Chapter 20

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Trauma warning!

Reid glared down at his son in silence while Luka casually looked around the room, waiting for someone to comment.

"And what did he say?"

Mark asked quickly to avoid the growing tension.

"He was shocked at first but doesn't care. His main concern was that I did it properly, which I did."

Mark nodded and crossed the room. Reid raised an eyebrow at him when he made eye contact.

"Well, I came here to figure out what happened with Yuki. Now that I know, I can go home. He should stay here like you said until things clear up. I still hate your guts, but understand my son has some status here, or you wouldn't be going so far for him."

He excused himself and walked out. Reid ordered someone to walk him out the gate before turning back to his children.

"You better hope that this ends well."

He stood and looked out his large office window. The four stood as well, knowing that the conversation was over for now. They left and walked quietly down the hall. 

Luka paused and looked up from the ground he was staring at. Yuki was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, talking with Miles. When they sensed them coming, they both turned away from each other.

Luka narrowed his eyes at Yuki and watched Miles turn the corner.

"What were you two talking about?"

Yuki scratched his cheek and didn't answer. Luka leaned closer to his face and put his arms on the wall behind him.

"Do not make me ask again Yuki."

Yuki stilled and looked at him. Luka's eyes were locked on his, and Yuki could feel his face flush.

"I just wanted to know what everyone else did. He said that Reid didn't permit him to say anything, and felt bad. He said that I should just lay low and wait for it to blow over."

Luka grabbed his waist and brought him closer. He brushed his mouth against his ear before whispering harshly into his ear.

The three watched Luka pull away from Yuki slowly. He had a frown on his face, and his pheromones went sour.

Yuki walked behind Luka with his head hung. Luka didn't look back at them, but they could already guess what face he was making.

It took a few hours for Luka to calm down from his jealous rage. Yuki was forced to be in the room the whole time he was simmering in his anger. When Luka finally went back to normal, he turned to Yuki and sighed. What he didn't expect, was the tears rolling down his face.

Yuki was sitting on the floor next to the bed sniffing quietly. Luka immediately stood from his seat and moved next to him. Yuki flinched away from the sudden touch to his face, causing Luka's wolf to whine.

"Why are you crying?"

Yuki refused to make eye contact with him, so he grabbed his chin and tilted his head back. Yuki whimpered and started to cry again. Luka watched him in confusion before realizing what he was doing. He moved away from his mate and stood by the door. Yuki jerked his head up and stopped crying.

"I'm sorry Luka. I won't cry anymore, so please don't hit me."

Luka continued to stare at the male in front of him. His wolf began growling, ordering Luka to soothe his hurt mate. Luka swallowed and sat on the floor in front of him. Yuki wiped away the remaining tears in his eyes while Luka watched in fear.

"I wasn't going to hit you Yuki. I would never hurt you, you know that."

Yuki's eyes widened before tears started to fall again.

"I'm sorry Luka. I thought you were going to punish me like Marie and my dad did. Seeing him earlier probably wasn't the best thing for me right now."

Luka nodded quickly and moved closer. Yuki watched him from under his lashes.

"Why were you crying in the first place though? I didn't hurt you right?"

Luka's mind began racing, trying to remember what happened. He saw Miles and Yuki together then began feeling light-headed. Then what happened?

Luka sighed as he realized what most likely occurred.

"I saw you two together, and my wolf took over. I guess you could say I'm a little possessive. I don't remember anything after that because it wasn't me."

Yuki stared at him with glossy eyes, not answering his indirect question. Luka tried to talk with his wolf but got silence.

Well, that's not good, he thought.

Luka tried asking Yuki again, but the latter shook his head. It was then that Luka noticed Yuki had changed his clothes. He gazed at Yuki while still trying to remember.

"Do you hate me?"

Luka's head snapped up as he looked at Yuki. His voice was shaking slightly, and Luka could see how close he was to crying. He shook his head slowly, making sure to keep eye contact with him.

Yuki whimpered and Luka had enough. He pulled Yuki to his chest and wrapped his arms around him protectively. Yuki grabbed onto his shirt and started talking into it. Luka couldn't understand a word he was saying, so he tilted Yuki's head back gently.

"Listen closely Yuki. No matter what I did while my wolf was out, I still love you. I want you next to me for the rest of our lives okay?"

Yuki nodded and smiled up at him. Luka wasn't sure if he understood, but pushed the thoughts away.

Yuki pressed himself closer to Luka's body, wanting them to be as close as possible. Luka may not know what he did, but Yuki did. He wasn't going to say anything until he was sure that Luka wouldn't get mad at himself.

Luka sighed into Yuki's hair lovingly, basking in his scent.

Yuki's pheromones had gone calm, and his body relaxed in Luka's arms. Even if his mind was racing still, his body knew that the best place for him to be at was in his mate's embrace.

Yuki didn't know what to expect earlier when Luka went to touch him. He flinched away without even thinking. He knew Luka would never hurt him, but suddenly everything bad that happened came running back to his mind. Luka's anger had his body on edge the whole time, and even Yuki wasn't sure how he would act.

Just because you are mates doesn't mean that they will love you unconditionally. Some people aren't right in the head, and end up hurting their mates by accident. Yuki didn't want to upset Luka while he was mad, and so he just tried to keep calm.

What happened wasn't bad, just unexpected. Now that Yuki knew it wasn't Luka who did it, it made him understand how much pressure he was putting on him. Not wanting to do anything with him because of Brent was affecting them both in the worst way.

Luka had lost control and Yuki was forced to understand the harsh truth behind it.

That it was his fault.

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