Chapter 33

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I looked at my surroundings to see I was in this chapel like structure. However, there was only a large stair case that led to a chair looking thing. Was I dreaming this? I looked down at my hands and moved them. I could feel them moving. I reached over and pinched myself.

"Hey! Will you quit doing that?!"

I looked up and saw someone was sitting on the chair. I was so surprised that I had almost stumbled backwards. The person sighed and shook their head. They had green hair that looked like two long ponytails. From how far away they were, I couldn't tell what they were wearing. From where I was standing, it sort of looked like a bikini top and a long skirt. 

"Who are you?"

"I should of made myself known to you long ago."

"Am I dreaming?"

"You are most certainly not dreaming. What you see before you, is all real."

"Are you sure?"


"Then can you answer my question?"

"Before I do, explain to me how you were able to envision the future."

"The future?"

"The future where you and Dimitri win the war and save Fodlan from the hands of Adrestian. You remember those visions, don't you?"

"How can I not? They were like a record playing over and over in my head. As the day of the war got closer and closer, they were more vivid and I could feel the environment around me. I could feel the heat of the desert and even smell the dry air. And I could feel Dimitri's blood on my hands. It was so warm and sticky," I was disgusted by the sound of it and remembering how it felt.

"Do you know how that happened?"

"No. I thought they were just dreams."

"You had dreams of the future," the person said.

"How can that be?"

"It was due to me."


They nodded their head, "Yes. You and I are one in the same. If something were to happen to you, I would cease to exist. So you better not die anytime soon."

"What are you supposed to do?"

"Basically aid you."

"In seeing the future?"

"Warning you on how to make that future happen or prevent it."

"Uhh," I said.

"Just take my word for it."

"So is there a reason I am just meeting you today?"

"There was a reason. I wanted to see if you were able to make that future happen. Seems like you were able to. Now, this might be a bit tricky from here on out."

"Why is that?"

"I am here to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"


"What is it?"

"The ghosts inside of his head will be too much to bear for him. It will drive him insane and he will no longer be able to tell who is real or not. He will eventually kill you and your child."

"H-He's going to kill me?"

"Yes. You must prevent this future from happening."

"Is the only reason you're telling me is so that you don't die?"

"No. I am saving you and your child's life. I am telling you this now so that you don't have to worry about the dreams you will have from this moment on."

"So I am going to have those dreams again?"

"Yes. But you will know when to prepare since they will get stronger and I will warn you about the upcoming doomsday. Because if he kills you, he will kill everyone."

I shook my head, "Dimitri would never do that."

"Don't be so sure about that statement. You think you know Dimitir just because you two are going to get married?" the person shook their head. "You don't know the dark side of him that is slowly eating him away."

"Is there anything I can do to prevent it now?"

"You can try your best, but nothing will happen until that day."

"Can you tell me when it's about to happen?"

"You're not married yet, right?"

"No. Our wedding isn't until a few months from now."

"I would say, in about a year or two. Once the dreams get stronger, then you know it's about to happen."


"Please take caution when you're around him and heed my warnings."

"Wait, before you go, what is your name?"

"Y/N, that is your name, correct?"


"Y/N, it is nice to finally meet you. I am Sothis."

I jolted upwards and frantically looked around the room. It was still dark outside. I looked at the clock and it read four in the morning. I sighed and fell back onto the bed.

"Everything ok?" Dimitri whispered.

"Yeah," I said. "Why are you awake?"

"The voices," he said.

"The ghosts inside of his head will be too much to bear for him."

I looked over at him. He was staring up at the ceiling. I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"Are the voices bothering you?"

"They always do."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't think you can," he said.

"Dimitri, I want to help you."

"I know you do, but I don't know how to even help myself."

"Then I can help you, Dimitri. I am here to help you. I have always been here to help you."

He smiled and turned towards me. He kissed my forehead before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Thank you. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too, Dimitri."

Dimitri slowly drifted back off to sleep, but I couldn't. What Sothis had told me, I had to take caution when I was near him in the upcoming future. Who knows what would happen if I let my guard down even just for a second. But even if I did show him that I was cautious around him, he would get suspicious and know something is up. I sighed to myself and slowly let his warmth take me into a deep sleep. For now, I had to be what I have always been to him.

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