Chapter 18

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Reid's eyes widened slightly as he looked to Yuki. The Omega was trembling next to him, and Reid hesitantly touched his shoulder. Yuki flinched and moved away.

Mark was staring at them both with a hard expression on his face. Reid would have made a comment on it if the situation wasn't so serious.

"And how do you know that Yuki is being suspected?"

Mark sighed and closed his eyes.

"Because the police came to my door and told me that someone Yuki made a report against was killed. When I said he wasn't home, they left."

Yuki whimpered quietly and dug his nails into his palm. Reid attempted to sooth him, but Luka came bursting out of the house. He went to Yuki and immediately asked what was wrong. All Yuki could do was shake his head and bury his face into Lukas chest.

Luka wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. Mark narrowed his eyes at the newcomer and almost growled when Luka looked at him.

Mark could feel the kids anger radiating off of him, and sighed. He figured that Yuki must know him pretty well. He heard Yuki mumble something, but couldn't make out the words. Luka tensed and picked Yuki up suddenly.

"Hey Luka! What the hell are you doing?"

Yuki shouted as his face turned red. Mark internally chuckled at how innocent he was, but grit his teeth when he remembered that he wasn't. Luka walked Yuki and himself back into the house. He briefly nodded at his father, who in turn huffed at him. 

"Well it seems that we have more to discuss. Why don't come inside?"

Mark furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief before stepping back. The gate opened and Reid gestured for him to follow. He stepped in slowly and looked around. His wolf was tense, and seemed to expect an attack.

"Come on now Mark, quickly."

Mark growled at Reid demanding voice, but walked behind him faster.

My son is here and involved with them somehow, he thought. I need to find the truth before doing anything.

Reid and Mark talked for about two hours before Yuki couldn't take it anymore. He waited until Luka was in the bathroom before running out the door and down the hall.The room that they were talking in was in his view before someone grabbed him from behind.

Yuki panicked before realizing the scent. He quickly calmed down and growled.

"Let me go Luka. I need to know what their saying in there."

Luka buried his nose in Yuki's neck and sighed. His grip tightened on his waist and Yuki moved his head to the side more.

"You don't need to worry about them. I'm sure my dad will take care of everything. Now why don't we just go back to my room."

Luka didn't leave any room for an argument, and Yuki just allowed himself to be walked back to the room. He wanted to know desperately what his dad thought about him now. Yuki also couldn't think of how Brent died.

If he's the one that their talking about.

Luka set Yuki on the bed and cupped his cheeks. They looked at each other untill Yuki finally spoke.

"Who do you think it was that died Luka?"

He looked away and pulled himself closer to Luka. His body was warm and Yuki began relaxing more in his arms.

Luka nuzzled his neck again and felt Yuki flinch as he spoke.

"It was Brent."

Lukas voice was low, and Yuki couldn't help but look up at him. He tilted his head to the side slowly. Luka tucked a stray hair back behind his ear and waited.

"How do you know it was him and not one of the others?"

Luka smiled down at him kissed his forehead.

"Because I was the one who killed him."

When Luka had found Yuki in the garden after coming back, Yuki had told him everything.

Everyone who was involved and what they did. Yuki also told him what Marie was doing, and how his dad never noticed. He wanted Luka to know everything bad about him so that he could reject him. Luka had surprised him though. He already knew about most things that Yuki had told him. And then he surprised Yuki for a second time by saying that he still wanted Yuki.

They sat and told each other the worst about themselves. Luka explained to Yuki how he had felt when he first met him, and why he never said anything. Yuki had a hard time understanding his reason, but soon it didn't matter to him.

Luka wanted to still be his mate, and Yuki was more than happy to accept him.

Yuki stared at Luka with disbelief on his face. He waited for Luka to laugh and say that he was just joking, but he didn't. It took a while before Yuki finally registered what he had said in his mind.

"Are you serious?"

Luka nodded slowly and prepared for anything. He wasn't sure if Yuki was going to scream at him, or kiss him for what he had done.

Yuki continued to look at him with his mouth gaping open.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

He grabbed at his hair and sighed. Luka grabbed Yuki's hand and expected him to pull away. Instead, Yuki pushed Luka down and grabbed his shirt.

"Did you clean up properly?"

Luka smirked and then wrapped his arms around his mate.

"Of course I did. Michael, Kono, and Maya were there too, so we all made sure to be super careful."

Yuki scoffed and lightly hit Luka on the arm.

"I'm not losing you when I finally got you."

Luka chuckled and tilted Yuki's head back. He waited until Yuki leaned forward before gently kissing him. Yuki pressed their lips together more roughly, and Luka held back a growl.

He felt his eyes itch as they switched to a gold color. His wolf was on the surface, waiting for Luka to lose control. Luka knew that if he were to come out, then Yuki would most definitely become pregnant.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now