Chapter 18

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I laid there for over a week watching everything play out. I helped the front lines in aiding the soldiers that were trying to make it across the Adrestian border. I could tell which one Dimitri was since his blond hair was painfully noticeable. Not to mention, he was one of the strongest ones there and kind of went wild. 

I now made my way through the trees in trying to aid any of our soldiers I could. It was kind of boring since I was the only sniper. I had to occupy myself and trying to keep myself from going insane since I was by myself. Leaving oneself with their thoughts alone for a long period of time was not good. It wasn't good for even the strong minded people. 

There would be days where I would be walking around in the area trying to find something to eat. I had caught a few rabbits while I was moving to a different area. The troops were moving along quite quickly, however, I was running out of places to hide since we were in the desert. There was a small oasis I was currently in and sometimes soldiers would come in and out to get away from the heat, but we were going more towards the main part of Adrestian. So I had to travel with them if I needed to be there. 

I was sitting on one of the tree branches, watching as the troops were beginning to move once more. I got my stuff together and made my way down the tree. I walked throughout the trees, making sure I kept an eye on our troops and to make sure no one was after me. We had walked so far to the point where the end of the oasis was almost upon me. It seemed the soldiers in our troops knew this since they were coming closer and closer. I walked out of the trees and the troops were already there waiting for me.

"Lost out on the high ground?" one soldier joked.

"Haha, very funny," I said and walked in the middle of them. "I don't know what to do now."

"I guess wait and see what happens."

We walked for what felt like hours, but we reached another one of the small bases to rest up and repack our belongings. I checked my ammo in my rifle before refilling some of the empty pockets in my vest.

"Holy shit, how many rounds do you have in there?" one soldier asked.

"Quite a lot. I always want to make sure I have enough ammo."

We gathered our things and walked on. By nightfall, we reached another area that had a small oasis. It was even smaller than the one I had left. I ran into the trees and started to climb one. I set my things down and rested.

"Don't forget what you need to do," a soldier said through their walkie talkie. 

"I know. I just need to rest right now."

"We'll take turns shifting throughout the night. Alert us if you seen any enemies."

"Got it," I said and rested for about an hour. Once I woke up, I pulled out my rifle and got it set up. I laid on few branches and pulled out my night vision lens. I placed it on and looked around in the night. So far there was no one coming. Which was good, but I had to keep a close eye out. Around two in the morning, all of the soldiers had fallen asleep and it was my job to make sure they were safe and alive. 

I looked through my lens and saw there was someone approaching. I looked real quick to make sure it wasn't one of our men. I waited until they stopped moving before I shot them through the head. The gunshot was loud enough to make all of the soldiers wake up. 

I had fallen asleep during the night and the troops went on without me. I followed their tracks through the sand. As I was walking, I came across an area where there were dead soldiers. As I was walking, there were soldiers from Leicester and Faerghus. I grew worried and searched for any soldiers who were part of Dimitri's troop. I saw a few of them. Then I saw all of them. They were all wiped out? Not all of them.

I got over a sand dune and saw there were even more soldiers. However, one was alive. I looked closely and saw it was Dimitri. My heart jumped as I saw him laying on the ground. He was moving, but how long was he here? How long had it been since they got in front of us? How long did he have?

I rushed towards him as he laid down on the ground. There were multiple wounds all over his body. There was blood dripping from his right eye.

"Dimitri!" I yelled.

His head lifted up and he looked over at me. His head fell back down and rested in the sand. I ran by his side and sat next to him. I lifted his head onto my lap and looked at his injuries. His eye was probably the worst. I needed to get him to a hospital. Although, we were about ten miles from the closest hospital. I only had gauze which should be able to help him get there. I looked at my belt and saw I had lost my one means of communication. I sighed and looked down at Dimitri.

"I'm going to get you out of here," I said. "I'm going to get you to the hospital."

I brought out the gauze and wrapped it around his eye and any major injuries he had. I tried to help him sit up, but he was in too much pain.

"Y/N, save yourself and leave me here."

"I am not leaving you here, Dimitri."

"You need to," he coughed. "You need to. I would just slow you down if we run into any enemies. Go. Win this war for us!"

"We're going to win this war!"

Dimitri looked into my eyes and saw there was determination within them. He had a small smile on his face. He reached up and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He rested his hand on my cheek and he did his best to pull himself up. I leaned down to him and placed my lips onto his. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"At least I got to see you one last time," Dimitri said. "I love you." The last part was more like a whisper. He closed his eyes and fell back into my lap.

"Dimitri! Dimitri, stay with me!" I said and helped him up. I got him and wrapped his arm around my neck. I wrapped my arm around his waist and I walked towards the nearest hospital.

"Please Goddess, please let him live."

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