Chapter 4

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Abuse Warning!

Yuki woke up groggily. He wouldn't of minded waking up so early if it wasn't for the chores he had to do. He knew he shouldn't have skipped them, but yesterday was a bad day. Not only did he get bullied in school like always, but he came home to his step mother pissed. She used him to relieve her stress and Yuki ran as soon as he could.

She had a bad habit of taking her anger out on him. His father never did the things she did to him.

She would beat him with her fists until he was on the floor bleeding. She liked to wear rings, and they cut into his skin and face when she punched him.

His father never found out because his injuries healed quickly and Marie always made sure to air out the house.

Yuki got out of bed and dressed quietly. He put on his clothes slowly as to not mess with the unseen wounds he still had. His stomach growled loudly and Yuki glared at it. He would have to grab food from somewhere and make sure it wasnt from home.

He made sure that his room was clean before going out into the hall. He checked to make sure his fathers door was still closed and walked down the stairs. His mind was still in sleep mode, and it took a minute for it to clear up.

Yuki made it too the bottom before he stopped and realized something. He didn't close his window last night. He didn't notice it was shut and locked until now, and he knew for sure he passed out once he laid down.

He looked back to the top of the stairs and frowned.

Yuki began thinking it was his parents, but knew they would have woken him up. His father might have let him go but Marie would rip his head off. She would complain about something like bugs or heat.

And then they would be fighting all night because of him.


He dismissed the thoughts from his brain and began working. He cleaned all the rooms downstairs and made sure to go over it twice. The only room he couldnt clean was his fathers. He would have to get to it when they woke up and gave him orders.

Looking at the clock on the wall, Yuki sighed as he realized it was six thirty.

I have been cleaning for almost an hour, he thought.

He woke up at five thirty just to make sure he had enough time to get everything done. Yuki put away the cleaning supplies and went back upstairs. He heard movement in the room next to him, and wondered which one woke up.

Yuki looked at his clothes and shook his head at the wet marks from the cleaning applies he used. That was why he used old clothes to clean and not his school clothes.

It would be faster for him to just put the school clothes on after waking up, but he would never hear the end of it if they got dirty.

He got dressed for school and grabbed his phone. It was an older version, but Yuki didn't care. He never let anyone know he had it at school so they wouldn't tease him for that too.

He finished with his clothes and went back downstairs. He was greeted by his father, who wasn't dressed for work.

"Do you not have work today?"

Mark looked at him and frowned. Yuki regretted even opening his mouth before his father even answered him.

"Do you see me in my work clothes? You should be able to tell that and not ask me such stupid questions. I have to go to the doctors today and get your medicine."

His eyes darkened for a second and he told Yuki to eat breakfast.

Yuki nodded and grabbed an apple off the table. He bit into it, trying to avoid his fathers eye.

Mark watched him with tired eyes. He was still tired due to Marie keeping him up last night. She had insisted that Yuki needed to be sent away for a while because of his actions again.

To teach him some manners, or something she said.

Mark didn't agree with her, and they began fighting over it. He agreed with her, but only temporarily. He had no plans on sending his kid away from him. It was the only thing that remined him of his wife.

After he married Marie, things started to go downhill. He only married her because she was pregnant, but three months after they were married, she lost the baby. Their relationship had become tense, but they worked it out. Mark knew that she was hostile towards Yuki because of it, but he wanted her to overcome the loss in her own way.

She had begun to spend all his money and claimed that it helped. She didn't work, and refused to do the housework. They had a conversation on it, but it ended with her yelling and crying. Mark didn't know how to fix things, and instead let it go. He felt bad that Yuki wasn't getting attention from her, but he hoped it would change soon.

Yuki yelled that he was leaving, and Mark heard the door slam shut. He was proud of Yuki, even if he didn't say so. He got all high grades, and never missed a day since middle school. Marie claimed it was because of her nagging, and he wondered if she was right.

Yuki left the house and walked down the stairs. He turned left and continued walking. He finished his apple before he left, but was still hungry.

After a few minutes of walking, Yuki heard voices behind him. He turned around to see a group of males that went to his school. He sped up once they spotted him, and even began running away. It didn't help, and he got grabbed.

Someone landed a punch into his stomach, and Yuki felt bile rise in his throat. He swallowed it down and looked up and glared. The guy who punched him laughed at Yuki's attempt to look strong. The others laughed to and began beating him.

They got tired after a while and let him go. Yuki slumped down onto the ground and spit out the blood in his mouth. He watched the group go and stood up, brushing his clothes off as he walked.

He checked his clothes to make sure they weren't dirty or ruined.

It would have been worse if Yuki wasn't used to it. He got beat up almost everyday since middle school. It wasn't as bad as home, but it still hurt. Yuki wondered how his father didn't notice any of it.

Too busy at work and with Marie, he hissed to himself.

His wolf perked up at his anger, and bared it's fangs. Yuki took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He continued walking and avoided eye contact with everyone.

Finally, he got to school and sat down. He glanced to the back of the classroom and saw Maya talking with Kono. He had classes with those two in three different periods. He and Luka shared two classes, and Micheal was in one. They should be seniors, but they were held back.

Maya looked up at Yuki and smiled. He faked a smile back and turned back to his things. The teacher walked in and class began. Having math in the beginning of the day was hard. He knew Maya and Kono weren't paying attention, and was tempted to yell at them. Sure enough, Yuki looked back and saw them both sleeping. He sighed and focused on the class himself.

After about thirty minutes of class, Yuki felt his eyes wonder out the window. He had a seat next to the window, so he could see the kids in gym class playing outside. He saw a soccer ball go by and kids running after it. Yuki's heart jumped when he saw Luka. He had a bad habit of watching Luka where ever he went. His black hair was stuck to his face from the sweat. Yuki grinned as he thought of how serious he was playing.

Yuki had a crush on Luka ever since they were kids. He never told him this though. Yuki didn't think he could handle the rejection. He was absolutely sure Luka would turn him away after he learned that even his own parents hated him.

He continued watching for a few more minutes before the bell rang. The whole class started talking loudly all at once and stood. He groaned and grabbed his things, taking one more look outside. Luka was gone, and Yuki felt the twinge of pain in his heart. He swallowed quickly and tried to shake out the feeling that started to build in his chest. His wolf whined loudly and Yuki sighed before standing up as well and moved on to his next class.

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