Chapter 5

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Abuse Warning!

Rape Warning!

Yuki's classes went by slowly, and he couldn't wait to leave and go home. It was lunch time, and he wasn't hungry.

Yuki made his way to the roof of the school and laid down. He did this often to get away from people. His class with Luka was next, and he smiled, remembering how cute he looked earlier.

Yuki watched the clouds roll by softy until he heard the door slam. He turned around, startled and stared at the newcomer. Maya grinned at him and stepped towards him. Yuki sighed and laid back down, choosing to ignore her.

"Hey Yuki, want to eat lunch together?"

Yuki didn't answer, and Maya stood over him. She puffed out her cheeks and stared down at him.

"I can see your panties Maya." Yuki stated.

Instead of being embarrassed, she just asked if they were cute.

She never did get shy about anything.

"Oh yeah, stripes are so sexy."

She smiled as he laughed and sat down next to him. They sat together for a while until Maya finished her food and then laid down. Yuki sighed and watched her out of the corner of his eye. Her eyes were closed, and Yuki wondered if she would fall asleep here.

It is pretty nice up here.

His thoughts were interrupted as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Maya groaned and stood up, then offered her hand to Yuki. His accepted it and was pulled to his feet.

Maya brushed off her clothes before heading to the door. Yuki followed her and glanced at the clouds again.

They both made their way down the stairs and then parted ways. Yuki continued to his class and yelled as he was suddenly pulled to the side. He struggled briefly before he was punched in the stomach.

He looked up to see kids from the group that attacked him earlier. The three of them grinned down at Yuki and drug him down the hall. Yuki didn't know where they were taking him, and he began to panic.

They stopped after a few minutes and opened a door. Yuki could smell the chlorine and instantly knew he was in the pool locker room.

The hands let him go, and Yuki crashed to the ground. His gaze landed on the two sets of feet in front of him.

Five of them? Yuki thought to himself, and he wondered what they had planned.

Yuki didn't have to wait long before he got his answer. Alpha pheromones filled the room, and Yuki's wolf rolled over submissively. He silently cursed himself and resisted the urge to throw up.

One of the males moved forward and bent down to Yuki. He grabbed his chin, and jerked his head up. Yuki glared at the Alpha and spit in his face.

He may be an omega, but he wasn't about to fully submit. Not to him.

The males were on the football team, and the one holding his face was Brent. Yuki used to have a crush on him, who didn't. It didn't go well when he found out though. He and his friends constantly abused him and waved their superior scent around, knowing that it affected him.

"You little shit!"

Brent spat the word little in his face, and Yuki flinched.

"I was going to be nice and give you a good taste of an Alpha, but now I'm not so sure that I'll be nice."

Yuki's eyes widened and tried pulling away as Brent unzipped his pants. His grin spread and he pulled Yuki onto his knees. Someone from his left moved behind him and tied his hands.

Yuki's heart hammered against his chest, and he felt tears fall on his cheeks.

"No, no, don't cry. We'll be real gentle."

Brent cooed softly in his ear and stood. He pulled out his erection and shoved it in Yuki's face. He tried turning away, but his head was held in place.

For the first time in a while, Yuki was scared. He was never in a situation like this before, and didn't know how to stop it.

Brent got his way and soon, Yuki was forcing the member down his throat. He was crying now, and he didn't stop anytime soon.

After he was done with Brent, the others in the room took their turns with his mouth. They all were releasing scents so strong, Yuki was surprised that he didn't go into heat.

After they seemed satisfied, Brent tilted Yuki's cum and tear stained face towards his. He laughed and pushed him down. He grabbed at Yuki's pants and began pulling them off. Yuki struggled constantly from before, and barely had any strength left. He just wanted to curl into a ball and die.

His pants were nearly off before his friend stopped him.

"The class is about to end Brent. Let him go for now, he isn't going to tell anyone. We can just grab him again later."

Brent stopped for a moment before the lust in his eyes sharpened. He flipped Yuki over and he felt his pants being tugged down to his ankles.

"You guys go on ahead and make up an excuse. I'll be done here soon."

His friend shifted and sighed.

"Alright, just don't get him pregnant."

Brent nodded and began teasing Yuki's sensitive hole. He seemed pleased with Yuki's scared reaction, and slipped his finger inside. Yuki cried out and tried moving away, but the pheromones held him in place.

His mind began going foggy, and barely registered that they other four left.

After what seemed like forever, Yuki felt him remove his fingers and replace them with something bigger. He cried harder now and begged for Brent to stop. He laughed and thrust inside of Yuki.

"Better quiet down before I claim you."

Yuki felt his mind slip away, and relaxed.

An omega seeks out an Alpha naturally to mate with them. An omega is highly sensitive to others and make the perfect mothers. An Alpha is supposed to claim a mate and protect them for life. For Brent to threaten him with a claim was too risky for Yuki, because he knew he wouldn't resist.

Brent began moving and soon was thrusting harshly into the omega. He was glad that he had put on a condom beforehand. Yuki's head rolled to the side and exposed his neck to him.

Brent gulped and resisted the urge to claim him. He felt the familiar heat in his stomach shortly before he came. He groaned and dug his nails into Yuki's side. He was curious as to why he stopped struggling, but didn't really care.

He slowly pulled out and wiped himself off. Brent stood and looked down at the trembling omega. He could smell the fear surrounding the room, and grinned. He turned and left Yuki alone in the room.

Yuki listened to him leave and slowly sat up. His body hurt like hell, but he was more focused on his task.

He wasn't going to let them get away with this.

An he knew exactly what he was going to do.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now