Chapter 7

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"You seem tired today, Y/N," Dimitri said.

I yawned as we walked towards the jet that was placed at the airport. Today we were going to be visiting Claude in Leicester. It would be about a few hours before we got there. Dimitri had settled on seeing him a few days after he sent the email to both Claude and Edelgard. We were still waiting on a message from Edelgard, but Dimitri knew it would be a while before Edelgard responded.

"I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately," I said.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. I keep having this weird dream."

"Is it reoccurring?"

"Yes. And it seems to have a story line to it. It also repeats."

"A story line?"

"Yes," I said.

"Sounds interesting."

"Can you remember anything about it?"

"Well, you're there and we're fighting in a war."

He had a puzzled look on his face, "I was there and we're fighting in a war?"

"Yes. And you lost an eye and your hair was longer."

"I lost an eye?!"

"This is a dream, remember that, Dimitri."

"Yes, yes. But if it's reoccurring and there is a 'story' to it, you might be having visions."


"My father had a few of them when he was younger. They were visions of what would happen. It could be immediate or there could be a huge time gap between them. But what do I know? I never had a vision."

I looked down at the ground and thought about what Dimitri said. We got onto the jet and got settled in. He also brought Dedue along in case any hostility rose between our meeting. I went over the deal we had came up with and rested my head back in the chair.

"Get some sleep, Y/N. We have a long trip ahead of us," Dimitri said.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. The same dream came once more. It was the first part of the dream where I saw Dimitri laying on the ground and he had just lost his eye. I wish there was a way to stop from having these visions. I didn't want this to be real. I hope it's not. 

"Y/N, wake up," Dimitri said and lightly shook my shoulder.

I yawned, stretched, and opened my eyes. I looked up at Dimitri, who had a smile on his face. His cheeks looked a little pink. Or were they red?

"Are you hot or something?" I mumbled.

Dimitri looked a bit shocked and surprised by the question.

"U-Uh, I-um, don't know what you mean."

I placed the back of my hand against his forehead and sighed, "You're a bit warm."

Dimitri let out a sigh of relief and sat down across from me.

"It is a bit warm," Dimitri said.

"Did you not understand what I was asking?" I asked him.

"I think I got it in the wrong context."

"Seems like you did," I chuckled. 

He gave me a small smile. "We'll be landing in Leicester in a few minutes. Do you have everything together?"

"I do," I said and checked a few more times before the jet landed. The door opened up and there were guards standing by the door. Dedue walked out before we did. 

"All clear, sir," Dedue said.

We walked out of the jet and the guards escorted us to the Golden Deer Steel Inc.'s building. We saw a shining golden building in the distance. There was a giant deer on the roof and it shimmered in the sunlight. 

"Would you look at that," Dimitri said, clearly interested in the giant deer statue. 

"Impressive," I said.

We walked into the building and the guards led us to the top floor. We walked out of the elevator and down a hallway. One of the guards opened up a door that was right beside Dimitri.

"Claude, they're here," said a guard.

"Splendid! Bring them in!"

Dimitir, Dedue, and I walked into the room and saw Claude was sitting behind his desk.

"I thought there was going to only be two of you," Claude said.

"Sorry about that," Dimitri said. "I brought Dedue here in case anything were to happen."

"Alright. Sorry about the guards. They're always like that when visitors come from either Faerghus and Adrestian. Please, take a seat."

We sat across from Claude. He cleared off his desk and pulled out a pen.

"So, I assume you're Dimitri," Claude said.

"I am. Nice to meet you, Claude."

"And you must be Y/N?"

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Let's get right down to the dirty work. Tell me, why try to make a deal with us?"

"We have been rivals ever since the two of us built our walls from the same material we're trying to sell. We've had a long running history of competition inside and outside our distributors. We feel that it is best for us to come together, set aside our differences, and work as one."

"Work as one?"

"Yes. This deal is subject to change to match your concerns and interests. I think a major concern you have is if you're going to be considered a branch of Blue Lions Co."

"Yes, that is one of my concerns."

"You will not be considered part of the company. I guess you could say we are partners. We work together to build both of the companies up. If we have an idea that you would like to use, we will allow you to use it. Although it depends on the idea. The same goes for you as well. You have the right to keep the ideas you have or if you want to share it with us. If you do want to share it with us, we will give you the rights of the idea. Or say that you're low on metal and you have another order you need to fill. We can help you build your metal and vise versa."

Claude scratched his chin and nodded his head. He seemed interested in this idea of coming together.

"So would all of Leicester know that we're working together?"

"That would be up to you. If you would like to display that we're proud partners of the steel industry, then that is completely up to you. If you want to be the only one who knows, that is fine by me."

"What can I gain if I sign this deal?"

"You gain our partnership if you're in need of making metal to fill an order. If you want to import your metal to Faerghus, we will not put a high tax on your metal. If you have a customer that lives all the way at Faerghus, we can ship them the metal under your supervision. You would be gaining quite a lot from becoming our partner."

Claude nodded his head. He looked satisfied. 

"And you're sure we can keep our name?"

"Yes. You keep your name and your branding."

"What if part of the metal I need comes from you? Do I still get to keep branding rights?"

"Yes you do."

Claude smiled, "Where do I sign?" 

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