Chapter 24

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Reid talked with Amy for a while more before he made a decision. This wasn't the first time they met Amy. She came over a few times while they were getting everything settled with Yuki. They didn't tell her what was going on, and she didn't ask.

She was polite to everyone, and understood how they worked and lived. It wasn't hard to see her fear when she found out they worked in the Mafia.

Kono had thought his father would reject her immediately, but he sat with her and went over everything. Reid was still mad that Kono didn't tell them about her, but eventually understood why he wanted to keep her a secret.

"Our business is quite dangerous as you could assume. Your life and that child's life could come in contact with danger many times. Are you sure you want to stay with my son, even when you know all of these things?"

Amy sat there for a moment before answering the question.

"I understand the possibility of becoming harmed, but I trust in Kono to protect us."

She grabbed Kono's hand and smiled at him. His eyes widened for a second before he smiled back. Reid sighed deeply and looked to his wife.

She had tears in her eyes that threatened to fall down her cheeks. He wiped them away with a finger and smiled when she laughed.

"Well then I think that's it. Start moving your stuff in to Kono's room and get settled. We are currently dealing with more matters, but I'm sure you'll find yourself welcomed rather easily."

Amy nodded and Kono helped her stand. She rolled her eyes at him before she laughed at him. Yuki watched them while picking at his food. Luka made him eat almost everything before he was satisfied.
He watched Yuki like a hawk untill he did so too.

Yuki groaned and put his head on the table.

Anna looked at him worried.

"Are you alright honey?"

Yuki shook his head and sat up with a huff.

"I have a headache and my stomach hurts. My throat burns and I just want to sleep."

He climbed onto Luka's lap and hugged him. Luka patted his head before frowning.

"You cried for hours, didn't eat anything, and hardly slept last night. Your nerves are shot, and you threw up. Once you lay down and relax, then you should start to feel better."

Yuki grumbled and allowed Luka to shift their position. He picked Yuki up, causing him to yell.

He ignored Yuki and walked out of the kitchen.

Everyone stared at the two walk out. Maya faked cried into her elbow and Micheal jabbed her in the side. They began to argue, and Kono led Amy out of the kitchen.

Reid barked orders out for them to stop. They paused and looked at each other.

"Sorry dad. Its just that Micheal is so upset about not finding his mate yet, and I was just trying to help him."

Micheal and Reid both looked at her with a unpleased look, and she turned to her mother. Anna scolded them and got up to go back to her room. 

Micheal sighed and looked at his father.

"I think Kono will do a good job of being a dad. Hopefully now he gets rid of that stupid playboy attitude."

Reid nodded and they walked out together.

"I'm surprised he found her this soon. Actually, I'm more surprised that she wanted him even after he has been with so many girls."

Micheal informed him that Kono never slept with them, and just dated them until he got bored.

Reid sighed and said he had paperwork to do. Micheal nodded and left his father to do his own things. He walked around and found Sarah sitting in the garden.

"We are done in the kitchen now. You can go and do whatever you do."

She laughed at him before walking in the house. He followed her with his eyes before looking up. The clouds were nowhere to be seen, and the sun was shining in his face. He smiled to himself before turning and walking away.

Luka opened the door to his room and sat Yuki down on the bed. Yuki yawned into his hand, and watched Luka shut the door.

"Hurry up Luka, I want to cuddle."

Luka laughed and watched Yuki pull back the blanket. He wiggled under it and poked his head out at Luka. Luka smiled at him and went under as well.

They snuggled together and Yuki sighed contently. Luka listened to his breath slow down and knew he fell asleep.

"How can you fall asleep so quickly?"

He spoke to the sleeping form beside him softly. Luka closed his eyes and decided to sleep as well.

Something shifted and Luka cracked his eyes open. He felt around for Yuki, and sat up when he didn't feel him there. His heart rate increased until he found Yuki's scent. He followed it into the bathroom and sighed.

Yuki was hunched over the toilet again, gripping the sides until his knuckles were white. Luka sat down and rubbed his back until he calmed down.

Yuki heaved a few more times before sitting back against Luka.

"I think I'm sick Luka."

Luka didn't voice his response, and instead hugged him from behind.

Yuki moved his head so Luka could reach his neck, and sighed when he felt Luka's nose touch his skin.

His body felt weird, and Yuki wasn't sure from what. Werewolves rarely ever got sick, and that was because of their wolf.

Their wolves healed wounds faster then the body can on its own. If something happens to ones wolf, then their body slowly begins to feel the effects.

Yuki grabbed Lukas hand and brought it up to his face. Luka felt his forehead and shook his head.

"You don't have a fever. Your body must be still stressed. Let's go lay back down."

Yuki allowed Luka to pick him up with out any remarks. Luka placed him back down on the bed before wrapping him up in the blanket.

Yuki curled up next to Luka and let out a shaky sigh. Luka ran his fingers through Yuki's hair gently. 

Yuki fell back asleep almost instantly. Luka stayed awake to make sure he was there if Yuki needed him.

He wasn't sure what was going on with Yuki, but he hoped that it wasn't here to stay.

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