Chapter 4

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"Good morning, everyone! I know I told you a couple weeks ago that I will be handing over the company to my son. Well, he is going to take the reigns today with this meeting. He has some very important things today," Lambert said and walked over to a chair. Dimitri stood up and walked towards the front.

"I hope everyone is having a good morning. It was Y/N's idea to serve coffee and some pastries. So you should thank her for that. A couple weeks ago I had appointed Y/N to be my right hand during this transitional phase. I think she will be with me more than capable with the transition. I had told her to give me a couple ideas on how we can make this company better. She had given me wonderful ideas that I am very happy to share with you. 

"For starters, she said that we should make the metal more biodegradable. Since we are making our metal more eco-friendly and more durable, we should also make them biodegradable so that when it gets damaged beyond repair, it will degrade away without harming the soil and the plants. 

"Another idea she came up with is making the sheets bigger and in less bulks. That is a way where our consumers get more from one sheet rather than a couple sheets. Finally, this was an idea that I would never have thought of because my father tried doing this. She had thought of maybe making a deal with Golden Deer and Black Eagles. We are still in the works of coming up with a proposal for them, but since they're also entering a transitional phase, they might be more open minded than their predecessors. That is all I have to share with you today."

Everyone seemed a bit fulfilled about this upcoming plan. Everyone was complimenting Dimitri.

"Don't look at me," Dimitri said. "In the beginning I said these were all Y/N's ideas. You should be complimenting her."

Everyone looked over at me and I gave them a shy wave. They directed their attention back towards Dimitri. I sighed and gathered all of the trash that was on the table.

"I think those are some wonderful ideas, Y/N. If they can't see it, then they're blind. And they're wishing they had come up with the ideas," Lambert chuckled. "I guess they all wanted a chance to work with Dimitri. I'm glad he picked you to help him out."

"Was there someone else other than me?"

"There was. Ingrid was a thought as well as Dedue, but Dimitri said that Dedue would come up with horrible ideas and Ingrid would be too fascinated with him to do anything."

I chuckled, remembering how Ingrid congratulated me the day Dimitri said I would be helping him.

"You're going to do a fine job, Y/N," Lambert said and stood up. He walked over to Dimitri, said something to him, and walked out. Everyone else filed out of the conference room and I walked over to Dimitri.

"Seems like you were swarmed today."

"They all liked your ideas," he said.

"Well, they seemed to not be listening at that part."

"I'm sure they'll recognize that they were your ideas."

"I don't ever think they will."

"Why's that?"

"You're now the head of the company. People expect you to have these ideas yourself."

"Do you think I would have been able to come up with those ideas on my own?"

"Don't get me wrong. I know you're smart and all, but not really."

"Exactly. The only thing I could of thought of was talking to the other heads of the companies. Look, those are some amazing ideas, Y/N. Be proud of what you're contributing to the company."

I smiled at Dimitri, "Thank you."

"Now, with that said, I am going to need your help."


"I need to get into contact with the others. Edelgard is the head of Black Eagles Manufacturing and Claude is head of Golden Deer Steel Inc. I am going to have to send them a message that I would like to speak with them. If they accept, I want you to come with me."

"Me? Why not Dedue?"

"Dedue didn't come up with this idea. You did. Besides, we need to break you out of your shell."

I sighed, "Alright."

"Good. Please come to my office."

I followed him to his office and sat down in front of his desk. He sat down and pulled up his laptop. I pulled out a notebook and began writing something down.

"Already have an idea of what to say?"

"You know me," I said.

I sat there for a good five minutes before I slid the notebook over to him. He picked it up and looked at it before reading it.

"Mind if I read it out loud?"

"Not at all. I need to hear if there are any mistakes."

"To Edelgard, Head of Black Eagles Manufacturing,

I, Dimitri of Blue Lions Co., have decided to put our past history behind us as we transition into a new age of steel manufacturing. It is best that the two of us come together and propose a deal to one another. We have been competitors ever since we built our companies from the very thing we want to sell. With that said, I think that we should come together and come up with a deal that both of us are willing to support. I hope we can meet sometime soon. Please contact me with any questions and your reply.


Dimitri Blaiddyd."

"And then you would put in Claude's name when you write his email."

"Sounds good. You did all of that in just five minutes?"

"Before I began working here, I always wanted to be in a field of writing."

He smiled, "I had a dream like you."

"You did?"

Dimitri nodded his head, "I didn't want to become the head of this company. I wanted something more different than what my father had in mind. Our family had a long running history of warriors. It dates all the way back to our ancestors who fought for this land. We were well known and we struck fear into our enemies. I wanted to be like that. I wanted to enlist in the military. However, once my father found out about it, he said I should move on from our family's history and start down the path he made for me."

"You really wanted to enlist in the military?"

Dimitri nodded his head. He stood up and walked over to a map that was displayed in the corner.

"I still do."

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