Chapter 26

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Gay sexual act warning!

Yuki groaned as his stomach turned again.

He ran into the bathroom and threw up his breakfast. Luka was at school, and thankfully didn't have to see Yuki like this.

It had been almost a week after Kono blurted out the stupid comment, and Yuki was sure that Luka had forgotten it by now.

Too bad I don't get to forget about it, he thought sadly.

Yuki was talking with Anna and Amy everyday now, only finding comfort with them while everyone was gone. He felt bad that he was avoiding Micheal and Maya, but knew that they would just connect the dots.

And they have been blaming themselves for a while too, he thought.

He stood up and wiped off his face with a towel. He heard a knock on his door and walked over to it. He opened it slowly and felt a smile tug at his lips.

Mark was standing there in his work clothes and a smile on his face.

"Hey. Ready to go?"

Yuki nodded and dropped the towel on the nightstand. He and his father were going to the store to buy Yuki some things he needed. Anna had forced Yuki into telling Mark what they talked about, but Yuki didn't really care. He was just glad that he had his father back. Anna had told Mark that he no right to judge Yuki, and just needed to help him without complaints.

They had spoke after Yuki got done with the station, but only because Luka had forgotten something at his house. Mark had kneeled on the ground and begged Yuki to forgive him, and he couldn't say no. He wasn't as mad as he was before, and Mark was so happy that he even started crying.

"Are we going to get you clothes first, or do you want to get food?"

Yuki asked why they would get food, and Mark looked at him sadly.

"I heard you in the bathroom before I knocked on the door. I know a place that wont upset your stomach too much."

Yuki nodded, but choose the shopping first. Mark helped him pick out some things, and even got him to pick out some stuffed animals.

"Why the hell do I need to get these?"

Mark smiled down at him as they were walking back to the car.

"Well Anna told me that Omegas prefer cute things, and your stress levels have been off the charts recently. I figured you could get something cute and maybe feel more relaxed."

Yuki smiled at him before commenting on how well he was getting along with everyone.

"Well they are important to you so I can't just ignore them. They aren't the best people, but they are taking care of you. And not to mention that Luka is your mate."

Yuki watched him drive and asked if he could teach him. He laughed and said maybe one day. They went back to the house and Yuki ran to Luka. Luka smiled down at him lovingly and hugged him tightly.

"I hear you went shopping. Did you have fun?"

Yuki nodded his head eagerly and turned to Mark. He was holding the bags of clothes and things that they just bought. Mark opened the bag that held the stuffed animals in it, and smiled after Yuki picked one out.

"Look what we got! My dad helped me pick it out."

Luka nodded along as Yuki continued speaking. Yuki told him how they went and ate food after, and even went to the pet store. Luka looked at Mark and stared at him for a while. Yuki paused and looked between them.

"What's wrong?"

Luka shook his head and smiled.

"I'm just glad to see him acting like a real father towards you now."

Yuki looked down and clutched the stuffed toy closer. Mark stuck his hands in his pockets and sighed.

"I did say that I was going to be better."

Luka smirked and grabbed the bags from the floor. Yuki yelled when he looked inside, and Luka looked at him startled. Yuki grabbed the bags and ran away, and Luka looked to Mark. He just shrugged his shoulders while turning away.

"I have to go to the office now. They called me in for some work earlier, but I was out with Yuki."

He waved while walking out the door. Luka huffed to himself and followed after Yuki. He entered his room and saw Yuki laying on the bed. His face was shoved into the pillows, and Luka heard him snoring.

"Now I know my adorable little mate had a hard and long day, but I was hoping he could show me all the cute things he got."

Yuki stopped snoring and opened his eyes. He looked at Luka and squeezed them shut again. Luka laughed and sat next to him on the bed.

"Oh well, guess I will just have to look."

Yuki sat up and yawned dramatically.

"Oh hi Luka, what time is it?"

Luka laughed and held his arms out. Yuki moved under them and sat on Lukas lap. They locked eyes and Luka slowly connected their lips.

Yuki moaned softly as Lukas hand trailed up his back. His shirt lifted up and Yuki fought off the urge to laugh. The tickling sensation ended as Luka shifted them and pushed Yuki on his back.

Yuki felt his heart beat quicken as Luka paused and looked at him. His body trembled in anticipation. Yuki noticed his pheromones pick up, and tried to stop it. The action was useless because Luka wanted nothing more then to scent his work.

Luka smirked down at him and trailed kisses from his neck to his bellybutton.

Luka looked back up at Yuki and continued when Yuki nodded. He pulled the zipper on Yuki's jeans down and slid them down. He let them rest on Yuki's knees, and continued kissing his skin.

Luka had noticed Yuki's scent growing stronger in the last few weeks. He soon realized it was sweeter due to his deepening arousal. They hadn't been doing anything sexual, but that was because Yuki was still healing. Luka didn't want to push him too far, but there was only so much he could do to hold back.

And we have to mate at some point right, he thought while sucking a mark onto Yuki's thigh.

He heard Yuki whine and trailed his tongue up to his boxers. He pulled them down and growled at the sight.

Yuki jerked his hips up towards Luka, and hoped he would get the hint.

He had been getting more restless lately, and wasn't sure how to ask Luka for help. He was horny almost everyday, but Luka kept saying how it was too soon.

I don't need to be protected any longer, he thought. Especially not after what we already did.

His thoughts were cut off as Luka swallowed him in one motion. Yuki's back arched and came off the bed. Luka pushed him back down gently and quickened his pace.

He dug his thumbs into Yuki's hips gently, rubbing them in small circles. He knew Yuki would be sensitive, but this was too soon for him.

Yuki cried out as he came, whining at the loss of heat when Luka pulled away.

He blinked back his tears and heard Luka swallow. Luka grinned down at him and kissed him roughly. Yuki felt dizzy with the Alpha pheromones suddenly being present. His own mixed with Luka's softly as he came down from his high. His body was sated for now, but his wolf urged for Yuki to do more.

He pulled Luka closer and smashed their lips together again. Luka growled against his lips and grabbed Yukis again active length.

"Let's see how long you can last."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now