Chapter 21

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Yuki fell asleep in Luka's arms while they cuddled. Luka smiled softly at how cute he looked. His wolf still wasn't talking, and Luka noticed things that weren't the same.

Yuki smelled sweeter to him for one thing, and Luka's body wasn't aching from holding his wolf back. It could be that his wolf took over, and now his body isn't going against itself. But Yuki smelling differently to him? He always smelled the same even when growing up together.

Whatever happened between them had changed it then, he thought.

Yuki snuggled closer to him with a sigh. Luka looked around the room and didn't notice anything out of place. Nothing there gave him a hint to what happened.

And Yuki was refusing to tell him what happened too.

His chest felt heavy while he thought of the other secrets Yuki could be hiding. Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, and that's why he isn't saying anything?

Or it really hurt him and he isn't saying so, he thought to himself sadly.

Luka decided that they sat on the floor long enough. He weaved his arms under Yuki's limbs and lifted him. Yuki whined from the sudden movement. Luka smiled down at him and laid him down on the bed.

A knock on the door interrupted him, and he growled towards the door.

He set Yuki's head on the pillow gently, then stalked over towards the door. Luka already knew who was standing there, and his breath hitched when he opened the door.

"What the hell do you want?"

Lula glared at him while gripping the door. His nails grew and scratched lines into the wood.

"Are you angry at me?"

Luka growled again and took a step towards him.

"Why shouldn't I be? You and Yuki looked pretty close earlier. And you had a stupid grin on your face when talking too."

Miles sighed and took his hands out of his pockets. He adjusted the black glasses on his face slowly, waiting for Luka to continue.

"You should have just walked by Yuki instead of stopping and talking with him. He isn't your mate to worry about."

Miles dropped his shoulders and looked at him from over his glasses.

"I wasn't going for him, Luka. I wouldn't do that to you. You know this."

Luka huffed at him and released the door. He walked out of the room and shut it behind him.

"Stay the hell away from my mate."

Miles nodded and walked away. Luka glared at his back and waited until he couldn't see him anymore. Miles turned the corner and Luka sighed.

He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath.

Luka looked at the door again before turning away. He needed a minute to himself, to settle things with his wolf.

Come on out you stupid bastard. I want to know what the hell you did to Yuki, he growled out.

His wolf remained silent still, and Luka wanted to punch a hole in the wall. If he didn't get the answer, then he wouldn't be able to fix what he did.

Not what I did, he thought bitterly.

Luka clenched his fist tightly and leaned his forehead against the wall. His body jerked suddenly, noticing the person walking toward him. Anna smiled at him when Luka looked up at her.

"I heard you got upset at Miles Luka, what happened?"

Luka sighed and looked behind him. The door to his room was still closed, and Yuki was still asleep.

"I think I messed up Mom. I don't remember what I did to Yuki after seeing him with Miles."

Anna nodded at patted his head gently. She heard him sigh before continuing.

"He won't tell me what happened either. He was crying when I came out of it, and my wolf has gone silent."

Luka grabbed his hair and began pulling on it. Anna calmed him down with soft words, her Omega instinct kicking in.

"I'm sure he's going to be just fine cub. If it was bad then you wouldn't have done it in the first place. Your wolf probably needs rest from coming out for so long. Your  jealousy has gone up now that Yuki has accepted you."

Luka glanced up at her and she smiled.

"Maya told us that she found you two together. And after what you did with Brent, I didn't expect you to wait any longer either."

Luka groaned and leaned against the wall. 

"I don't want to push Yuki too far. He said he felt safe around me, but I still don't trust myself. If I was to end up going too far with him I-."

Anna hugged him tightly before he could finish his sentence. Luka grabbed onto her tightly while sticking his nose into her neck. She released her pheromones and immediately felt Luka relax. He sighed into her neck and she laughed.

"That tickles Luka. Come on, why don't we get something for you to eat."

Luka lifted his head to try and argue, but his stomach growled almost instantly. He looked away bashfully and Anna giggled at him.

"Yuki will be fine in your room. You can't protect him if you aren't in your best health."

Luka glanced back at the door before nodding. Anna took his hand and led him to the kitchen while humming. Luka smiled at his energetic mother and began thinking of how lucky he was to have her.

Sarah made him a plate of food quickly before talking with Anna. Luka listened to them chat about Yuki. He felt oddly calm with them discussing his mate right in front of him.

Maybe its because they're Omegas too, he thought while munching on celery.

Sarah caught his eye and looked down quickly. Luka assured her it was fine and even joined in on the talk.

Luka smiled as they finished the talk, and stood up to leave. Sarah said her goodbyes and told Luka to tell Yuki she said hi.

"I'll send him down when he wakes up okay?"

He laughed when she nodded her head vigorously. Anna linked her arm with his and they walked back to her room in comfortable silence.

Luka paused when he heard yelling, and Anna sighed deeply.

"Your siblings are always so rowdy. I don't know how Yuki puts up with them."

Luka agreed and began thinking about his mate. Anna knocked on the door that the noise was coming from, and someone threw open the door.

Kono stood there and looked shocked to see them standing there.

"Oh hi, mom! What are you doing here?"

Anna sighed and allowed Luka to walk her in. Maya was sitting in a chair looking angry, and Micheal stood with his arms crossed.

He unfolded them when Anna and Luka walked in and then sighed. Anna asked what was wrong, and paled when Kono spoke up behind them.

"I got a girl pregnant."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now