Chapter 8

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"The name is Luka. Where the hell is Yuki?"

She flinched as his pheromones filled the air. Mark moved in front of her and grabbed the door.

"You better calm down if you wanna keep talking."

Luka growled and his wolf howled. Two alphas baring their fangs at each other was not a good thing.

Luka was sure he would win, but he knew that this man was related to Yuki.


That was all Luka said before stepping back. Marie was shaking, and Mark put his arm around her.

"What do you want?"

Luka looked at him and sighed.

"Yuki lives here right? We want to talk to him."

Mark shook his head and moved inside.

"Yuki isn't feeling good, and is sleeping right now. You can come back later."

He closed the door and the four stood there silent.

Michael walked down the stairs followed by Kono.

"See, he was sick. Let him rest for a while Luka."

Luka growled again, but stopped as Maya touched his shoulder.

"Don't worry Luka. I'm sure he will be in school once he is feeling better."

She turned and followed the other two. Luka looked back at the door and then left as well. 

Once they got home from Yuki's house, the four sat in the living room. Reid and Anna both asked them questions, but nobody had answers.

Luka still felt like something was wrong, but couldn't figure it out. He settled for just asking him when he came back to school.

Whenever that was, he thought.

Yuki woke up to someone shaking him. He blinked rapidly before his eyes focused on his father.

Mark sat him up and kept his gaze on him. He looked worried, and Yuki didn't know why.

"What's wrong?"

Yuki's voice came out hoarse and his father just frowned. He looked down and saw he was trembling.

"You were having a nightmare. You started screaming, and I couldn't wake you up."

His father was staring holes into him now. Yuki refused to look up at him. He knew if he did, then he would be able to tell that something was definitely wrong.

Instead he cleared his throat and tried to play it off.

"Thanks dad, but I'm fine now."

His father nodded and offered to get him a glass of water.

Yuki shook his head and swallowed.

"I'm fine, dad, really. I'm just going to lay back down."

Mark looked at him and sighed. He didn't want to leave, but Yuki had already turned away.

He walked out and didn't look behind him. Marie was standing there with her arms crossed. She narrowed her eyes at him and huffed.

"You have to stop babying him Mark."

She turned and walked away from him. He just sighed and followed after her.

The next was even worse for Yuki. He was exhausted from not sleeping, and had a constant headache now. His journey to school was quiet, and Yuki didn't like it. The silence was making his mood worse, and his thoughts kept turning back to yesterday.

Yuki walked into class just as the bell rang. He took his seat and didn't note the stares from the back of the room. Maya wanted to ask him why he left, but the look on his face told her not to. She silently watched him go after class and didn't look for him at lunch. Kono tried to have a conversation with him, but stopped after noticing that Yuki wasn't really paying attention. He talked with Maya and agreed that he didn't look right.

They told Luka about his behavior, and warned him not to say anything. Luka just nodded, and the two couldn't tell if he would listen to their advice.

After lunch, Yuki walked into the class. Luka was already there and Yuki almost turned back. Thankfully, Luka was looking at a book and didn't pay him any attention,so he sat down.

Yuki almost jumped out of his skin when Luka spoke to him.

"Are you feeling better today Yuki?"

He didn't answer for a moment and swallowed hard.

"Yep, never better."

Yuki went back to the work they were doing and Luka nodded. He watched him from the corner of his eye and frowned. Yuki glanced his way, but Luka wasn't looking at him anymore.

The phone rang and the teacher answered it. Some of the students stopped and looked at her, waiting to see who it was for. After a few replies, the teacher hung up the phone and sighed.

"Yuki, you need to go see the principal. Take a pass and your books."

Luka watched him leave and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Why the hell did he want to talk with Yuki?

Yuki walked down the hall and tried to calm his breathing. He groaned as he arrived at the office faster then hoped.

He took a deep breath and knocked twice; a gruff voice told him to come in. Yuki opened the door and stilled.

The principal was sitting at the desk with papers everywhere. He didn't look up, and gestured for Yuki to sit.

Yuki read the name plate on his desk and lifted an eyebrow.

Jack B. Hamilton wasn't the best of names. It sort of suites him though, he thought.

Jack put down his pen and folded his hands. His eyes glared at Yuki and he sighed.

"Do you know why I called you in here Yuki?"

Yuki shook his head and looked down. He didn't care if he looked weak right now, he just wanted this to be over.

Jack shifted in the chair and it creaked.

"I was visited by the police this morning. Something about you making a false report against someone here."

Yuki's head shot up when he said that.

"False report? How can you say that?"

Jack lifted his hand to silence him.

"I know you Yuki. You just want some attention because your not getting it at home. So you decide to do something like this."

He lifted a stack of papers and threw them back on the desk.

Yuki glared at him and stood.

Jack looked up at him with bored eyes.

"Your not the only one who does things like this."

Yuki growled and slammed his hands on the desk. Papers went on the floor, and neither one broke eye contact.

Jack leaned back and smiled.

"Sure you want to play this route Yuki?"

Yuki stood and glared at him.

"I'm ready."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now