Chapter 17

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"Y/N, since you have proven to be a very useful sniper, we are going to place you in that said category. You need to be up high and out of sight. If you see any oncoming enemies that the soldiers don't know about, you are to take them out immediately. Understood?" Byleth asked.

"Yes, sir," I said.

"Good." Byleth walked over to Dimitri and a large majority of the soldiers. "You are our most strongest soldiers and we cannot afford to lose you. So, you will be backing up the front lines. The front lines are going to consist of the most experienced when it comes to fighting. That is to avoid many deaths for our strongest soldiers. You guys might just be the key of turning the tides of this war. Remember, this is life and death. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir!" they all yelled and saluted to him.

"Very good." Byleth walked towards another group and told them their orders. Once he was finished, we all had to go to our respective areas. I walked back towards the small house I was living in for the past four and a half months. Now, I would be walking out on that battlefield and help aid Faerghus and Leicester to stop Adrestian. I walked into the house and started to pack up my things. I changed into a different uniform upon request of Klaus himself. It had a vest full of ammunition and there were even long ropes that went from my shoulder down to my waist that was just filled with more ammunition. I was set. 

I walked over to my bed and placed out everything. First my bulletproof vest, then the vest with my ammunition, and followed by my jacket. I checked my rifle before loading it up. While I was getting everything prepared, I didn't hear the door open and close. A pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist tightly. Dimitri placed his head on my shoulder and nuzzled his face into my neck. He planted a few light kisses along my neck. I reached up behind him and dug my hand into his hair.

"Dimitri," I whispered.

He looked up and I turned around to get a good look at him. He looked determined, but he also looked worried. Worried that we might never see each other again.

"We're going to make it out alive," I said.

He gave me a sad smile and placed his lips lightly against mine. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I dug my hands into the back of his hair. He pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.

"I know," he said. "Be careful out there."

"You too," I said. 

He pulled away and grabbed my hand. He kissed my knuckles and smiled. "Until we see each other again, my beloved."

He walked out of the house and towards his sleeping quarters to get ready. I placed on my bulletproof vest, followed by the vest carrying my bullets. I finished it off with placing my jacket over the two of the vests. I grabbed my rifle and made my way out of the house. I looked at it one more time before walking towards the main area of the base. There, soldiers were running around frantically to get everything ready. I walked over to where I needed to go. It was a giant military truck. I opened the back doors and got into the back. I closed the doors shut and the driver looked behind at me.

"You're our only sniper?" he asked.

"Looks like it."

"Alright. Looks like we're heading off."

"Wait, I need to do something before we go."


I opened the doors and jumped down from the truck. I walked around, trying to see if Dimitri had arrived to this area. He was walking towards the truck his group was assigned to. 

"Dimitri!" I called.

He stopped and looked around to find where his name was called. I ran towards him, which caught his attention. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head in my shoulder.

"Be safe," he whispered to me.

"Be safe as well," I said and tried to fight back tears.

I pulled away and looked at his sad smile. He raised his hands and wiped away the tears that were slowly sliding down my face. He planted a small kiss on my cheek before turning towards the truck.

"You done there, Dimitri?" a soldier had asked.

"Yeah," he said sadly and looked over at me.

"I'll see you later, Dimitri," I said.

"See you later," he said and walked towards the truck. I headed back towards mine and closed the doors when I got in.

"Alright, let's put an end to this war."

"Yeah," I said. "Let's put an end to this."

I sat down with the other soldiers and rested my arms on my legs.

"You know, you're lucky, Dimitri," one of them said.

"Why is that?"

"You found someone to take care of while you were here," they said.

"We came here together as a couple. We might be leaving here as a couple."

"A couple of dead people," one said.

I shot him a glare and he instantly shut up afterwards.

"Don't constantly remind me. I am holding onto hope that we will make it out of this. All of us. I'm pretty sure you sacrificed something important for you to come here. I'm sure whoever we left back at home are praying everyday that we're safe and we're alive. We need to answer those prayers and walk off that battlefield and back into their arms! We need to show them that we returned home safely and we will return to the ones we love."

The soldiers were silent after I scolded them. However, the one who gave me and Y/N trouble clapped. He nodded his head and clapped for me.

"Well said, Dimitri," he said. "I couldn't have said it any better myself. I think you took the words right out of our mouths. We're behind you, Dimitri. All the way." He held out his hand for me to take. I nodded at him and clasped his hand.

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