Chapter 29

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Today was a pretty rough day since I did not have Dimitri there to help out with the work load. I had to make sure all of the compensation plans were going accordingly to plan and we were ahead rather than behind. Claude was overseeing the steel production at Golden Deer while Dedue was overseeing production here. Byleth had suspended production at Black Eagles due to Edelgard's arrest. The suspension will be lifted when the compensation plan is finished. In the meantime, the companies down in Adrestian got steel from both Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Claude had to send in how much they were manufacturing so I could total them up. Not to mention I had to calculate the revenue we were making and the money we were using to buy materials and stuff. By the end of the day I was super stressed and felt burnt out. I was running around the office for basically the entire day.

"Now I understand why Dimitri is always so tired at the end of the day," I said to myself as I walked out of the elevator. Everyone had gone home and I had to lock the building. I checked the security cameras before walking out of the building. I locked the doors of the building and headed towards the apartment. I walked into the building and towards our apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in to an amazing aroma. I turned to look at the kitchen to see Dimitri was cooking up something.

"Hi, Dimitri," I said and closed the door.

"Hello, Y/N. How was work?"

"Tiring," I said.

He chuckled and I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his back.

"I missed you," I said.

He put one hand against mine, "I missed you, too."

"What are you making?"

"Well, since I got over my hangover, I decided to make us some soup."

"Thank you."

I let go and helped him get the bowls out. I looked at him and noticed his hair was tied into a lose bun. It wasn't all of it, but it kept most of his hair out of his face.

"Did you just put your hair up?"

"I did it when you left."

"I like it," I said and moved a strand of hair out of his face.

He smiled, "I wasn't sure if you were going to like it or not."

"I really like," I said.

We ate dinner and settled down onto the couch to watch a movie. Since I was tired from the day, I had immediately fallen asleep. Dimitri turned off the TV and picked me up bridal style. He walked into his room and set me down on the bed. He got in and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"We have an email from Byleth," Dimitri burst into our shared office. 

It had startled me so much that I almost dropped my coffee. A few months had passed and we were finally able to finish the plan for compensation. Byleth lifted the suspension and is back in production with metal. I wonder what this email was about.

"Can you display it on the board?" I asked.

Before Dimitri did, he closed the blinds that were in his office. The only time he did this was when we got information about the weapon Edelgard made. I guess this was some very sensitive information Byleth had given us. He pulled up the email and displayed it on the board.

"Dimitri and Y/N,

Over the past few months we have kept an eye on Lambert after he did something a couple weeks after he was announced the leader of Faerghus. I do not know what became of him so soon, but we kept tabs after what he had done. We are afraid of another Ionius problem here in Faerghus. I have sent you a video of what had happened that was taken by one of our drones. There was an event happening in downtown Faerghus and Lambert was making an appearance. An event turned into a protest for some reason and Lambert took it upon himself to deal with the protesters rather than let the police handle them. Warning, the video can be a bit graphic. I hope we can do something about him before he turns into something far worse.


Dimitri opened the video. There were cheers and joyous laughter that could be heard throughout the majority of the video. They showed Lambert coming in and everyone started to cheer and clap for him. Klaus was right behind him. Suddenly, the cheers turned into booing. The camera turned to where it was coming from. It was a group of protesters trying to turn the event into a political issue. They were yelling that Lambert was a crook and was power hungry. Lambert went right to the protesters and grabbed the one who was yelling these accusations. He slammed their head into the concrete and blood stained the gray ground. The cheers now turned into shouts and people were fleeing. Klaus tried to get Lambert to stop, but Lambert grabbed Klaus and slammed his head into the ground. The video cut off because someone dropped the camera.

"T-That's not possible," Dimitri said.

I pulled up an attachment that was in the email. There were pictures of a few things that had CONFIDENTIAL in big black letters running diagonally across the paper. It was a deal that was going to be sent to Adrestian and Leicester to make them come under the power of Faerghus. There was also a hand written note in Lambert's hand writing.

"If they refuse the deal, kill them."

We looked at the other documents and saw there was an email photo that was a deal between the leader of Leicester and Lambert. He had given Lambert almost a billion dollars to cover the cost of the war damage, but he used that money for himself. There were other documents to back up that accusation that person yelled, however, why wasn't the news covering this? The last document was a threat to the news people saying that if they covered this, they were going to get fired. 

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