Chapter 2

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I walked into the conference room and saw there were many people there. I was a bit overwhelmed by so many people. I'm used to sitting in a crowd, but that is when I am minding my own business. Now I have to socialize with them and express my opinions and concerns. I was never one to be great at that. I always answer so shy and weakly that people think my opinions and concerns are weak points. I sighed and saw Dimitri was talking with his father. I walked towards the table and sat down. I got my things together and Lambert walked in front of everyone. Dimitri sat down next to me and smiled at me.

"Was your father upset about this morning?" I joked.

He chuckled, "Sort of. Dedue is currently taking care of that right now. So I look a bit out of the ordinary here."

I looked around the room and saw everyone was wearing the same thing: a suit and tie. And here's Dimitri. Wearing everything except for his blazer so he stood out like a sore thumb. 

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. Today I am going to discuss with you some very important topics. Before I do that, I just want to say that I am honored to run such a business with these many great people. It has been a long thirty years and I hope it can keep running even longer. Now, with that said, I'm sure you all know what Blue Lion Co. makes here. We are the leading producer of metal. We mine the ore from its original state and make it into sheets of metal. From there, we send it to distributors who use that metal to make all sorts of things. Things from poles, beams, anything that uses metal. 

"However, our competitors, Black Eagles Manufacturing and Golden Deer Steel Inc. are trying to take us from our throne we are sitting upon. While they are the leading producers in their areas, we are the leading producers of metal throughout the entire area. Including Leicester and Adrestian. So they want to become the leading producer of metal throughout the entire area. With that said, we have been doing our best to make our metal more eco-friendly since a lot of people have been asking that. We have also made our metal more durable and withstand up to years of weathering and any damage it may take. We are leaving our competitors in the dust. 

"Moving on from that, I want to say that I am very sorry, but I am stepping down from the head of this company. Now, before you say anything dealing with concerns, I want to let you all know that you will be in good hands. My son, Dimitri, will be taking the reigns and will lead Blue Lions Co. down a path of greatness! Dimitri, do you have a few words?"

Dimitri stood up and smiled at his father, "Thank you, father. All I want to say is I am looking forward to make this company better and to make all of you greater!"

"And I'm sure you will, Dimitri. Now with that being said, we are going to enter a transitional phase of this company. Dimitri will be setting up a meeting with his future plans and the future plans of this company. He will not be doing it alone. Dimitri, didn't you have someone in mind to help you work with you? I know you said it wouldn't be Dedue."

"No, father. I would like Y/N to help me."

I looked confused at him. I was shocked to hear he wanted me to help him work on this. 

"Excellent! Well, that concludes our meeting for today. I hope you all have a great day," Lambert said and walked out of the conference room.

I looked over at Dimitri, "Why choose me?"

Dimitri waited until everyone left the room. He stood up and closed the door. 

"The reason I choose you is because you just didn't spill coffee on my suit," he chuckled. "But you're one of the best employees here. Looking at your work ethic," the presentation changed from the one Lambert was using to a chart. "These are your charts I had compiled together on how well you have been working. You work well during the days where we need to get the metal out to our distributors. As well as planning on where each sheet of metal goes to. You're a planner and even though you don't have great social skills and considered our filer, I believe that is where we can come together and combine our strengths. As well as our weaknesses too."

"So you basically want me to help plan everything out?"

"Yes. You'll be my right hand on this transition."

"Why can't Dedue help you?"

He walked towards me and came closer. He was painfully close to my liking. However, he wasn't on top of me. He was more a few inches away from me. He smiled at me warmly.

"Because I want you to help me. I believe that the two of us can make this company bigger and better before. And leave Black Eagles and Golden Deer behind in the dust."

"When do we begin?"

"Now," Dimitri said and walked towards the door. "I expect some ideas in a couple of days. I will be having a personal meeting with you in those two days. I expect big things from you, Y/N!"

He walked out of the conference room, leaving me there bewildered with what had just happened. I slowly got out of my chair and walked out of the conference room. I headed down to my cubicle and sat down.

"Congrats on working with Dimitri, Y/N!" my friend said.

I looked over and saw Ingrid was standing outside my cubicle. 

"I don't know how I feel about it."

"You should feel honored! Working with the head of the company's son. Not to mention he's pretty handsome."

"Ingrid," I said and looked around. "Someone could hear you!"

"Oh please. All of the ladies here think Dimitri is to die for."

"I wouldn't say that," I said.

"Are you kidding me? Are you seriously telling me you don't find Dimitri attractive?"

"I mean, kind of. He's cute. But like a puppy dog cute."

Ingrid sighed, "One of these days you'll see it, Y/N."

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