Chapter 14

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This chapter and the next may be a little hard to understand with the timeline.

Marie sat in the chair and watched Mark read the paper. It had a picture of a dog on the front of it, and she wasn't interested enough to read what it was about.

Mark hummed and she looked up at him. He laughed when she ducked her head to avoid his gaze.

"What are you thinking about over there?"

Mark folded the paper and gave Marie his full attention. She stood up and walked over to him slowly before carefully sitting on his lap.

They looked at each other and Mark kissed her nose; breaking the mood. She huffed and narrowed her eyes.

"I think we should send Yuki somewhere. After the whole thing with him leaving school early, I thin-."

Mark cut her off by sighing deeply. He pat her leg and stood when she slid off of him. 

"Look honey, I know that Yuki isn't the perfect person in your eyes, but little things like this really doesn't mean that he has to be sent away somewhere."

He moved away from her and she grabbed his arm.

"Things will only become worse from here though Mark. He is going to keep going until someone puts him in his place."

Marie huffed and put her hands on her hips. Mark crossed his arms and leaned against the counter.

"You need to stop thinking so much. Yuki will be fine."

He nodded as if trying to convince himself as well. Marie opened her mouth but the doorbell interrupted her words. Mark tilted his head and walked after his wife. He glanced at the clock and read 3:00.

"Wonder who that could be?"

Marie opened the door and there stood three police men. They all turned to face them and immediately asked where Yuki was.

"What did he do now?"

Marie tapped her foot and crossed her arms. She looked at Mark and stilled when she saw his face. He pushed past her and stood in front of the three.

"What happened! Why do you want Yuki?"

Mark searched their eyes and Marie pulled him back towards her. One of the men stepped forward and took of his hat.

"Well sir, we need him to come down to the station. He is suspected to be involved with a murder."

Mark moaned and turned away. Marie stared at them with wide eyes.

"A murder? When? Who was it?"

Mark silenced her and growled at them.

"You have it wrong. He is not involved in anything like that!"

The man nodded and grabbed his belt.

"Well you see sir, your son recently filed a report against this young man for rape. And now that he has been killed, we can only suspect that he knows something about it."

Mark gaped at them and Marie looked away. She heard his breath become ragged and didn't dare to look at him. He gripped her arm and she flinched as his nails grew and bit into her arm.

"Rape? When did he report it?"

The officer explained that it was the day he left school early. He also told them that Yuki vandalized the office and was suspended from school.

Marie stepped forward and glared at the three.

"He isn't here. He left earlier and hasn't come back yet."

They nodded and turned away. Mark grabbed the door frame for support and growled again. Marie led him back into the house and into a chair.

Mark looked at her and asked if she knew. Marie turned away and didn't answer him.

"You bitch."

She flinched at the pheromones he was releasing, and soon collapsed on the floor.

"You knew didn't you?"

Marie nodded and began crying. She looked up at him and began trembling. Mark glared at her and snarled.

"I'm sorry Mark. I didn't want to say anything until he was-. "

He slapped her and grabbed her hair. She whined for him to let go, but he only gripped harder.

"You have been trying to hurt my son for years now. You never once acted nice towards him, and only ever complained about him. I'm done with it Marie."

She looked at him and whined. He hit her again and then released her head.

"We're done. Get your shit and leave. I'm filing for divorce."

He glared down at her and laced his voice with hate. Marie knew that he had made up his mind, so she lifted herself up and went upstairs.

After a few minutes she came back down with a suitcase and left without looking at him.

Mark slumped down in the chair behind him and sighed. He didn't realize how bad things were. His son was suspected of murder, and he didn't know the first place to look for him.

He looked back at the clock and saw that only fifteen minutes have past. It was amazing how in such little time, a person's whole life can fall apart.

He grabbed his phone and tried calling Yuki. After a few rings, the voicemail came on. Mark cursed and tried again.

When he called a few more times with no answer, Mark grabbed his laptop.

Marie had told him to put a tracker on his phone just in case something happened.

"Well now something happened."

Mark muttered to himself quietly and clicked on a few things. A red dot popped up and Mark wrote down the address.

He stood up and almost left before he realized something.

He knew that address.

Mark turned back and searched through his files on the laptop. He worked as a lawyer for years now, and there were many cases that had stuck with him through the years.

And that address was connected to one of them.

Mark scrolled for several minutes until he found it.

The case was from seven years ago. A man and his family was brutally murdered during the summer. The person responsible for the death was a man named Reid Maine. The police never found any information that could convict him, and Mark knew it was because Reid was the head of the local Mafia. Mark had spent many nights agonizing over the case.

He had felt like if he didn't find anything, then nobody else would, and Reid would get away with it.

Now with this knowledge, Mark wondered how Yuki was connected to them.

And he could only pray that Yuki was alive.

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