Chapter 35

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Slight sexual warning!

Yuki stared out the window the entire ride to the hospital. Luka had his arms wrapped around his body protectively. He didn't say anything to Yuki because he knew he wasn't ready just yet.

Hana was asleep in between them with her hands holding both of theirs. Luka couldn't help but smile down at her warmly. He was surprised to say the least when Yuki told him that he adopted her. They were both barely adults, yet they had three kids already.

Luka looked at Yuki and smiled widely. He told Luka that he thought he was carrying twins, and Luka was thrilled. He was scared for a second that he would be raising three kids, but knew he would have help if they needed it.

Yuki noticed him staring and turned to look at him. He had a cut under his eye, and a busted lip. Luka knew that there was more then he could see, but didn't ask. He was going to let the hospital do their job.

And his job was to find Rein and kill him. His father was still searching for his brother and promised he wouldn't stop until he was killed.

Hana moved and curled into Yuki. Luka didn't miss the wince Yuki let out.

They arrived at the hospital, and Yuki was changed and looked at immediately. Mark showed up after everyone went home. It was just Luka, Mark, Maya, and Kono waiting for Yuki. Yuki asked Luka to take Hana to the house while he was being treated.

She didn't have any injuries, so he agreed. Yuki was done in twenty minutes, and Luka was allowed into his room. He looked exhausted under the bright lights.

"Hana went with them?"

Luka nodded to his mate and sat down next to him. He opened his mouth, but couldn't form any words. Yuki seemed to understand his thoughts because he rubbed his stomach gently.

"They say that there isn't anything wrong with the twins. They did confirm that I am pregnant with two of them though. We are definitely going to have our hands full."

Luka pulled Yuki into a hug as he started crying. They stayed that way for a while until Yuki stopped crying. Luka released Yuki and looked at his face.

He brushed away the tears on his cheeks and kissed him gently. Yuki pushed against his lips with more force, and Luka had to break away first.

'Your still recovering. We have to wait until you can at least feel your wolf again."

Yuki pouted and crossed his arms. Luka laughed at his childish attitude and leaned back in the chair.

A few hours after being admitted to the hospital, the drug Rein used wore off and Yuki could feel his wolf again. The doctors told him to take it easy for now and sent him home. Luka and Yuki cuddled in the car the entire ride home. Mark and the others went home ahead of them. Yuki was scared that Luka was secretly mad, but Luka assured him that he was more than happy.

"My wolf and I are more than proud that you are carrying our pups."

Yuki blushed lightly at the statement and buried his face in Lukas chest. Luka smirked down at him and sighed in content.

They got to the house and Yuki was bombarded with questions. He had a hard time keeping up with them all, and Luka pulled him into their room. Yuki thanked him and sat on the bed. Luka watched him for a moment before joining him on the bed.

Yuki leaned his head on Luka's shoulder and let out a long sigh. He closed his eyes and put his hand on his stomach. Luka noticed and moved of the bed quickly. Yuki whined at the loss of contact, but stopped as Luka kneeled in front of him. His eyes went wide as Luka looked up at him from the floor.

"Can I?"

Yuki knew what he wanted to do, and so he nodded shyly. He didn't mind Luka doing it, but was still embarrassed as Luka lifted his shirt.

Luka placed his ear to Yuki's stomach and listened intently. Yuki drug his fingers through Luka's hair softly as he waited. After a minute or so, Luka pulled back with a grin on his face. Yuki couldn't help but smile as well as Luka stood back up.

He stood in front of Yuki as if waiting for something. Yuki cocked his head to the side and asked what was wrong.

"I'm sorry, for everything Yuki. I didn't realize how much I was hurting you all this time. All I ever wanted to do was protect you, but you just keep getting in the middle of everything."

His voice tapered off as he began to pace the room. Yuki wondered if he should stop him, but decided to stay quiet instead. Luka stopped and looked at the floor depressed. Yuki felt his pheromones turn sad and stood up. His Omega instincts kicked in and he huffed.

He walked to Luka and pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay Luka. We are young and are bound to make some mistakes. We have to do this together though in order to get through it."

Luka grabbed Yuki's chin and pulled him into a kiss. Yuki stepped back slowly and felt butterflies in his stomach when Luka followed.

They ended up on the bed with Yuki pinned underneath Luka. Luka pulled away after undoing Yuki's pants and searched Yuki's face. Yuki whined at him to continue, but Luka waited. Yuki huffed and told him he was alright, and that he wanted this.

Luka smiled down at Yuki as a sudden thought entered his head. He bent down and licked at Yuki's neck slowly. Yuki whined and moved his head to the side.

Luka laughed against his neck and trailed kisses down his body. By the time he reached his main goal, Yuki was a mess. His eyes were glassy with lust, and Luka felt his sweet pheromones in the air. His Alpha instincts started to take over, and Luka growled lowly.

Yuki moaned in response and blinked up at Luka.

"Why did you stop Luka?"

Luka swallowed nervously and touched Yuki's neck. Yuki shivered and pressed into his hand.

"Let me mark you."

Yuki gazed up at his mate and smiled. He nodded and bared his neck.

All his fear and worries went out the window as Luka's teeth pierced his neck. He cried out in pleasure before sinking his own teeth into Luka's neck. They both let go of each other and Yuki collapsed against the pillows.

Luka's eyes stared right into Yuki's as he linked their fingers together. He spent the rest of the night bringing Yuki over the edge many times. By the time they were done, Yuki's body bared the many marks of their love making. Yuki wasn't complaining one bit, and touched them with happiness.

Luka wrapped his arms around Yuki and nuzzled his mark. Yuki shivered and smiled before letting his eyes shut. He sighed and slipped into a dream, feeling safe.

Luka feel asleep after Yuki did, and woke up before him. Someone was shaking him, and he turned to look behind him.

Yuki groaned and rubbed at his eyes.

"What is it?"

Luka chuckled as Hana's eyes found his. She smiled and allowed Luka to pick her up. He set her down in between him and Yuki. Yuki mumbled something and snuggled Hana under his chin. She giggled and tried to pull away.

"Get up Momma. Wanna eat breakfast now."

Yuki opened his eyes and blinked at her. She sat up and smooshed his face with her hands.

"Alright you. I'm up."

He sat up and yawned, wincing at the dull ache in his hips. Luka smirked and told Hana they would be right there. She left and Luka leaned down to his mate.

"Good morning Yuki."

Yuki smiled and kissed Luka slowly.

"Good morning Luka."

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