the room. She saw everyone there, and gasped when her gaze landed on her son. Reid told her that an ambulance was coming, and that he was going to be okay. She slowly nodded and turned to Luka.

"Where is Yuki?"

Luka told her that he was taken, and she turned pale. He reassured her that they were going for him after everything calmed down, and that he would be fine. Anna told him to stop taking and grabbed his arm.

"You have to find him immediately Luka. He cannot have any stress right now. This is the time where he would be most likely to miscarriage."

Reid stopped walking and turned back to them. Anna looked between them all before realizing.

"He didn't tell you yet?"

Luka shook his head and felt something in his throat. He tried to swallow, but found he couldn't.

Anna let his arm go and told her husband to get Micheal help. He nodded and started walking again. Miles asked her what she meant and she frowned.

"Yuki is pregnant. He was supposed to tell you Luka, but I guess he was still scared."

Luka was staring at her in disbelief. Anna noticed and grabbed his hands.

"Remember when your wolf took over when you got jealous from Miles talking to Yuki? You and Yuki mated, but for some reason you didn't mark him."

Luka shook his head and clenched his fists.

"He wouldn't tell me what happened. I tried to get him to tell me, but he just-."

Luka trailed off while thinking of that day. There were so many indicators of him being pregnant, so how didn't he see it? The weird food and throwing up should have told him what was happening at least.

Anna brought him back by grabbing his face.

"Yuki was afraid of telling you because you were so scared of hurting him. If he told you and you felt that it was your fault or something, then your bond would shatter. He told me not to say anything until he was sure you would be able to handle it."

Luka felt fear start to take over his boy. He was supposed to take care of his mate, but how could he do that when he didn't even know he was pregnant.

Yuki should have told me sooner, he thought.

Luka looked at Miles as he remembered something.

"He tried telling me before I left him in the room. I just told him to wait and that I would be back. Why didn't I just let him talk?"

Anna shook her head and told him that he couldn't do anything to change the past now.

"Focus on finding him for now. Then focus on taking care of him and your baby. I know you and Kono are going to be great parents, so stop thinking about what you should have done, and just do it now."

Reid came back with bloody clothes and sighed.

"They just took him now. I got reports that all the rouges are either gone or killed. Someone did see Rein here, but no Yuki."

Luka took a deep breath and started to say something. He was stopped by a familiar voice yelling out for Reid. They all watched Kono turn the corner and see them. Mark was right behind them, and they both stopped in front of the four.

Reid asked what they were doing here and Mark stepped forward.

"I got a call from Marie about two hours ago saying how I was going to regret sending her away. She said that Yuki wasn't going to be a problem anymore because she found someone to take care of him. After she hung up, I started driving here and saw Kono walking on the street."

Kono looked at Reid's clothes with a frown.

"He told me what happened and I had Amy stay at a friends house. We came here and saw all the fighting. Mark here wanted to try and go through to find Yuki, but told him to wait."

Luka sighed and told them what happened. Mark glared at him before pushing him into the wall.

"You just left him there? What the hell were you thinking just leaving your mate alone with rouges everywhere?"

Luka pushed him off and said he didn't think anything would happen. Mark pointed at him before growling.

"Your too naïve yet kid. If something happens to Yuki or that kid, so help me god I will-."

Kono stopped him by yelling out suddenly. Mark huffed and turned to him angrily.

"What the hell do you mean kid?"

Reid shook his head and said for everyone to follow him. They all ended up in Reid's office where he had everyone sit. Kono was still waiting for an answer, and he told them all that. He looked to Reid, and then Anna.

Anna nodded and looked to her husband quietly. Kono watched them and pointed to himself. Mark huffed and rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"Luka got Yuki pregnant, and right now he's in danger."

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