Chapter 16

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The horn blasted as the sun rose early in the horizon. I lifted up my head and lifted the blind a little bit. The sun wasn't even up. I sighed and tried to get up. Dimitri tightened his grip around me. I chuckled to myself and rubbed his head, messing his hair up slightly.

"Dimitri, time to wake up," I said and kissed his forehead.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled.

I smiled at him and did something he would probably kill me for. I reached down to his sides and started to tickle him. He curled inwards and started to laugh.

"Stop!" he said through his laughing.

"I will stop when you get up."

He grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him. He hugged my tightly and he sighed, taking in my aroma. 

"I'm awake. But never do that again," he said. "If we don't want to get caught, I can't be loud."

"I'm sorry, but that was the only way I could get you to wake up."

He smiled and nuzzled up against my neck, "Thank you, though."

He got out of the bed and stretched. I got up and grabbed my jacket. Dimitri looked at his watch before turning towards me.

"Mind if I grab a quick shower?"

"Go ahead," I said.

He grabbed his jacket and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door and got the shower running. I grabbed my boots and slipped my feet into them. I walked over to the mirror and pulled up my H/C into a small bun. I threw my jacket over my black shirt and zipped it up. Dimitri came out of the bathroom and was ready to go. We left the small house and towards the mess hall.

"Did you sleep any better last night?"

"A little bit better. That was probably one of my better nights since I started having those visions."

"That's good. At least I was there comforting you when you needed me."

We got to the mess hall and ate some breakfast before our early morning run around the base. Once we finished our run, we got right into more hand to hand combat. We finished that and we were on to more ranged combat. I was more of a sniper than want to be up close and personal with the other enemies. Dimitri, on the other hand, was all about getting up close. 

We did a few more months of training before we were called together to meet Byleth and our commander in chief to the mess hall. 

"What do you think this is all about?" Dimitri asked while we were walking towards the mess hall.

"Probably some updates about the war."

We walked in, sat down near the back, and waited for this meeting to begin. I was looking around and I noticed everyone had noticeably gotten stronger. Especially Dimitri. His hair had gotten longer now and it was almost to his shoulder. He had also grown much more stronger. I knew that if we were going to end up fighting, he would mostly likely be placed in the front lines because of strength, speed, endurance, and how well he fights. That made me a little uneasy.

"Good morning. Good morning," Byleth said and walked into the mess hall. "Today we have Klaus I and Duke Reigan to speak with us today. They are going to give us an update on the raging war that is currently happening in Adrestian. I know we have only done about four months of training, but within those four months, all of you have proven that you're capable of fighting for Faerghus and Leicester. Now, I will let Klaus and Duke Reigan take over from here."

The soldiers clapped as they walked out in front of us. Klaus looked tired while Reigan looked like he had given up the fight long ago. Klaus walked towards us first.

"As you know, Faerghus and Leicester declared war on Ionius IX because of how he is treating his people and the rest of our people. He has killed many families and took so many children and sentenced them to death because he saw them as 'in his way.' Well, to tell you the truth, we have been in his way for quite sometime, however, we have been stuck in the same place for the past four months. We neither advance nor pull our troops because if we do, they will be slaughtered by Adrestian soldiers. 

"We have lost many lives to stop Ionius IX and his regime. Now, it is up to you. All of you. Duke Reigan had already sent out his forces to aid in the soldiers who are stuck from getting into Adrestian's borders. Now I call upon you, to do your best and to give your life for your freedom, for Leicester's freedom, and more importantly, Adrestian's freedom and future. With all of you, I am certain we are going to progress since we have one of the strongest soldiers here with us. Within the next week, I will be giving out your orders and what you will need to do in aiding our success in this war. I wish you all luck."

We stood up and saluted Klaus this time. He smiled at us and nodded his head. He saluted back to us before leaving the mess hall. Byleth came back out and we sat back down.

"Alright, get back to training everyone. Within the next week I will be giving you your orders and soon, you will be facing this war head on."

Every single one of the soldiers got up and left the mess hall. Dimitri was sitting there, his head hung low. I looked over at him.


He reached down and grabbed my hand. He held it tightly and it seemed like he didn't want to let it go. He looked up at me with a determined look on his face. 

"No matter what happens out there. No matter if we're together or separated. I just want to let you know something."

It even pained him to come to this sudden realization that we could never see each other again. He put his other hand on top of mine and looked right into my eyes.

"You are my one and only. You are my beloved."  

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