Chapter 34

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I looked at the mirror and the thing that stared back at me was my reflection. I reached up and fixed my tie before putting my hair up into a small bun. I never realized it had shown my eye patch when I put my hair up. I pulled the bun out and reached up and untied my eye patch. I grabbed it and placed it on the counter. I looked back at the scars that ran up and down along my eye. I had never had gotten a good look at my eye after what had happened. I sighed and placed the eye patch back over my eye. I put my hair back into a bun and continued to get ready. 

I was so focused on getting ready that I didn't realize there was a loud knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it up to see Claude.

"Hey, Claude."

"Hi, Dimitri. Do you need any help?"

"No, I think I'm good. Thanks for checking in."

Claude nodded, "We have about an hour before the big day has finally arrived."

"Thanks, Claude."

"See you later," he said and walked off.

I closed the door and looked at myself. I had everything on. All I had to do now was wait. I walked over to the counter once more and stared at my reflection. That was when they had gotten worse. I clutched my head as if someone was pounding against my skull. It slowly subsided. I looked back into the mirror and saw how much pain I was in. 

"Why would she ever want to date a man like me? Let alone marry me?" I sighed and shook my head. "It's not that. She loves me for who I am. Flaws and all, she learned how to help me and she is going to continue to help me through this problem."

"Dimitri, we're getting ready," Claude said.

I straightened everything out before leaving the room. I walked out and got behind the small train of people. I took in a deep breath and they started to walk out. Soon, I was walking out in front of the crowd we had. There was quite a lot of people there. I guess this was the first wedding Faerghus has ever seen between a leader and someone else. The most recent one was Klaus's wedding. My mother died before my father became leader. Now, Faerghus was finally going to witness a glorious wedding.

She was absolutely stunning. She literally took my breath away. I smiled to myself as I watched her walk down the aisle with her uncle. Since she had no contact with both her mother and father, her uncle was here to walk her down. He practically raised her. I walked down to meet them.

"Dimitri," her uncle grabbed my hand. "You are one lucky man to have Y/N as your wife. Cherish it. Cherish her and love her day in and day out."

"I will, sir," I said. 

I grabbed Y/N's hand and we walked towards the front. The priest came out and settled down the crowd.

"Good evening everyone. I am going to skip the boring part and get into the details."

The crowd chuckled.

"Who wants to go first? Dimitri?"

I nodded my head, "I, Dimitri Blaiddyd, take you, Y/N L/N, to be my wife. I will be your stronghold and be a shoulder to lean on. I will give you my strength when you are in need of my guidance. I will be there to go through any hardships we may face as husband and wife."


"I, Y/N L/N, take you, Dimitri Blaiddyd, to by my husband. I will be your everything. I will be there when you need a shoulder to lean on. I will lift you up in spirit with my advice and guidance. I will be your guardian angel as we go through the rest of our life as husband and wife."

"May we have the rings?"

Coming down the aisle was Flayn. She had a huge smile on her face as she handed the rings to me. I grabbed them and gave Y/N my ring while I held onto hers. 

"Do you, Y/N, take Dimitri as your husband, as long as you two shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you, Dimitri,"

"I do," I said.

The priest smiled and everyone in the crowd chuckled. 

"A bit eager. I see how it is," he smiled. I slipped her ring onto her finger and she slipped my ring onto my finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

I placed my hands on her waist and her arms wrapped around my neck. Our lips met one another's. It felt like I was kissing her for the first time all over again. I pulled away and put my forehead against hers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, for the first time in history, Mr. and Mrs. Blaiddyd!"

The whole word around us didn't matter now. Who cares what would happen if Faerghus, Leicester, and Adrestian all got into another war? We wouldn't be able to fight since we were the leaders of Faerghus. Who cares what would happen if Fodlan fell into anarchy? It didn't matter as long as I had her. Whatever storm we were going to face, we were going to face it together head on.

I looked into his deep blue eye, remembering how he meant so much to me during the war. The moment I found him like that, I knew I was meant to be with him. I knew I was meant to be there by his side and aid him. We both held the world in our hands. We both meant the world to one another. I am his world and he is mine. We both smiled at each other, not wanting to let this moment go. If Dimitri had the power to, he would freeze this moment in time and keep it as long as he could.

He grabbed my hand and we faced the crowd. They stood up as we walked down the aisle. I looked over at Dimitri and he looked over at me. I smiled at him and so did he. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked down together.

"The night isn't complete without a dance," Dimitri said and walked over to me.

He put down the drink in his hand and held his hand out to me. I took his hand and we walked out onto the dance floor. A slow song came on and I wrapped my arm around Dimitri's neck. Our hands came together and he placed his other hand around my waist. We swayed in time with the music, but there would be the occasional spin here and there. Towards the end of the song he spun me one more time and I bent backwards as his hand rested on my back. He leaned towards me and I placed a hand on his cheek. He had a smile on his face. I leaned towards him and placed my lips onto his. He kissed back and he pulled away a few seconds after.

Another slow song came on and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Some of the other couples that were in the crowd came and joined us. I smiled and put my forehead against Dimitri's. 

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too."

"When we get back to our room tonight, do you want to do the, you know?"

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead, "I would love to."

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