Chapter 19

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Gay warning!

Yuki whined as Luka swiped his bottom lip with his tongue. He opened his mouth and moaned when Luka's tongue entered his mouth. They battled for dominance until Yuki gave up. He allowed Luka to ravage his mouth without mercy.

Luka pushed Yuki back until he was laying on his back. They stopped kissing and each tried to catch their breath. Luka looked down at Yuki and smirked.

His eyes were wide and his lips were wet. His wolf growled as it tried to take over. He closed his eyes and laid next to Yuki. No matter how bad Luka wanted to touch Yuki and give him pleasure, he knew it was too soon. Yuki had told him in the garden that he felt safe with Luka, but Luka retorted with how he was scared of hurting Yuki.

I can wait a little longer, he thought. Besides, we don't want to hurt him.

He somehow managed to convince his wolf to back off, and sighed as Yuki snuggled closer to him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yuki whispered softly to Luka. His face was cooling down, and his body had stopped shaking from them kissing. Luka felt his eyes switch back to its original color.

"Just how adorable my little mate is."

Luka laughed and pressed a kiss into Yuki's hair. Yuki grunted and closed his eyes slowly. Luka heard his breath slow and sighed. He had to watch what he did with Yuki now that Yuki accepted him.

They could end up going too far if Luka wasn't careful. He knew his wolf had waited long enough for Luka to mark Yuki, but didn't want to chance it.

Someone knocked on his door and brought Yuki out of his sleep. Luka growled and yelled for them to leave.

The door opened and Maya stuck her head inside. Her eyes widened when she saw them together, and held back a squeal.

"Oh my god Luka! Why didn't you tell us?"

Luka sat up when Yuki pulled away from him. He glared at Maya and asked what she wanted.

"Dad said to come to his office now. Yuki's dad is there too, but Yuki has to stay out he said."

Luka cursed at looked at Yuki. He was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and sleepily nodded at him.

"Go Luka. I'll just be here waiting for you to get back."

Luka kissed him softly and ignored the noise at the door. He got out of the bed and shoved Maya away from the door. They walked to the room in quiet steps. Maya glanced at Luka a few times, but Luka was looking straight ahead.

"Think I already know what we're here for."

Maya nodded and knocked on the door. Reid answered for then to enter. Mark turned when they both stepped in. Michael and Kono were sitting in chairs, and Anna was standing next to the desk.

Mark watched the two find a chair to sit in and sighed. He was almost certain that Yuki would try and come with them, and was glad that he wasn't.

Reid cleared his throat and looked at his four children. They all looked up at him when he stood up in silence.

"Does anybody know why I called for this meeting?"

Nobody answered and Reid sighed again.

"Well a certain someone has been killed, and Yuki is being blamed for it."

He sat on the edge of his desk and stared at them all. They still didn't say anything and Mark shifted his weight.

Anna took her husbands seat and huffed.

"I know you pups had something to do with it. Just please tell me that you didn't leave anything behind?"

Michael looked at Mark, and Reid nodded.

"He's good. We just had a talk and he knows that Yuki is in trouble here. He isn't going to say anything that will get his son convicted."

Luka sighed and crossed his arms. Reid smiled at how childish the act was and did the same.

"We got out clean. I wasn't going to take any chances with Yuki involved."

Reid laughed and nodded.

"Yes I could tell. Setting the house on fire definitely did wonders for you four."

Anna hit Reid's arm and scoffed.

"Don't laugh at them. They did what they thought was right. It may have been a little excessive, but its better to be safe then sorry."

Mark rubbed his forehead and sighed deeply. Luka looked at him and frowned.

"What the hell is up with you? You got a problem or something?"

Mark stopped moving and looked at Luka. He narrowed his eyes at him and then growled.

"I'm not happy that you got my son being treated like a criminal right now. You may be used to it, but Yuki isn't."

Luka leap from the chair and snarled at him. Mark stepped back and growled in response. Reid tried to calm them down, but the tension grew.

"And what do you know about how Yuki's been treated? Have you ever once asked Yuki if he was okay? That wife of yours was doing a bang up job at being a mom too. She beat the living crap out of your kid when you were gone, and you did nothing to stop it."

Luka backed away from him when his mother stood up. He turned back to his chair and sat down. Mark watched him and then looked out the window.

"I didn't know she was doing it. All Yuki had to do was say something too. He never once said anything though, so its not entirely my fault."

Luka rubbed at his temples in annoyance. He had a headache now, and he knew that Mark wasn't lying. Yuki could have said something, but never did. Luka didn't know why that was, and he didn't feel like asking him.

Reid tapped his fingers on the desk to get everyone's attention.

"Alright you brats. The problem now is that we have to smooth this over somehow without the police or Yuki finding out. He may not act too kindly to us killing people in his name. What happened was shitty, but you shouldn't have gone and acted without someone there. For now we will just keep Yuki here where we can protect him."

Luka sat up and interlaced his fingers. Maya caught the gesture and looked him in the eye.

"What's wrong Luka? Got something more to say?"

Luka nodded and looked at them all.

"Yuki already knows I killed him."

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