Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry I had avoided you, Dimitri. I just didn't want to accept what happened between you and Edelgard."

"I know," Dimitri said and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "I understand. Just please, be more open with me. I know it's hard for you and I am willing to help you get through that."

"Thank you," I said and leaned into his touch.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and his head was right next to my ear.

"You smell like vanilla," he whispered in my ear.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's good," he said and sighed. "It's calming."

I smiled, "I should be heading back down. I need to file some papers and put them into the archives."

"Right," he said and pulled away from me. I looked into his blue eyes before turning towards the door. "Before you leave, Y/N. I need to tell you something."

I turned towards him, giving him my attention.

"If you ever need me, my room is D-32."

I nodded my head, "You're just a few doors down from mine. I'm D-29."

He smiled and I walked out of his office. I walked past his office and into the elevator. Once I was alone, I did a victory dance.

"Finally!" I said to myself. The doors opened up and I walked down towards my cubicle with a skip in my step. I sat down at my desk and got to work.

"Y/N!" Ingrid said.

"Good afternoon, Ingrid," I said.

"You seem chipper today."

I smiled to myself, "I'm wonderful."

"Uh-oh. Do I need to get some assistants in here? This is out of the norm," she joked.

I chuckled, "Nope. There is no reason to call them here."

"What happened? I need the details!" she said to me.

I looked at her, "Since you told Dimitri about our conversation a couple weeks ago, I will not be telling you."

"Come on. I was concerned and Dimitri deserved to know how you felt. You're not very open with certain topics."

"And I am not going to be open about this topic. I can pick and choose which pieces of information I can tell you."

"That's true," she said. "Well, I see that you're busy. So I will leave it to you!" she waved.

I finished getting the papers together and I made my way down towards the archives. I was going through some of the old papers in order to make room for the new papers. I placed a stack on a desk, but something caught my eye. I looked at the papers and saw there was something sticking out. I walked over to the pile of papers and slipped it out. It was an old family photo. I looked at it and recognized Lambert.

This must be when Lambert was still a young boy. It was one of those old traditional family photos. Where the child was dressed all nice and standing by their mother. The mother wore a long dress which was flowy. Lambert's father wore a normal tux and had a stern look on his face. Only the mother was smiling slightly. I put the photo in my pocket and got back to clearing out old papers. I went through them to make sure there was nothing that could be used or referenced. I threw them into the recycling bin and made my way back towards my cubicle.

The day had come to an end and I was getting ready to head back to the apartment. I was starting to pack all my things together when Dimitri walked up to me.

"Good evening, Y/N," he said.

"Good evening, Dimitri."

"Tomorrow is the weekend."

"Yes it is."

"I was wondering if you'd like to, I don't know, go out sometime this weekend."

I looked over at Dimitri and smiled, "I would love to."

"Great," he said. "I'll text you?"

"Yeah. Sounds good."

Dimitri winked at me before walking back towards the elevator. As I was packing all my things together, Ingrid came up from behind me.

"Don't tell me!"

It startled me that I almost fell onto the desk.

"Are you two together?"

"No. We're just going out as friends."

"There has to be something between the two of you."

"No there isn't, Ingrid. You're just reading way too much into it."

"I know love when I see it, Y/N. And he definitely likes you."

"We're just going out as friends. There is nothing to it."

"Alright," she said and smirked at me. "I won't tell anyone."

"You better not," I said under my breath.

I finished getting my things together for the weekend. I walked out of the building and towards the apartment building. I got onto the elevator and got to my level. The doors opened up and I walked towards my apartment room. I looked down the hall and saw the door that was labeled 'D-32.' That was Dimitri's apartment. Why did he live here and not in a mansion? I unlocked the door and closed it behind me. I set my things down on the counter and made myself something to eat. It wasn't much, but it was enough for the night. I sat down and turned on the TV.

"Important news coming your way. As you can see, there is a lot of civil unrest here in Adrestian after Ionius IX killed a mother and her child in the middle of the street after getting in his way. The reason behind it was 'They were in my way and it seemed like they were not going to leave. So, I must get rid of the people who will stand in my way.' The people here in Adrestian are growing more and more uneasy as Ionius IX has a steel like grip on the area. With that said, forces from Faerghus and Leicester are coming to try to deal with the unrest in the area. Which has only sparked more of a fire in Ionius IX. He sees them as a threat and will not tolerate it. So far, he has killed over a hundred soldiers from Leicester and fifty from Faerghus. Klaus I has addressed Faerghus this afternoon saying that he will not let anymore bloodshed happen. Duke Reigan of Leicester has also stated they will be doing something to end Ionius's fighting in Adrestian."

This reminded me of what Dimitri said. He wants to enlist in the military.

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