Chapter 5

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"Why would you want to enlist?" I asked, standing up.

He nodded his head, "I felt that I never mattered. My mother died when I was very young and all my father did was work. I found out about my family's history when I was searching through my father's study. There was a dog tag that had my great grandfather's name on it. There was also a picture of him in uniform. I thought that since my great grandfather was considered a hero, I might as well enlist in the military. Also, my father had always talked to me about taking up the mantle of the company. He had always said that I need to follow in his footsteps. If and when I have a child, they will continue to run the company. I don't want that if that is not what they want. I will not force any child of mine to do what they don't want to do."

I walked over towards Dimitri. I rested my hand on his shoulder and he looked over at me.

"Dimitri, I know you want to enlist in the military, but we're in a time of peace. There is no reason to enlist."

"You never know, Y/N. There could be evil lurking anywhere. And I fear that the people we want to make a deal with are that very evil."

"What do you mean?"

"The Black Eagles Manufacturing is known for starting tariff wars on other steel producing companies. Like if we were to send out a bulk to someone living in Adrestian, they would place a high tax for the shipping. That goes for anything that they're importing to Adrestian. And Edelgard seems like she will continue to do so until Black Eagles are on top. Not only that, she will stop at nothing until they are on top."

"Then why try to make a deal with them?"

"If I can make her look at the bigger picture and hopefully calm her raging mind, then that is a win for both of us. I don't think Claude is much of a problem as Edelgard. He's more on the calmer side of things."

"That's good to know," I said.

"Enough about this. I will be sending out these emails and hopefully we can get a date to visit them."

"We would be going there?"

"Yes. My father taught me that it was always courteous to meet them out there rather than have them come here. Since we are the ones thinking about making a deal with them."

"Understood, sir," I said and walked towards the door.

"Y/N, before you leave."


"There is no need to call me sir. Please, just call me Dimitri."

"Yes, Dimitri," I said and walked out of his office. I walked towards the elevator and went down to my floor. I walked over to my cubicle and sat down. I at least had a few moments of peace.

"Hi, Y/N!" Ingrid said.

It startled me that I fell off of the chair.

"Uh, Y/N?"

"Hi, Ingrid," I said and got up. I sat back on my chair and looked over at her.

"How was the meeting today?"

"It was alright," I said and put my folder down. "I had to help Dimitri with writing an email."

"You're always helping him."

"I was asked to help him."

"Yeah, but your in his office. Alone," Ingrid said.

"Shut it, Ingrid. I don't like him so he's all yours."

"Well, I might have to get in line," she chuckled.

"There are not too many women working here."

"I know, but they're some vicious ones here."

"Let me guess," I said. "Mercedes?"

"You got it! Not to mention Annette."

"Are you talking about me?" Mercedes asked from the other side of the floor.

"No!" we both yelled.

Mercedes poked her head up over her cubicle and then it disappeared. We both laughed since we knew she wasn't the brightest. 

"Anyway, you should get back to work."

"I could say the same for you," Ingrid said.

"Well, Dimitri hasn't given me anything to work on. I might as well file some paperwork for him or clean out my drawers."

"Might want to clean our your drawers. I swear I saw something crawl in there the other day."

"Well, whatever you saw crawl in there," I opened my drawer and picked it up. "Is dead."

"What is that?"

"A mouse."


"I'll dispose of it," I said and walked towards an open window. I threw the mouse out the window and washed my hands afterwards. "I guess I'll start with cleaning my drawers."

"Good luck, Y/N!" Ingrid said and walked away.

"Thanks," I said and started to clean them out. I finished and it was almost the end of the work day. I unplugged my computer and put the folder on top of it. I got up, stretched, and grabbed my things. I walked towards the elevator doors and pressed the button. I looked over and saw Mercedes was walking towards me.

"Hi, Y/N," she said.

"Hi, Mercedes."

"I heard you're Dimitri's right hand."

"I am," I said. "It should have been anyone other than me."

"I couldn't have agreed more."

I looked over at her. "I know you have the hots for Dimitri. Consider me out of the race. He's all yours. Actually, you, Annette, and Ingrid are going to have to fight it out."

"Come on, Y/N. You're telling me you're not attracted to Dimitri?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't really fall in love with people I work with."

She chuckled, "Then it's going to be harder to find love."

"There are plenty of fish in the sea."

"But none are as good looking as Dimitri."

"Come on. I've seen so many good looking guys out there. Chrom, Roy, Ike, Marth, hell even Corrin."

"Yeah, but put them up there with Dimitri. There is a huge difference between them."

"Alright," I said as I impatiently tapped my foot. Of all days the elevator had to be slow, it had to be this day. Finally, after an awkward conversation with Mercedes, I walked onto the elevator and the doors closed faster than she could talk. Thankfully she was too busy talking to have noticed the elevator was there. The doors opened up and I walked out and into the lobby.

"Have a good night, Y/N!" Flayn said.

"Good night, Flayn," I said and walked towards my apartment. I walked into the lobby of the apartment building and almost ran into Dedue.

"Dedue? What are you doing here?"

"The young master wanted me to pick something up from his apartment."

I had forgotten he lived here instead of an actual nice place.

"Alright. Tell Dimitri I said hi."

"Will do," Dedue said.

I walked into my apartment room and closed the door behind me. I set my things on the counter and sat on the couch. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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