Chapter 32

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The entire crowd of people that were there was cheering. I could even hear some people yelling "Oh my gosh!" "This is so cute!" "At a time like this?" I was a bit overwhelmed with everything, but I could not deny the feelings I had for him ever since that flight ride back to Faerghus from Leicester. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I nodded my head.

"Yes. Absolutely, Dimitri!"

He had a huge smile on his face and slipped the ring on my ring finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. Our lips met one another's. The crowd cheered even louder when we pulled away. He placed his forehead against mine. 

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Dimitri."

He turned towards the crowd and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"She said yes!" he yelled to the crowd.

They started to jump happily as they heard the news. I looked over to see Byleth was smiling and clapping for us.

"Congrats, Y/N!" Ingrid said and practically threw herself onto me.

"I guess you saw the news," I said.

"How could we not? All of the news stations was covering it. Hell, even Flayn was talking about it and she doesn't even watch the news."

"How is Flayn? I haven't really seen much of her."

"She's doing alright. Still our chipper receptionist."

"I just came in here to get some things Dimitri forgot. Moving into the capital building is such a different experience. Especially when we have to move out of our apartment."

"I bet its much bigger than your apartment."

"It is, but I actually liked the small size. In the capital building, I feel like there's just too much space."

"I understand that. Also, what happened to the 'I don't date co-workers'?" Ingrid joked.

"You can shut your mouth," I said as I finished packing the last thing. I sighed, "I guess it was during that time when I did not want to date a co-worker. I just sort of fell for him."

"Like all of us girls here," she giggled.

"Yeah," I said and grabbed the box. "Well, I hope you have a good time here."

"You have a good time with Dimitri. Not too good of a time," Ingrid winked at me.

"How have I not slapped you these days?"

"I don't know," she chuckled. "Listen, though. I am being sincere when I say this. I am really happy for you, Y/N. You found love even though you didn't really want it. You're the most deserving person to be with Dimitri. You two balance each other out and to be honest, you're couple goals."

I chuckled, "Thank you, Ingrid."

"Keep in touch?" Ingrid asked when we got to the lobby.

"Definitely," I said. "I'll see you later, Ingrid."

"See you later," she said.

I walked out of the lobby and looked over at Flayn. I walked up to the desk and set the box of things down.

"Flayn, I'm going to miss seeing you every morning," I smiled.

"It was a pleasure while it lasted," Flayn said.

"Oh, Dimitri wanted to give you this," I said and pulled out a card. I reached into my pocket and pulled something out. "And this is from me."

She took the card, but when I handed her the item from my pocket, she shook her head.

"I can't accept this."

"Flayn, you are one of the most important people here at Blue Lions. You are more than deserving of this."

Flayn looked down at what I had given her. It was a necklace that my aunt had given me when I was younger. It had two silver wings that connected to a long chain.

"Thank you," Flayn said.

I smiled and grabbed the box from the ground.

"I hope to see you soon, Flayn," I said and walked out of the building.

I walked over to the car and set the box in the back. I got into the car and drove back towards the capital building. When I got back to the capital building, I grabbed the box from the back and walked towards where Dimitri was. His first order of business was to get rid of the deals Lambert was about to send out to Adrestian and Leicester. He was going to use some of the money from the company to repay back to Leicester. He was going to right Lambert's wrongs. 

"I'm back, Dimitri."

I looked over at him to see he was asleep on the desk. I chuckled to myself and set the box down on a chair. I walked over to him and saw his laptop was open. He had a pen in his hands and there was a line on the paper he was writing. I slipped the pen from his hands and closed his laptop. I grabbed his cape that was hanging on the coat rack and placed it on his back. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. 

I was laying on the bed when Dimitri stumbled in. He had his cape around his shoulders and he had bags under his eyes. It had been a week since he was announced as the leader of Faerghus and since we moved into the capital building. He was dragging his feet along the ground as he made his way towards the closet.

"Do you need help, Dimitri?"

"I should be alright," he yawned. 

I waited for him to come out of the closet. He walked out and he looked like he was ready to go to sleep. He needed the sleep. He turned out the light and made his way towards the bed, however, I heard a thud once he turned off the light. I sighed and got up. I walked over to see he had fallen onto the floor. I helped him up and got him onto the bed. I got on the other side of him to see he was fast asleep. I reached behind his head and untied his eye patch. I set it on the bedside table and moved his hair away from his face. I looked at the two long scars that were running across his right eye. I laid down and wrapped my arms around him.

"Goodnight, Dimitri."

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