Chapter 30

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"What are we going to do?" Dimitri asked.

"Byleth had just emailed us again," I said and pulled it up.

"Y/N and Dimitri, 

We have confirmed that all of these documents are real with one of the guards that is placed in Lambert's office. He was the one to send me these documents. My orders to you is that Lambert is having an event with some of his people. You are to go in there and distract him. Y/N will be the sniper and you will be there to lead him to this hallway. From there, we will take him out silently. Y/N, your orders are to shoot him in both of his legs so he cannot run or fight back. Go for his arms if you need to. But do not kill him! We need him to confess what he had done wrong. Once we arrest him, Dimitri will take up the mantle of leading Faerghus. I wish you luck on this mission."

There was an image of where to lead Lambert in the capital building he was in. Dimitri read over the email once more and walked over to his desk.

"I-I can't believe my father would do such a thing."

"Dimitri," I said.

"D-Do you think I would be like him? Become a killer and become psychotic?"

"Dimitri," I looked over at him sternly. "You are nothing like your father. You will not become your father."

He slowly nodded his head, "Alright." 

"Are you ready, Dimitri?" Byleth asked.

"I am ready to serve Faerghus to the end."

Byleth nodded his head and rested a hand on his shoulder. "You will make a fine leader."

"I hope so," Dimitri whispered.

"We're getting into position. Are you in position, Y/N? Over."

"Copy that, commander. I am in position. Over."

I watched Blyeth and Dimitri walk into the room where Lambert was. We had no clue why he was having an event as big as this one, but we took this opportunity and we were not going to let it slip from our hands. I got all the ammo into the rifle and sat there, waiting for everything to play out.

"There he is! How are you my son?" my father asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm alright, father," I said. 

"Come, I want you to meet some people. These are the people who are going to help Faerghus take over both Adrestian and Leicester."

I was hoping everything I was hearing was being recorded. I looked around the room and saw there were various cameras placed. They looked like lights if someone were to just glance at them. I knew where they were placed since Byleth had walked us through the plan on how we're going to get Lambert.

"Everyone, this is my son, Dimitri."

"It is nice to meet you all," I said and shook their hands.

"You were the one who not only captured Ionius, but Edelgard as well," one said.

"Yes, I was that person. However, I had help with Edelgard."

"It was Dimitri's assistant who helped him. She didn't really do much."

I tried not to get angry. I had to stay according to plan.

"Stay according to plan, Dimitri. You cannot let your anger get the better of you," Dedue said to me through an earpiece. I was glad that my hair covered it.

"Um, father, may I speak with you?"

"Yes," he said. "Excuse me."

He led me to a corner of the room and tried to talk to me. 

"I'd like to speak to you in the hallway. Where I can speak to you better and you can hear me better."

He slowly nodded his head and we walked towards the hallway where Y/N was.

"What did you need to talk about?" he asked, his back turned to where Y/N was.

She looked down at me and nodded. I had to keep him distracted. 

"I wanted to know more about how you were going to take over Leicester and Adrestian. I would like to aid you in your conquer."

"Ah, I knew you were going to come around soon enough, Dimitri. You just had to get used to the idea of ruling over those two places. You see, we have enough steel to make all sorts of weapons. Not to mention our steel is more durable. That is why we are on top when it comes to the steel industry. Once we slowly crush Golden Deer's steel company and Black Eagle's, we will have a monopoly on all of the steel. Once we have their steel, we will slowly start taking over. Once we have slowly taken over, that is when the people will revolt. Once they revolt, then we will conquer and start a new with our bloodline!"

"Our bloodline?"

"Yes! You will take over Adrestian and have a wife. Someone other than Y/N. She's a nice girl and all, but we come from royalty. We can't have her taint our royal bloodline."

I looked up and winked at her. That was the signal.

"Is something wrong, Dimitri?"

"I think I just have something in my eye," I said and rubbed them. 

"Let me take a look," he said.

As soon as he reached out towards Dimitri, I shot him in his shoulder. He put his hand on his shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. I shot him in the other shoulder. He yelled out in pain. I shot his one leg, making him kneel onto the ground. I fired the last bullet for this round, which got him right in the knee. He fell onto the floor and looked around, trying to find where I was hiding. 

"Where the hell is she?"

"Where is who?"

"Y/N! She was a sniper for the army."

"Lambert Blaiddyd, you are under arrest," Byleth said and walked towards us.

Lambert looked up at Byleth. "You son of a bitch!"

"I assume you know why you're under arrest."

Lambert sneered and tried to get up. Dimitri grabbed his father by the collar and dragged him down the hall. They went back to the room they were in. I jumped down from the rafters and followed them. Byleth burst through the doors and all of the people in their turned their heads.

"Your leader is under arrest. I think he should explain himself," Dimitri said.

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