Chapter 19

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I was trudging along in the desert as I carried Dimitri. The gauze was doing the best it could to clot the bleeding. However, they were becoming redder and redder by the minute.

"Why didn't you just leave me there?" he coughed and spat the blood on the sand.

"I couldn't just leave you for death. You said that I was your right hand. That I will always help you. Even if it is part of a transitional phase, I will always be there to help you."

Dimitri looked up at me and smiled sadly. "I can't believe you remember. Even after all this time."

"How could I forget the words that made me fall in love with you?"

He chuckled, "It took you quite some time to show it, my beloved."

"I was never one to want love in the workplace, but I see that is really the only place to meet people other than the streets."

We made it to the hospital an hour after the sun had set. A team of nurses and doctors rushed over to Dimitri. They took him from me. I watched as they took him to the emergency room. He definitely needed stitches and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

"Please come with us," a nurse said.

I followed them into the back where they checked up on me. I had no serious injuries other than a cut on my forearm from when I was fighting off enemies. They cleaned it out and covered it up.

"Do you know how long until I see him?"

"Probably not for another hour or so. He was pretty banged up when you brought him in."

"Thank you for treating him."

"It's what we do here," she smiled.

I walked into the waiting room and sat there for about an hour before some troops walked in. They looked over at me.

"Where's Dimitri?"

"He's currently being treated. Why?"

"The commander wants you back."

"No way am I going back now. I'm staying here to make sure Dimitri is alright."

"We will come back for him when he is discharged."

"No!" I stood up. "I am waiting here until he is discharged."

"We didn't want to have to resort to this."

One of the soldiers came over to me and grabbed me in a tight hold.

"Hey! Let go!"

"No can do. We have our orders. It's about time you listened to them."

"No! I need to wait until Dimitri is better!"

Before I was dragged out of the hospital, Dimitri was walking towards where I was once standing.


"Y/N!" Dimitri yelled and ran towards me. However, since he had just gotten his stitches, he was still a bit weak and he fell towards the ground. I watched as the team of doctors helped him up.


He looked up, anger in his eyes. "I will follow you wherever you go! One more day, Y/N and I can finally be with you once more!"

Once I was released from the hospital, I grabbed my rifle and made my way towards the heart of Adrestian. I knew where Ionius IX was being kept because Adrestian was currently being overrun by Faerghus and Leicester soldiers. I returned to the battlefield with anger in my one eye that I had. My right eye was being covered by an eye patch the doctor's had given me. 

I made my way into the heart of Adrestian with more soldiers by my side. They were all informed about what had happened to me and they were ready to aid me in anyway. Either they take a hit for me or they defend me. Anyway they can help me, they were going to do it. They knew I wanted to end this war. They could see it in my eyes. I wanted to return home and live a nice and peaceful life. However, that wasn't going to happen.

I spent three nights in that hospital being haunted by the comrades I watched die in battle. Their voices rang out to me, pleading to be saved. The voices of my ancestors were there, begging me to show mercy to the enemies. Mercy got us no where and will get us no where. For those three nights, they would not shut up. They were persistent in taunting and teasing me. Why did I have to be the one to live while all of them died? They were supposed to return home, but we got ambushed and there was no one to save us.

I remember killing all of the soldiers with my bare hands. Byleth always said I had the power of ten men. But put under pressure with my life in jeopardy, I had the strength of twenty men. I killed all of them with a single blow to the face. I remember their blood tainting my face and mixing with my own. I remember feeling that dagger slice and glide across my skin. It tore right through my uniform too.

Now, I was going to end all of this. End all of the suffering, the pain, the carnage, and the war. I marched to where Ionius IX was being held. There was maximum security there, however, I took them out with a single blow. Nothing was going to stop me from getting Ionius. I pushed the doors open and saw Ionius was being guarded by more soldiers. They rushed towards me and I fought them off. There were quite a lot of them, but I had a burning spirit to return back to Y/N and back to Faerghus. I rinsed through all of them, however, one had enough strength to cut a deep gash in my left leg. But now Ionius was left defenseless. I limped my way over to him and grabbed him by the throat.

"You're done for, Ionius! Adrestian is being taken over by Faerghus and Leicester soldiers! And here you are, hiding so they do the dirty work for you! You're a coward and a monster!"

"Look who's the monster. You just killed over thirty of my men with your bare hands. What do you have to say about that?" he choked out.

I looked around. He was right. I did just strangle them moments ago. I shook my head and stared at him.

"There is nothing left for you to do other than to end this war! End all of your people's pain and suffering! End all of this killing and carnage! End this damned war so that the soldiers can return to their loved ones!"

"Alright! Alright!" he said.

I loosened my hold on him. He slid to the ground, but tried to make a run for it. I grabbed the back of his shirt and broke both of his legs.

"You're not going anywhere," I said and dragged him out of the building.

I continued to drag him through the streets of Adrestian. The soldiers knew they lost the war when they saw this. They stopped their fighting and surrendered to the waves of troops that were sent in. I limped my way towards one of the trucks. I threw Ionius into the passenger seat and I got into the driver's seat. I drove all the way back to the base with a victory in sight.

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