Chapter 40

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Yuki opened his eyes slowly and let them adjust to the bright light. Once this happened, he looked around and saw he was in a hospital room. Everything looked blurry to him, and blinking didn't help.

He groaned as he shifted in the bed. Multiple wires were connected to his body, in his arms and on his chest. The monitor was beeping steadily, letting him know he was calm.

Someone walked into the room, and Yuki turned his head to look at them. The nurse that had entered stared at him and quickly left the room. He wondered what was wrong and decided to put it off for now. The nurse returned with a man dressed in white. He couldn't see the name written on the tag because of his blurry vision.

"Good to see your awake. If you don't mind I would like to check a few things?"

Yuki nodded and allowed him to look at his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. He had Yuki squeeze both his hands, and move both legs. The doctor seemed satisfied with the results and wrote something on a clipboard.

Yuki rubbed at his eyes and paused when the doctor asked what was wrong.

"My vision is all blurry for some reason. Why am I here in the first place?"

The doctor sat down on the chair that was to the right of him. He nodded to the nurse and she left the room.

"You were in a car accident. Do you remember anything?"

Yuki looked around confused and shook his head.

"I remember being in a car, but that's it. Who was with me?"

The doctor sighed and nodded to himself. He stood and stuck his hand in his pocket.

"You mate Luka and daughter Hana. You were also pregnant during the crash."

He paused and allowed Yuki to process the information. After a few moments. Yuki looked back at him sadly.

"Did the baby die?"

He shook his head at Yuki and smiled.

"We were able to do an emergency c section on you. You gave birth to a girl and boy. Congratulations."

Yuki sat in the bed quietly. He didn't know what to do at that moment. His hand traveled to his stomach and he gently searched for any proof. His hand grazed the stitches the doctor put there and he took a shaky breath.

"I don't remember anything doctor. I don't know who my mate or daughter is. I don't know if I would even be able to hold those kids."

He sighed deeply and the doctor nodded. He quietly left as Yuki wondered what he didn't remember.

The door opened once more and Yuki expected the doctor or nurse again. What he didn't expect was a tall black haired man with two babies in his arms.

A little girl followed in after him and smiled at Yuki. Yuki blinked at them all and tried to think.

"I, um, who are you?"

The black haired man sat down carefully in the chair. He gave Yuki a small smile before wetting his lips.

"The doctor says besides your name you don't remember anything. Not me or Hana. Not even that you were pregnant."

Yuki agreed with him with a small nod. The man sighed and adjusted his grip on the babies.

"Well then. I am Luka, and this is Hana."

He motioned with his chin to the girl standing at the end of his bed.

"These are our newborn kids. The car accident didn't hurt them, and only forced an emergency operation."

Yuki gazed at the kids curiously. They moved slightly in their pink and blue blankets. Luka glanced at Hana with hesitation on his face.

He changed his facial expression in time when Yuki looked at him. Luka understood what he wanted, and slowly handed him the twins.

They whimpered slightly at the movement before settling against Yuki's chest.

They had a small patch of hair on both their heads, and both had rosy cheeks. Yuki smiled down at them before letting out a small laugh. He looked back at Luka and grinned at him.

Luka smiled back at him and pulled Hana closer. She snuggled against Luka and let out a small sigh. Yuki tilted his head at her for a moment before giving her a smile as well.

Hana giggled as one of the twins sneezed. Yuki let out a surprised sound and asked Luka to find a tissue. He did and wiped off their nose gently.

Yuki thanked him and they settled into comfortable silence. He began feeling sleepy and asked Luka to take the twins.

He stood and took them from him slowly. Yuki waved at them as they left and leaned against the backboard.

His eyes closed and he fell asleep quickly. When he woke up, Luka was sitting next to him.

He grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. Luka squeezed back and asked how he felt.

"Like I got hit by a car. How are you and Hana?"

Luka sighed as a smile broke across his face.

"You remember now?"

Yuki nodded and said his wolf was having a hard time coming back around.

"We're okay. I got a few scratches and Hana wasn't injured at all. You got the most of it. Probably because they aimed straight for you."

Yuki asked him if he knew who they were. He shook his head and growled lowly. Yuki patted his hand gently in order to calm him down. Luka kissed Yuki's hand and apologized.

"We don't know who it was yet, but when we do."

He stopped there, and Yuki knew what he was going to say.

Luka didn't have to say it out loud, because the last person who hurt Yuki, ended up dead.

They spent a few hours talking before they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Mark stood with flowers in his hand and a smile on his face. Yuki beckoned him in and smelled the flowers when Mark handed them to him.

"I got those for you to help you recover. They're your favorite right?"

Yuki nodded and offered them to Luka so he could smell.

"How are you and the brats doing?"

Yuki laughed as Luka spun around to glare at him. Mark huffed and put his hands up to defend himself. Luka gave up and settled back in the chair.

"We are doing okay. The kids are fine and I'm healing. My wolf was a little messed up yesterday and I forgot everything and everyone."

Mark's eyes widened for a second before he sighed.

"But your good now?"

He nodded at his father and watched him nod in turn.

"Good. Don't want to have to teach you everything again. That would be a nightmare."

Yuki rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Yeah, cause I totally don't have to do that with the twins now."

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