Chapter 23

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Yuki cried out as Luka tickled his sides without mercy. He felt the tears drip down his face, but Luka kept on. He tried speaking to the man on top of him, but it was no use.

Luka was hell bent on making Yuki pee himself. His eyes locked on Yuki's as he started his last round of torture. His hands stilled on Yuki's side momentarily while Yuki caught his breath. He dug his fingers into the younger males sides and watched him squirm.

He thought that he could be that cute when they were talking about something serious? Luka was going to make sure Yuki learned his lesson.

Yuki grabbed at Luka's hands, and then collapsed on the bed when Luka finally removed them. His breath was coming out in pants, and the Alpha looked pleased with his actions. Yuki grunted as he flipped over to avoid Luka's gaze. He felt proud of himself until he felt something on his butt.

"That's my butt!"

Luka squeezed it again before falling on top of his mate. Yuki sighed at the weight, letting his eyes close.

"Don't fall asleep on me yet. We need to talk."

Yuki hummed and turned on his side. Luka wrapped his arms around his waist and stuck his nose into Yuki's neck.

They stayed like that for a while before Yuki moved away from him. He looked back at Luka and frowned.

"What did we have to talk about?"

Luka sighed and sat up. He rubbed at his face in annoyance. 

"We have to keep living our lives as normal Yuki. You have to stay here when we go to school and such. If we don't, then people will notice it and start to question."

Yuki nodded and rubbed his arms in a soothing manner. Luka lifted his chin and kissed him gently.

"Don't worry Yuki. Everything will work out okay. I'll make sure of it."

Yuki nodded at him again while chuckling.

"When do you go back?"

Luka hummed and tucked Yuki's head under his chin.

"We are going back tomorrow. Dad is going to talk with Miles and see what he could do at the station. All you have to do is wait for us to come back from school."

Yuki sighed and pulled away from him while looking away.

"I don't want to be trapped here forever Luka. I should go and tell them that-."

Luka shook his head while sighing.

"Just let us take care of it Yuki. If we need you to do something then we will tell you."

Weeks went by and a lot of things changed. The police came by to talk with Mark a few more times, saying how they couldn't find anything at the scene. Mark told them that Yuki had run away in fear that someone would come after him next.

Miles told Reid that they still wanted to talk with Yuki, but didn't think of him as a suspect. Maya, Kono, Micheal, and Luka went to school as usual, noting how little people talked about the incident. It soon came out that Brent had hurt others, and the football team was put under scrutiny. The principal tried to smooth things over, but people wanted answers.

The girls Brent had been with stepped forward and told their stories of him. The police arrested the others that were involved with Yuki's case, and they were kicked from school. Rumors soon spread about how Brent got what he deserved.

After the four weeks went by, Reid and Miles felt that by that time, Yuki could go and talk with the police. He went and told them what happened again, and said he didn't know anything about Brent's death. They tried pressing him for more information, but had to stop when Yuki began crying. He told them about how scared he was just thinking of Brent.
Yuki cried for hours even after coming back from the station.

Luka went to Yuki's house and got him clothes while Yuki was at the station. Mark tried to talk with him, but Luka ignored him. Something about how Mark should have been there from the start. Mark claimed he would be there now, and Luka just scoffed.

After he left Yuki's house, he went back home to wait for Yuki. Yuki ran straight for him and hugged him. Luka told him how good he did, and how proud he was.

After hours of sitting together while Yuki cried, Luka wasn't surprised when Yuki ran to the bathroom. He held his hair back as Yuki threw up everything in his stomach. It wasn't a lot because Yuki was too nervous to eat that morning, and he didn't eat anything from the station that they offered him.

"It's okay Yuki. You'll be okay."

Luka spoke softly into his ear while Yuki trembled. He wiped his mouth and went to stand. Luka helped him up and sat him on the toilet.

"You should eat something babe. I can hear your stomach from here."

Yuki nodded and took a few deep breaths. Luka waited for him to catch his breath before having him stand again.
They slowly walked together into the kitchen and were surprised to see everyone gathered there.

Maya and Micheal were sitting next to Anna, while Kono and a girl sat in front of Reid. They all watched Luka set Yuki down before he turned to them.

"Where's Sarah at?"

Reid had his arms crossed and his eyes were closed. He sighed before opening his eyes and pointing to the girl. Luka tilted his head in confusion and stared at her.

"We are in the middle of talking, so I sent her away for now. If you need something, then do it quietly."

Yuki glanced at her and wondered who she was.

Her brown eyes were looking down and she played with a few strands of her hair. Yuki looked at her and noticed her hand touching her stomach. He gaped and stood up suddenly.

"Your Kono's mate, aren't you?"

Luka watched Yuki's eyes light up as he spoke to her. She seemed to open up to him, so he let them go. While they spoke, Luka grabbed some food and mixed it together for Yuki.

Yuki stopped talking and looked at the plate in front of him. He grimaced at it before looking up at Luka.

"I don't want this Luka."

The girl glanced at Kono when Luka sighed. Kono smiled to her and grabbed her hand.

"Luka, Yuki, this is Amy, my mate."

He spoke quickly trying to shake away some of the tension. Anna smiled to Luka, but he just focused on Yuki.

Yuki grinned at her again and tried speaking, but Luka stepped in between them.

"You have to eat if you want to talk. You haven't eaten anything today."

Yuki whined but complied. Amy laughed quietly at them before leaning back on Kono.

"Aren't they adorable?"

Kono smiled at her gently.

"Yeah, but I don't think you should be calling an Alpha adorable."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now