Chapter 27

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They laid panting together after their intense session. Luka had jerked them both off before they made out again. Yuki became tired and asked him to stop.

Luka feared he would hurt Yuki, so he stopped with hesitation. Once they caught their breath, Luka stood and got something to clean them off with. He would have made Yuki take a bath, but he was already dozing off.

"You need to exercise more Yuki. Then you could go longer without getting so exhausted."

Yuki mumbled an apology, but Luka cut him off. He said that Yuki had nothing to apologize for, and that he wasn't trying to go too far anyway. Yuki shifted as Luka wiped him off and then laid still.

Luka sighed as he pulled the covers over Yuki's body. He quickly showered and put the clothes in his closet for Yuki to go through later.

One thing about Omegas is that they like their things a certain way. If he were to put Yuki's clothes away now, Yuki would just go and rearrange it later.

He had moved things around in Lukas room when he first came to stay, and Luka never put them back his way. Omegas only touch things that belong to them, or to people close to them.

Now that they were out as mates, Luka happily accepted everything Yuki did. If he went quiet all day and didn't want to be bothered, then he let him go. Maya and Kono tried getting him into movie marathons, but Yuki wasn't really interested. He just wanted to sleep and stay distanced from everyone.

Micheal was becoming busier with something that came up with their father, so he didn't really have time to notice it yet.

The four of them only really knew Yuki by what they had to go on from school and tutoring. Now that they knew all this stuff with Marie and Mark, they weren't really sure who Yuki was. His whole attitude towards them changed drastically.

Yuki still smiled and laughed with them, but he always seemed somewhere else now. Reid told them it was due to the trauma he received. Yuki would always be scared of being yelled at or hit. Brent made this worse for him and even added more to his worries.

Reid said that they needed to give him space to work things out in his own head. Anna informed them that they had talked, and that she knew some of the worries he had. Maya said she wanted to help, but Micheal agreed with Reid and said to just wait.

Kono still felt bad about them going after Brent, but Anna said that it would have been worse for Yuki if he was still alive.

Luka argued that Yuki would be fine, and that they all needed to stop being idiots. He was taking care of Yuki, and that was all they need to know.

A few days ago, Reid told them about what Miles informed him about. Maya immediately thought that they were here for something. He laughed and said he thought the same thing.

He told Luka to watch Yuki, and Kono to watch Amy. Luka asked if it was that serious, and Reid sighed.

He said he didn't know, but was going to find out. They all left him and Maya asked to see Yuki. Luka said he was asleep and she nodded. Luka left them and went to find his mate. He was laying on the bed still asleep. He decided not to say anything yet, hoping to keep him calm.

Mark came today and spoke to my dad about it too, Luka thought while watching Yuki sleep. If he was telling him, then this might be bigger then we think.

Mark decided to get Yuki out of the house while he was there to, and so they went to the store. Luka was against it, but he was in school. He didn't really want Yuki out when all those thing were happening, but maybe Mark could cheer him up a little.

And he did look happier when he came back, he thought to himself.

He was pulled from his thoughts as Yuki whimpered. He stood up and moved around to Yuki's side. Luka sat down next to him quietly, and began rubbing his back.

His father told him to never wake a person having a nightmare. It was better to sooth them back to sleep.

Yuki stopped trembling, and his pheromones went back to being calm. Luka sighed and wondered what he was dreaming about. He knew that Yuki was still upset, but he needed to keep him calm somehow.

The police were cutting off with the case soon, and then Yuki will have nothing to worry about. Everything would go back to normal, and we can live a happy life.

Luka sighed and brushed back Yuki's hair. Something caught his eye from the closet, and he went to look at it. It was a toy that Yuki had bought, and a piece of it was shining from the light. Luka picked it up and looked through what else was there.

He smiled at the cute shirts until he saw the size.

They were a size too big for him, and Luka wasn't anywhere close to the size either.

Why is he buying bigger clothes, he thought. Is he feeling insecure or something?

Luka compteplated to himself before putting everything back in the bag. He decided to let Yuki know that there wasn't anything different about him, and that his body was fine.

Maybe I haven't been giving him enough attention lately? Or is it something else, he wondered.

He glanced at Yuki and sighed. Luka sat at his desk and busied himself until Yuki woke up. When he did, he sat up and stared Luka down hatefully. When Luka asked what was wrong, Yuki growled at him before standing in front of him.

"You stole my damn food Luka. Give it back."

Luka had to hold back his laugh and calmed Yuki down. Once he was more awake, he blushed at him embarrassed.

"Don't worry Yuki. We can get you some food now if you want?"

Yuki nodded his head quickly and said he wanted pizza.

"Of course you do."

Luka chuckled at him and beckoned him closer. Yuki sat on his lap, and Luka kissed the top of his head.

"I love you Yuki."

Yuki stuck his nose in Luka's neck and inhaled his strawberry scent. It reminded Yuki of his mother, and he loved it.

"I love you more Luka."

Luka sighed and did the same as Yuki. A strong scent of flowers hit his nose, and he huggedd Yuki closer.

"I love you most."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now