Chapter 9

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Slight out of control omega.

"I'm ready."

Yuki growled at him. Jack laughed and stood up.

His height wasn't threatening to Yuki, but he stepped back. He wasn't sure what the principal was going to do, and he wanted to be prepared for anything.

Jack stood there for a while before realizing his actions. He sat down with a thud, and Yuki was sure the chair was going to break.

"Look kid, I just can't have you running around dirtying the teams name. This school is known mostly for the football achievements."

Yuki gaped at him and sunk down into the chair he was sitting in.

"So your just going to let this go? Just because they are popular?"

He scoffed and then growled again. His wolf was paying close attention to the situation and whined as Yuki stood.

Jack rubbed his head and sighed.

"They said you have no proof. I can't just call them in and ask them questions like that. They could try to sue me, or worse, the school."

Yuki tuned to him and tried to bite back his anger.

"You can't just say it was fake because it wasn't. What am I supposed to do here, just continue living like nothing ever happened?"

He kicked the chair away and threw another. His eyes burned and his body felt heavy.

Yuki could faintly hear Jack telling him to calm down, but didn't stop.

Only when he felt his wolf struggling to come out, did Yuki stop. If he lost full control here, he could be arrested. He took deep breaths and looked around. The office was a complete mess.

The papers that were on his desk were now all over the floor, and the chairs were broken and the pieces everywhere.

Yuki looked at Jack and bent over. He felt vomit cling to his throat as he swallowed repeatedly.

Jack was just watching him from the corner of his office, phone in his hand. He really didn't want to get any deeper into this than he was, but people were going to ask questions.

"Have you calmed down now Yuki?"

He flinched and fell to the ground. His breath was starting to slow and his wolf settled down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

His voice broke and he wiped away a tear.

Jack cleared his throat and stepped towards him. Yuki moved away and Jack stopped. He wasn't sure why Yuki reacted like that, but he wasn't going to ask.

"I'm suspending you for a week Yuki. While you are out, go back to the police and tell them it was a lie, all of it."

Yuki just nodded and stood. He didn't know where his books were, and didn't care. He took a look at Jack again and left the office.

He walked through the halls, wondering if his parents would know before he got home. Someone called his name, and he looked up startled.

Brent stood there with his arms crossed. He smiled as Yuki began backing away.

"Aw, what's the matter babe? And here I thought that you would be happy to see me."

He laughed and Yuki wanted to scream. His mind was a mess, and his heart was beating fast.

Brent walked closer and pinned Yuki the wall. Yuki flinched as he licked at his neck.

"Did you really think that was going to work?"

Yuki stilled and Brent moved away from him. Yuki looked up at him and snarled. His fist connected with Brent's face and he ran. He heard Brent cursing behind him, but didn't stop. Yuki ran all the way home again, this time he waited until school was over until he went through the back door.

Both of his parents were home, and looked at him when he came in. Yuki didn't even try to explain himself and went to his room.

Marie scoffed and looked to Mark.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Mark just shrugged his shoulders and exhaled.

"Just let him go. He hasn't been feeling good lately, you know that."

Marie scowled at him and went back to what she was doing.

Yuki went to his room and grabbed a bag from his closet. He grabbed some clothes and put them in then grabbed other things he would need. His wallet was almost empty and Yuki cursed.

He knew he wouldn't be able to do anything without money. His spirits lifted when he remembered that he had to tutor today.

I can do that and then get paid, he thought. Then I can run when my parents kick me out.

Yuki felt more relieved with this and hid the bag. He looked at the time and decided to go earlier.

After checking that he had the books, Yuki went downstairs and left the house.

He began walking and jumped when a car pulled up next to him. Someone inside the car rolled down the window and Yuki recognized Reid immediately. He smiled at Yuki and opened the door. Yuki nodded to him once inside and asked why he was here.

"My kids seem to be more worried about you than normal Yuki. Did something happen?"

Yuki smiled and mentally cursed. He forgot about them and their stupid way of knowing when something was wrong with him.

"No, nothing. I was bored and was going to have a nice walk before I came over."

Yuki knew that he was avoiding the question, but felt relived when Reid nodded.

"Well Anna told me to ask you just in case. I don't know what those kids have been doing, but they seem really agitated recently."

Yuki tilted his head, but Reid remained quiet. He was looking at something on his phone, and Yuki didn't want to pry. They rode in silence the rest of the way and the driver broke the silence to report that they were there.

They got out and Yuki thanked him. The car pulled away and he followed Reid into the house.

It was quiet and Yuki wondered where everyone was. Reid went into the room where Yuki usually tutored the four, but sighed when he saw it was empty.

"Now where did those brats go?"

Yuki was curious about where they went, but kept it to himself.

Reid excused himself and left Yuki alone.

Yuki sat down and put the books on the table. He leaned back and closed his eyes, wondering where they were.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now