Chapter 16

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I'm sorry if this story sucks. Im not too well versed in werewolf things like packs and stuff. I'm not sure if it is obvious.

Luka ran down the steps followed by his three siblings. He probably shouldn't have left Yuki alone, but he was sure that no one in the house would dare touch him.

Since he met Yuki in middle school, Luka knew that Yuki would be his mate.

He was confused when the many different emotions began forming inside of him, but soon figured it out.

Luka could see the things that no one else could. Maya and Kono always just assumed that Yuki had a normal life, but Luka and soon Michael, saw through the mask he wore.

Luka figured out that Yuki was being abused first. He had suspected something since middle school, but proof came up when they started high school. Yuki had changed like the rest of them, but not for the best.

He had become more quiet and reserved, and rarely spoke to them anymore. Being the friend deprived people they were, all four siblings tried to bring out his old self again. Luka realized that maybe the old Yuki wouldn't come back. He had fought with those emotions for weeks until he realized that it didn't matter to him.

Yuki was his friend, and nothing was going to change that. Luka would still be there for him when the time came.

But he wasn't there when it had mattered most.

Luka had spent years trying to make Yuki happy. When Yuki had told them that he couldn't wait until he turned eighteen to meet his mate, all four were shocked.

The truth was that you know that someone was your mate the second you met them. Luka had figured that his parents lied to him, but couldn't figure out why. He convinced everyone not to say anything for Yuki's sake.

His father asked Luka if it was alright that Yuki wouldn't know yet, and he wasn't really sure.

All he knew that Yuki didn't realize that they were mates yet, and Luka wasn't going to say anything until Yuki was ready.

Luka stopped the car and everyone got out. They had to park pretty far in order for no one to see them. Michael had come up with a plan, and they all spent the car ride finalizing it.

Maya and Kono were going to distract Brent while Michael and Luka snuck in through the back. Once inside, Luka would take over and handle him. Michael was only following so Luka wouldn't go out of control.

They began the plan and Maya knocked on the door. Brent answered and immediately smiled. He then noticed Kono and sighed.

"What do you assholes want? I'm kinda busy so make it quick."

He let some of his Alpha pheromones loose and smirked as they both tensed. Maya shook her head and stepped towards him.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hangout?"

Brent looked suspiciously at them both and laughed.

"And you had to bring your brother with you?"

Kono laughed and smirked back at him.

"Oh I'm only here to rip your throat out if you say no."

Brent glared at him briefly and looked back at Maya.

"Sorry babe but I don't go for chicks like you. See ya."

He shut the door and Maya sighed. She looked to Kono who nodded back at her. They both looked around and quickly went back to the car.

"I hope they got in."

Maya bit her thumb and looked at her brother nervously. Kono scooted closer to her and bumped her shoulder.

"Come on sis, you know that there is no way Luka is going to miss out on this. Just stay focused on why we are here."

She nodded and searched around again. They knew how to hide and blend in with others, something their family business taught them. She only hoped that it would be enough.

After what seemed like hours, Michael and Luka made their way back to the car. Maya smelled the faint scent of gasoline on Luka, and she wrinkled her nose as he slid next to her.

Michael got in the front seat and started the car. They began to pull away when a loud boom resonated through that air. Both Kono and Maya stared at Luka and Michael. They kept his gaze focused on the road and they finally left.

No one talked during the ride home. Each one knew the consequences of getting caught by the police, but not one of them cared. Their primal instincts to protect their own was too great. Luka would never let Brent go for what he did. Back at the house, the four went quickly to their own rooms. Luka walked past Yuki's room and stopped when he didn't smell him.

He panicked for a minute and his wolf growled.

Luka hurried to his own room and quickly stripped. He showered and balled his clothes up tightly. After that, Luka walked down the halls trying to find Yuki. He ran into Sarah, who said that Yuki was wandering around the house. He didn't feel better knowing that; in fact it made it worse. The desire to see him was worse then anything right now. Luka handed her the dirty clothes and continued down the hall.

Luka continued to pace the halls until he found Yuki's scent. He followed it to the back of the house and looked around. His wolf was on alert, searching for a threat. Yuki came in Luka's view and he swallowed harshly. His face was red, and Luka could see the tear stains. He coughed and stepped back when Yuki's head snapped up.

His hands rose in front of him automatically to show that he wasn't a threat. Yuki looked at him and then focused on the weeds in front of him.

Luka saw his dirty nails and noticed the pile of grass next to him.

He was pulling out the weeds now, Luka silently questioned himself.

Luka slowly made his way towards Yuki and sat down next to him. Yuki barely moved except for his hand which was still pulling at the weeds. Luka moved forward and gently grasped his hand.

Yuki stilled and then visibly relaxed. Luka rubbed his thumb over Yuki's knuckles in a soothing manner, and Yuki leaned toward him.

They sat there in silence for a while before Yuki sniffed. Luka paused and stared at him.

Yuki turned his body to fully face Luka. He slowly lifted his gaze until their eyes locked. Luka gaped as he saw Yuki's eyes fill with tears again.

He swallowed and then opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but Yuki spoke before he could.

"Why didn't you say anything about being my mate?"

Luka sat there shocked and then sighed.

"Well that is a long story. Think your ready to hear it?"

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