Chapter 36

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I grabbed some gauze and some rubbing alcohol. I poured some of it onto a towel and ran it across his shoulder. Once I got the bleeding to stop, I wrapped some gauze around it. 

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Don't be," he said.

I went into the bathroom and turned to look at his back. It was all red with my nail marks from digging and clawing at his back. I let out a sad sigh and put the rubbing alcohol back. When I first got up, it felt like my legs were jello. He hit me hard tonight. I slowly made my way back to the bed and laid down. He laid down on his back and looked at the ceiling.

"That was amazing," he said and grabbed my hand.

"I agree," I smiled. 



"Do you think we were successful?"

I knew what he meant by that. I turned towards him and smiled. 

"I think we were. But only time will tell."

The following week was a bit of a rough one. Dimitri was finally getting used to being in a leader position since he had more meetings than he knew what to do with. I was mostly there to retain the role I had when we were back at the company building. A few of the people in the meetings were wondering why I was there. Some of them had even asked for me to leave. I was going to, but Dimitri was there to let me stay for a few of the meetings. It didn't work with every single one of them.

I woke up the next day feeling a bit queasy in my stomach. I felt a bit nauseous and dizzy. While Dimitri was in the shower getting ready, I headed over to the other bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom to see Dimitri was ready.

"Are you ready for today?"

"I think I'm going to sit this one out."


"I'm not feeling the greatest."

"Do you want me to stay here and take care of you?"

I shook my head, "You should head to these meetings. They're important."

"Not as important as you are. You're sick. I should at least take care of you."

"Dimitri, you need to keep your role as the leader of Faerghus."

He didn't like what I had to say. I thought he was going to get angry with me, but he kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled away. He looked seriously at me.

"And I need to keep my role as your husband. I made a vow that I would be there no matter what. And I am going to keep that promise."

I sighed and shook my head, "You should be in that meeting."

"That meeting does not matter."

"Yes it does."

"It's only with Byleth. I'll tell him I will meet with him tomorrow since you are not feeling well."

"Dimitri," I said.

"No buts, Y/N. Go lay down. I'll be back soon."

"Alright," I said.

He was about to go, but I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him towards me. I buried my face in his chest.

"I love you."

He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head, "I love you, too."

I walked back to the room and laid down on the bed. Dimitri came back about twenty minutes later. Byleth was right behind him.

"So sorry to hear you're under the weather. I wish you well, Y/N."

"Thank you, Byleth."

"Take care you two," Byleth said and walked out of the room.

Dimitri changed from his formal clothing to a bit more casual. "Now, is there anything I can get you?"

"I think I'll just rest for now."

"Alright. Holler if you need anything," Dimitri said and walked towards the kitchen.

I laid my head down and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"Stay away from him!" I yelled.

Dimitri looked at me with a stone cold glare in his eyes. The nice shade of blue was now shadowed by a dull color. He did not smile in months after the baby was born. When the baby was born, he was happier than a clam. He was the best father to our son, but he was slowly starting to lose himself to the ghosts that were inside of his head. I did my best to snap him out of it, but he couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't.

"What am I looking at?" he asked me.

"You are looking at the face of your wife and your son!"

He shook his head, "I can't tell if you're real or not."

"Dimitri, listen to me. We are real. We're not like the ghosts that live inside of your head! You need to forget about them and focus on what is right in front of you."

"I know what is right in front of me," he said and grabbed his lance. I had nothing to save myself or our son. All that was close to me as a steak knife. I grabbed it and held it out.

"Don't make me do it, Dimitri!"

"The ghosts of the past are in front of me. And I must get rid of them."

"Dimitri, stop!"

I drove the knife into his forearm. He didn't even flinch or throw his head back and howl in pain. He no longer felt pain. He no longer had the love he had once in his eyes. Blood came out from the wound and dripped onto the floor. He looked down at his bleeding arm and ran his hand underneath the red waterfall. He felt the blood on his hand and looked at me. He didn't even say anything. He was just there. Seizing my chance, I darted towards our son. Dimitri was quick though. He grabbed my leg and stabbed his lance into my calf. I yelled in pain and he ripped it out. I fell onto the ground and he walked over to me. He raised the lance to where it was over my back.

"I should of gotten rid of you a long time ago."

I reached up and grabbed the lance. I ripped it from his hands and threw it to the side of the hallway. As if he was a robot, he turned his head to where his lance landed. I got up and did my best to get to our son. I opened the doors to his room and grabbed him. I turned and ran out of the room, Dimitri following closely behind. He was getting faster and I couldn't do anything other than limp my way down the hall. 

"Dada," our son called for his father.

Dimitri held up his lance and threw it.

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