Chapter 29

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Yuki was laying in the chair with his eyes closed. He heard Luka fighting Micheal somewhere to his right but didn't open his eyes.

He knew they were training for something. Luka didn't tell him what it was, but he trusted Luka enough to let it go. Yuki knew that Luka would protect him no matter what.

"Dodge like that and I'll rip you apart."

Yuki heard his mate's cocky tone and laughed. Micheal growled at him before they resumed fighting. Amy was sitting next to Yuki with Kono. They were watching them fight because there was nothing better to do.

Break for school had started and they had a few weeks off for it. Maya went on vacation with some guy, but the others stayed home.

Yuki was glad that they were here. The case against Brent had finally been dropped, but Yuki was still feeling nervous. He had to tell Luka now that he couldn't hide what was happening to him anymore.

Luka finished with Micheal and shifted back. He pushed back his black hair and sighed. He recently got it cut due to the weather, and he was missing his longer hair. His gaze landed on Yuki, causing him to smile.

"What is my little mate up to over here?"

Yuki cracked open his eyes and looked at Luka.

"Trying to relax."

Amy chuckled next to him, and Kono sighed at his brother.

"You need to take Yuki out on a date now that everything is better. Yuki deserves to be out and not kept inside."

Luka told him to mind his own mate. Amy rolled her eyes at Yuki, which in turn made him smile.

"I don't want to go anywhere, Luka. Lets just watch a movie and eat food."

Luka pulled on shorts while Yuki was talking. He motioned for him to move over on the chair, and laid down next to him.

"All you talk about is food now. And it's not even good food either."

Luka grimaced at the things he saw Yuki eat lately. He chalked it up to recent things, but it was still weird.

"Don't insult my eating habits, Luka. It's your fault I'm doing it in the first place."

Yuki huffed and closed his eyes again. Luka asked what he meant, but Yuki didn't reply.

Kono shrugged when Luka looked at him. Amy stood and stretched before going back into the house. Of course, Kono followed her instantly and left Micheal with the pair.

"I have to go do something so you two can stay out here and be gross together."

Yuki stuck his tongue out at him before sighing. Luka watched Yuki stand and stretch.

"I wanna go for a run Luka. Come with me?"

Luka nodded and shifted alongside Yuki. They both shook out their fur before running together. Luka stayed close to Yuki, even if he made it difficult. Yuki ran around trying to lose Luka, but he wasn't about to let that happen.

He could feel the tension rolling off of his mate, but didn't understand why. Yuki wanted to say something, but Luka knew that he was hesitating.

Luka cut him off and Yuki stopped next to him. They stared at each other before Yuki tensed. He scented the air just as Luka realized what was happening.

He growled for Yuki to start running back, and Yuki didn't hesitate. They went into the house and ran to Reid's office.

Reid was talking to Miles when they burst in. They both looked shocked before Reid stood up. He had noticed the look on both of their faces.

"What the hell is going on?"

Luka told him that there were rouges hanging around their house.

Their house was surrounded by woods, and was secluded. Nobody ever came here by accident, and it must mean the rouges were here for a fight.

Reid nodded and ordered Yuki to go back to his room. Luka picked him up due to his legs turning into jelly. Yuki gripped his shirt tightly as they walked to Lukas room.

Yuki had moved into Lukas room shortly after they accepted each other as mates. Yuki was still nervous about sharing a bed with someone, but knew it was just Luka next to him. Yuki was sure that Luka would have noticed it already, but Luka didn't say anything yet, so he figured Luka still didn't know.

"Stay here Yuki and don't leave the room."

Luka sat Yuki on the bed and turned to leave. Yuki grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Don't leave yet Luka. I have to tell you something before I don't get the chance to."

Luka frowned at him before sitting next to him. Yuki sighed and grabbed his hands.

"You cant leave me here alone. I don't want something happening to you, and then I have to raise-."

Multiple howls reached their ears. Luka growled and stood up from the bed. He ran to the door and told Yuki to stay put.

"No Luka, don't leave me here."

Luka said he was safe here, and that he would be back. Yuki nodded to him, and Luka ran out of the room.

Yuki whimpered and stood up. He looked around the room for anything that could be used as a weapon. The rouges wouldn't be able to get in easily, but if they did, Yuki needed to be prepared. He heard yelling before the window next to him suddenly smashed. Yuki backed away from it until he hit the wall.

He yelled for Luka, but knew he wouldn't be able to hear him now. The person that smashed the window broke away the rest of the glass slowly. Yuki really wished that Luka wasn't such a idiot, and that he didn't leave him alone.

The man stepped into the room and smiled at Yuki. He introduced himself as Rein, brother of Reid. Yuki gasped as he suddenly grabbed his arm.

"I'll be taking you with me. I was supposed to kill you, but you are more pretty then I thought you would be in person."

Yuki struggled to get away, and Rein brought something out of his pocket. It looked like a rag, and Yuki tried yelling again. Rein put it to his mouth and chuckled as Yuki went limp. Marie told him to kill the Omega, but he had other plans for him.

He picked Yuki up and went back out the window. He heard someone yelling for Yuki, but they were already gone. He made sure to hide their scents once they were out of the house.

He wanted Reid to know it was him, but that was all.

Rein looked at the Omega in his arms, and thought of the fun he was going to have.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now