Chapter 3

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Abuse Warning!

Yuki stepped out of the car and sighed. He turned to the house and slowly made his way to the front door. The family butler closed the car door behind him and made his way to the drivers side. Yuki watched the car pull away, and then opened the door. It was quiet in the house, and Yuki could hear someone in the kitchen. He exhaled and walked in. His father was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and Yuki saw her doing the dishes.

Didn't know she knew how to do that. Yuki thought to himself.

"I'm home."

Yuki flinched as his father threw down the paper and stood. He glared at Yuki for a few seconds and then sat back down. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long, frustrated sigh.

"Marie tells me that you skipped your chores today. Is that true?"

Yuki swallowed and stepped back.

"I'm sorry. I went to go study and lost track of time."

His father didn't look convinced. Yuki knew how bad it could get with his father when she was the one to start trouble.

"All I do is ask you to help your mother every once in a while. You need to be more responsible Yuki. Your graduating next year and turning eighteen this year. How are you going to help your mate if you can't even do these simple things?"

Yuki wanted to scream that nobody would want him remember? He remembered his father saying that to him earlier this year.

And that woman is not my mother. She only acts like it when your around. Any even then it's mediocre.

"Your father asked you a question Yuki."

Marie had stopped her work and was glaring at him. Yuki knew she would fake a smile if his father was to turn and look at her. He didn't, and kept watching Yuki.

Yuki held back a growl, but couldn't hold his voice back this time and hissed out the words.

"Nobody asked you."

Yuki saw something from the corner of his eye and felt it a second later. His father smacked him across the face and sent him sprawling onto the floor. He tasted blood and gritted his teeth to stop himself from whining. He looked up to see both of the adults glaring at him. The way he was positioned made Yuki feel weak. He tried to get up, but his father kicked him down.

He put pressure on Yuki to make sure he didn't try and get up again. The heel of his shoe dug into his skin, making him hiss.

"You don't get up unless I say so. Do you understand?"

Yuki nodded and dug his nails into his leg. Even if it was his father, trying to fight with an Alpha was bad news. His dad wouldn't hesitate to put him in his place in front of his wife.

That was how werewolves were. Sometimes Yuki forgot because he was half human, and his instincts weren't as pronounced.

Another reason nobody likes me.

"Now Mark dear, don't be so rough with him. He is just trying to run away from his duties. He probably feels like he shouldn't have to do them. I think he forgot his position in this house."

She grinned behind her hand and watched Yuki's expression. His father looked at her and then back to him. Yuki already knew who won this fight, and that his dad would take her side.

"I think your right. Yuki go to your room. You don't get to eat dinner tonight. You will also get up extra early and do your chores quietly. If you wake either of us up, so help me god."

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