Chapter 31

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Trigger warning!

Yuki slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a room. He looked around from the ground, and noticed a little girl next to him.

She saw him looking at her and moved farther away. Yuki sighed before pulling himself up in a sitting position. The little girl watched him from behind her lashes.

She was hugging her knees and looked scared. He didn't want to scare her even more, so he moved away from her.

The girl seemed to relax after a while. He was about to say something when the door opened. Rein stepped into the room with a grin on his face. Yuki tried to growl, but it came out as a quiet whine.

Yuki couldn't feel his wolf, and it didn't help his growing fear. He had no idea who this guy was, and he said he was going to kill him.

Rein ignored Yuki and went to the little girl instead. She whimpered and tried to curl in a smaller ball. Yuki could see his smirk as he watched her.

Yuki heard him say something about her eyes, and how they looked so much like her mothers. The child started crying, and Yuki wanted to rip the mans head off.

Rein finally focused his attention on Yuki and smiled. He bent down in front of him slowly.

"I don't know if you remember me saying earlier, but I was told to kill you. A woman named Marie came and told me some things about you. I was going to do it; but that was until I saw you."

Yuki waited for him to continue, but he didn't. He instead stood and walked out of the room.

Once he was gone, the girl relaxed slightly. Yuki was tempted to call out to her, but didn't want to startle her. She watched him for a little while longer before finally speaking up.

"That man killed my mommy."

Yuki almost cried from her voice. It was gravely instead of being soft like it should. He could see the tears building up in her eyes, and he feel his Omega instincts kick in.

"He killed her after hurting her. She was crying so much and he just laughed."

Yuki tilted his head while listening to her. She sniffled once before going quiet. Yuki sighed before nodding.

"He doesn't seem like a good guy. A rouge usually isn't good, but he seems like one of the worst. He kidnapped me after smashing in a window."

The girl looked away while playing with her fingers. Yuki waited for he to say what was on her mind.

"Can I come over to you?"

He nodded and watched her stand. She slowly made her way towards him, and he didn't move until she settled down.

She sighed before looking at him.

"My name is Hana. What's yours?"

He told her his name with a small smile. She repeated his name once more before going silent. Yuki looked at the door, waiting for someone to come in.

Hana noticed his gaze and tapped his hand. He hummed, but didn't look at her.

"What are you waiting for? Do you think he will come back?"

Yuki shook his head. Hana moved closer and gazed up at him. He laughed and tapped her nose lightly.

"Just bored. Have you just been sitting in here alone all this time?"

Hana nodded quickly. He didn't fail to notice that she tensed up slightly.

"You smell like my momma."

Yuki smirked at her and brushed some hair out of her face. She giggled before resting her head on his arm.

"Well maybe that's because I'm pregnant."

Hana sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. She got excited for a minute before remembering where she was.

"Do you know what it is?"

Her voice was quiet in the room. Yuki shook his head slowly. She sagged against him with disappointment.

"When I do find out, I'll let you know okay?"

Hana yawned in response. Yuki took his arm and draped it over her. She didn't move away, and Yuki hoped she was starting to trust him.

He wanted to see her smile. His Omega instincts told him to protect her. He rubbed his stomach with his thumb before sighing. Hana stirred next to him before falling asleep.

He didn't know what time it was, and didn't know if that man would give them food or not.

I hope Luka finds me soon, he thought.

Yuki closed his eyes and allowed himself to doze off.

Hana woke up first and rubbed her eyes. She shook Yuki awake before standing up. Yuki looked at her in a dazed state.

"What's the matter?"

Hana pointed to the floor in front of him. Yuki looked down to see a water bottle and something else.

He opened it to find food. Hana watched him take it out and examine it. He offered some to her before eating the rest.

She thanked him before settling down next to him again. Yuki wondered if he should have eaten the food, but knew he would die if he didn't.

Lose lose either way, he told himself.

"Was that yummy Hana?"

Hana shook her head. She was staring at the door now, and Yuki sighed. He tried comforting her with his pheromones, but realized he couldn't.

Must have drugged me with something, he guessed. Cant hear my wolf either.

Yuki looked around the room carefully for the first time. There was a window above his head, and nothing else. There was one door too.

Hana told him that the only time she could leave was to go to the bathroom.

"Do you know his name?"

She nodded and said it was Rein. Yuki tried to think if he ever heard that name before. He shook his head while Hana continued talking.

"I wanted my mommy to be happy. She was really sad when daddy died. He got in a car accident; at least that is what mommy said."

Yuki wiped away her falling tears. Hana began sniffling again quietly.

"My mom died when I was little too. My dad remarried someone I hated. Rein said a woman named Marie told him to get me. I think it was my stepmom. She hated me ever since her and my dad got married. I allowed her to take her anger out on me, but it became too much."

Hana asked if he hated his dad too.

"I did for a while. We have been getting closer though. He just made a bad choice with marrying her is all."

Hana nodded as if she understood. Yuki knew that she most likely didn't, but let her go anyway.

Yuki patted the floor in front of him with his hand. Hana moved to the spot and sat down. He spent some time working his fingers through her hair quietly. She flinched every time he hit a knot, and Yuki comforted her with soft words.

They sat together for the rest of the day talking. Rein gave them food once more, and gave Yuki a cup to go to the bathroom in. He let Hana go out of the room, but never Yuki.

Yuki wondered what was on the other side, and knew that he would find out when Luka came for him.

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