Chapter 12

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We walked out of the building, both of us were dissatisfied with the end result. Dimitri had tried to press Edelgard into making a deal with them, however, she did not. At least we had to deal with one rival instead of two now. We made our way to the jet and got ourselves situated. Since I was a bit upset with Dimitri, I sat next to Sylvain and Dedue sat next to Dimitri. Felix and Ashe were on the other side of the aisle. The jet flew into the air and off back towards Faerghus. Dimitri was trying to get me to discuss how we can make a better plan, but I told him I didn't want to talk. That I had a headache and it was really bothering me. The flight back to Faerghus was quiet and awkward.

We returned to Faerghus and headed back towards the company building. I entered and went right to the elevator. I pressed the button and walked in. Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, Dedue, and Ashe all squeezed into the elevator, making me uncomfortably close to Dimitri. I could smell the scent of Edelgard's perfume coming from Dimitri. The image came back into my mind as we sat there uncomfortably. The elevator stopped and I made my way towards the door. I got out and headed towards my cubicle. I wasn't ready for Ingrid to come and talk to me.

I set my things down and collapsed into the chair. I lazily opened my laptop and read through a list of papers I needed to file. I fished through my drawers, trying to find the papers.

"Don't yell today. I'm not in the mood," I said.

"How did you know it was me?" Ingrid asked.

"I always know. Besides, you're the only person I talk to and you seem to know exactly when I return from meetings. You must have some tracker on me."

"I just have this sixth sense," Ingrid said. "Anyway, how did the meeting go?"

"Fine," I said and brought out some papers from the drawers. "Although, Edelgard is a hard one to crack. We might not be able to make a deal with her."

"As long as we have Golden Deer, then we might get somewhere."

"I highly doubt it."

"Why's that?"

I sighed and looked up at her, "Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"My lips are sealed."

I explained to Ingrid what I saw when I returned from the bathroom. Ingrid shook her head.

"Sure Dimitri can be a bit flirty here and there, but he knows what comes first. And this business comes first before anything else."

"Try telling his little friend down there," I said.

"Y/N, you could have seen it wrong. Maybe you went in at the wrong time."

"I know what I saw, Ingrid. He was definitely up to something."

"How do you know, Y/N?"

"Why do you defend him? You don't know him well enough to defend his actions."

"Neither do you. And what you saw was not clear and enough information for you to jump to conclusions like that."

I sighed, "I don't want to deal with that now."

"Alright. I'll leave you alone. Just remember, Y/N. Dimitri is not that kind of person."

"I thought we were going to go out," Dimitri said randomly when I was in his office. He had called me to come talk to him. It was about a couple weeks after that whole incident at Black Eagles Manufacturing. Ever since we came back, I had tried to avoid him as best as I could. However, I couldn't since I had to work directly with him.

"I just couldn't find the time," I lied.

Dimitri sat there and tapped his chin, "I know what's going on, Y/N."

"You do?"

He nodded his head, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but Ingrid told me everything."

"She did?"

"She did. I did not tell this to anyone else. She had a good reason to bring it up with me."

"And that was?"

Dimitri stood up and walked around the room. "I told you before we went to meet Edelgard. She has one thing on her mind when it comes to the business. She wants to marry into the business and take control from my hands."

Shit. I had completely forgotten about that. It was when we were coming back from Leicester and Dimitri was warning me about Edelgard and what her desires were. That had slipped my mind when I saw them together.

"So, she was just trying to seduce you," I said.

"Exactly. I did not initiate anything. She grabbed me by my tie and told me 'Be a smart man and give me what I want.' I am not going to marry someone who just wants personal gain. I want to be with someone who will actually care and listen to my problems. And help me and I will reciprocate. I want someone to actually love instead of have this fake love between one another. Because it would not feel right and it would feel artificial. I do not want artificial love."

He turned towards me and gave me a soft smile. "I think we both wish for that some kind of love. I want real love while you want to be loved."

He walked closer to me. "I can give you that kind of love," he whispered in my ear.

Every word sent a shiver down my spine. His words rang through my ear and it penetrated my heart. "I can give you that kind of love." Was he being honest with me? Or was he trying to trick me? He slowly lifted his hand and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. His blue eyes had a deep interest in mine. His blue eyes were something I could stare at all day. His hand moved and rested on my cheek. It was warm and gentle. Something I had been craving ever since I was a child. Now that I have felt his warmth and his gentleness, I did not want to give it up. Not without a fight. I stood up to be on his level. I reached up and cupped his cheeks. He raised his other hand and rested it on my other cheek. I pulled him towards me and he followed. Our lips lightly came into contact with the other's. His lips felt so soft and warm. As if I was cuddling with a blanket. I pulled away and he placed his forehead against mine.

He smiled warmly at me, "I take that as you wouldn't mind if I gave you that kind of love."

I smiled and chuckled, "I would love to receive your love, Dimitri."

He placed his lips back onto mine, giving me another sweet and gentle kiss.

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