Chapter 11

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Yuki woke up to a bright light in his eyes. He groaned and moved his arm in front of them. Whe he moved it away, he saw that the light was coming through the curtains.

He sat up quickly and looked around the room. He didn't realize where he was for a minute, but relaxed when he did remember. His content crashed as he remembered the rest of yesterday.

He wasn't sure what he was going to say to them. Yuki wasn't mad at Luka or anything, it was just his hormones acting up.

He couldn't tell if Luka realized that he was secreting his pheromones everywhere. Since Yuki was coming into his heat, his body tensed up and his mind scattered. He was confused at his behavior.

When he goes into heat and a Alpha comes near him, his body instantly goes submissive. Last night Yuki actually hit Luka.

It was the complete opposite of what he would normally do, and he was scared.

Yuki got out the bed and winced as his feet hit the floor. His entire body felt stiff, and his brain seemed fogged over still.

I should ask Sarah for some more medicine, he thought.

Yuki made his way through the halls slowly. He wasn't really sure were he was headed, but he needed to leave. His motivation faltered when he heard loud voices. He could easily pick out Kono and Maya yelling, but didn't recognize the other.

He turned to leave, but the door slammed open. Yuki turned back and looked startled.

Maya looked at him and then softly sighed.

"Get in here."

Yuki curtly nodded and shuffled in. Kono had his arms crossed, but unfolded them as Yuki entered.

Yuki looked and saw the voice belonged to a young guy. He was dressed casually,  but Yuki knew better. He was somehow involved in the mafia too.

The man looked over Yuki once and then smiled. Yuki's wolf perked up at the interest the man showed. 

Save that for later, Yuki scolded.

With his heat near, any attention made his wolf happy.

Yuki looked at the man who stood there and knew something was off. He was standing with his weight on one side, and his hand was near his hip.

That's what people do when they have a gun, he thought.

Maya and Kono had told him about how people looked when carrying. They told him all these things that he never thought he would need to know. He was glad that he listened to them now.

Yuki shifted under their gaze and refused to look up at them. He was replaying the events of yesterday over again. His face grew hotter with every second he stood there.

The man finally spoke up and Yuki jumped from the silence being broken.

"Well this is a tense atmosphere if I ever felt one. Hello Yuki, my name is Miles, nice to meet you."

He held out his hand, but Yuki didn't take it. He instead stared at it until the other dropped it to his side.

"Ok then. Well, Maya, Kono, that's all I have. I'll be leaving now."

Yuki flinched as he walked past him and out the door. Maya sighed again and Kono moved towards the window.

"Did you sleep well Yuki?"

Her voice was soft and Yuki felt his body relax. No matter what happened, Yuki could trust them. He didn't want to tell them because of Luka.

If Luka found out that he was used then he wouldn't want him. He wouldn't want to be around him. And when Yuki thought of that his eyes began to water.

Kono moved towards him with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong Yuki? Does anything hurt?"

Yuki shook his head and looked at the ground.

"I'm fine."

His voice came out weak and he cringed at himself. He yelped as he was suddenly pushed backwards.

Maya was hugging him tightly, and Kono joined shorty after.

"I'm sorry Yuki. I know you probably want some space right now, but you just look so sad."

Yuki felt her tears drip into the shirt he was wearing. Kono let go and smiled at him when the made eye contact.

"Its going to be okay Yuki, we are going to take care of it."

He nodded confidently and placed his hands on his hips.

Yuki wondered what he meant, but was too focused on Maya. Her body heat was making his own rise. He felt sweat begin to drip down his face. She let go and he almost crumbled to the floor.

They both caught him and sat him in a chair. Yuki began panting as his body heat continued to rise.

"Your in heat!"

Maya and Kono both backed away and ran for the door. Yuki didn't want to be alone right now, so he tried to yell for them to come back.

His words were turned into a whine, and Yuki felt helpless.

He slumped down in the chair and grabbed at his shirt. It clung to him and he wanted to rip it away. A wave of heat went through him and he collapsed to the floor. His pheromones were filling the room, and Yuki couldn't stop the pain ripping through him.

He was about to try and stand when the door was flung open. Yuki gasped as Alpha pheromones surrounded him.

Luka stood there panting for a moment before closing the distance between them.

Yuki whined and moved away, but Luka just picked him up. He let out of strangled cry at the sudden contact, and instantly bared his neck. 

Luka growled and practically ran out of the room. Yuki whined again and this time Luka spoke.

"Don't worry Yuki, I got you."

Yuki barely heard him from over the fog in his brain. Luka opened the door to Yuki's room and set him down on the bed.

Yuki protested at the loss about of contact, but gasped when Luka grabbed him again.

"I'm not leaving you here alone."

His body stilled as he tried to process the words. He wiggled away from Luka and sat there panting.

Luka looked at him and tried moving closer. Yuki groaned and then cried out again as heat ran through him.

His body was tense and he could feel the hardness between his legs.

All his body wanted was for Luka to touch him. For him to rip of his clothes and mark him. Luka was watching him closely now and Yuki faded in and out of consciousness.

"Let me help you Yuki."

His eyes snapped open and he looked at Luka. His body wanted to wrap itself around him, but he shook his head.

Yuki tried to speak, but all that came out was whines. The pain was becoming unbearable for him.

Luka climbed onto the bed and wrapped Yuki in a blanket. His gaze pinned him in place, and his pheromones turned soft. Yuki flinched as Luka touched his cheek.

His body arched as Luka moved closer. Yuki knew his face was red, but he didn't care. With the blanket restricting his movements, Luka held Yuki and put his nose to his neck. Yuki whined softly and tilted his head more.

All he wanted right now was for Luka to claim and mark him.

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