Chapter 37

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Yuki spent the next month rearranging the contents of their new house to his liking. Luka had surprised him with the sudden wedding, and then with the house.

It was only a few minutes away from the main house, and so they could just walk the few minutes there. They would have to watch as Yuki got further along with the pregnancy though.

Yuki stood up straight and huffed out loudly. He rubbed his lower back and groaned as he felt a knot. Luka, who was standing in the doorway watching him, moved behind him and started kneading his shoulders. Yuki let out a low moan and moved his head to the side. Luka chuckled and wrapped his arms around his waist after he finished.

He inhaled deeply and watched Yuki turn around slowly.. He was rubbing his bump and pouted at Luka. He quickly figured out that when he got like this, it meant he had a craving.

"What do you want?"

He waited as Yuki sniffled and looked around the room.

"I want ice cream."

Yuki smiled brightly when Luka nodded and said to follow him. He followed Luka into the kitchen and frowned as he saw the items there. He informed Luka that he didn't like any of those flavors, and Luka said he would run to the store.

Hana yelled from somewhere in the house that she was hungry, and Yuki laughed at the taller male.

Yuki shouted back that they were going to the store, and Hana came bounding into the kitchen shorty after.

"Can I ride in the cart Momma?"

Yuki hesitated for a second, but was convinced she could as Luka begged with her. He shook his head at the two and walked to the front door.

"Don't keep us waiting Luka."

He stood with his hands on his hips by the door. Luka told Hana to get her shoes on and she ran to the door.

Yuki helped her with the laces as Luka grabbed his phone. They were out the door in five minutes since first deciding to go. Hana pointed to a car parked out front, and Yuki squinted at it.

"Who did you call Luka?"

Luka acted innocent and opened the door for Yuki. He thanked him in return and buckled Hana in. She swung her legs and asked where they were going.

"Your siblings are making me crave ice cream, and we don't have anything good at the house."

Hana nodded and then giggled as Luka slid in next to her. He told the driver their destination then buckled in.

Yuki stayed silent for the ride. He occasionally nodded as Hana told him about a story she made up. Luka glanced at him but said nothing. He could tell something was up with him, but wanted to wait until he said anything.

They arrived at the store and went inside. Hana climbed into the cart and Luka began pushing her around. She stopped him multiple times in order for him to grab her snacks. He had to tell her no after the fourth tine, and she sat down and pouted.

Yuki patted her head gently and told her she didn't need everything that looked good. Hana remained quiet and didn't ask for anything else. Luka steered the cart into the frozen section and watched Yuki's eyes light up.

Hana picked out a flavor and held it as they checked out. Yuki bought two different kinds because he couldn't choose what one to get.

They got home and Yuki immediately opened the ice cream. Him and Hana sat at the table and ate. Luka passed in joining them and instead called his father.

"What did you do?"

Lula sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And what makes you think I did something wrong?"

Reid laughed for a brief moment while Luka stood in silence. He waited until his father told him to go ahead.

"I just wanted to call, that's all."

Reid was silent this time. He didn't know what Luka really called for, and wouldn't unless Luka told him.

"Well thanks for calling. Bye."

Luka flinched at the click, signaling his father hung up. He sighed and stared at the phone in his hand. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard someone behind him.

Arms wrapped around his waist and he smiled. Yuki hummed against his back before stepping in front of him.

Luka grabbed his chin and gently pushed him against the counter. Yuki surrendered almost instantly as Luka's tongue invaded his mouth. They had to cut it short as they noticed they weren't alone anymore.

Hana stood watching them for a few more moments before telling them she was still hungry. Yuki cleared his throat before going to her.

"What do you want to eat?"

She thought for a moment and finally decided on pasta. Yuki nodded and asked if she wanted to help make it. She nodded quickly and went to the kitchen. Luka followed them and watched as they cooked. He didn't help them, and instead let them bond further.

After they ate and Hana went to bed, Luka finally asked what was on his mind.

"Why are you being so distant today?"

Yuki was huddled under a blanket watching the movie he picked out. He sighed and paused the movie before speaking.

"I was just wondering if everything was going to work out. I know I shouldn't be negative, but we never talked about if something went wrong. If something happens to me or the-."

Luka silenced him with a kiss. They broke apart and Luka cupped his face gently.

"Nothing is going to happen. If you think it will, then we can talk about it. I don't want you thinking something is going to happen and focus on only that."

Yuki nodded and snuggled into Luka's embrace. He resumed the movie and told Luka they could wait until after. Luka kissed his forehead and sighed deeply. He knew something could go wrong, but didn't want to think about it. Yuki was strong and healthy, so nothing should happen.

The movie ended and they talked for a while. They decided to go to bed for the night and to finish the conversation in the morning.

Yuki asked Hana if she wanted to go see Amy and Maya the next morning at breakfast. She said yes, and Luka called for someone to come pick her up. After she left, they continued from where they left off last night.

"I don't think your going to fall into a coma Yuki."

Luka shook his head in wonder. Yuki groaned and threw his arms in the air.

"But what it Luka? What if it happens and you aren't prepared?"

Luka stayed silent so Yuki thought he was thinking about it. He knew that it was just the hormones talking and getting him all worked up. He just needed to find a way to help him relax.

And he had just the plan.

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