Chapter 11

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"Are you ready for anything?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm a little nervous," I said.

"Don't be," he said.

He was clearly shaking as we made our way onto the jet. Instead of Dedue with us, we had Sylvain, Felix, and Ashe. They were all part of manufacturing the metal. So they were pretty strong and if anything were to happen, they would be there to protect Dimitri and myself.

"You're one to talk," I chuckled.

He looked over at me and had a playful smile on his face. We got onto the jet and flew off to Adrestian. It was a much longer flight than Leicester. Since there were more of us, we all had to sit together. Dimitri was sitting next to me while Dedue and Sylvain were across from us. Felix and Ashe sat across the aisle. Dimitri and I were discussing a few important topics to bring up with Edelgard. We really needed to emphasize that she would still get the freedom to where she sends out her metal to. But we needed to see if she can bring down the tax on the metal being imported to Adrestian.

We arrived and all of us got off the jet. We walked towards the building that was covered in what looked to be a gold pink color. There was even a giant eagle on the side of the building. It wasn't like Golden Deer's giant golden deer on the top. It looked more of like it was added onto the side of the building.

"We need to do something like that," I said to Dimitri.

"I was thinking about doing something along those lines," he said.

We walked into the building and saw Edelgard was waiting for us.

"Good morning, Dimitri," Edelgard said. She sounded happy, but I knew she was just playing with us.

"Good morning, Edelgard. A pleasure as always to see you."

"Oh shut it," she said and walked over to me. "You must be Y/N. Dimitri's little secretary."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Seems to me you came within the week. I am actually surprised you came," she said and walked over to Dimitri.

"I would not keep you waiting. I now how the ends."

"Let's not waste anymore time!" she said and walked towards the elevator. We all got in and headed up towards the top of the building. The doors opened up and we all got out. Dimitri and I followed Edelgard to a conference room. Dedue, Sylvain, Felix, and Ashe stood outside the doors and waited.

We sat down next to Edelgard. I was too nervous to sit directly next to her so Dimitri sat next to her. I sat down next to Dimitri and handed him the folder. He opened it up and pulled out the paper that had our ideas compiled together.

"First things first, what do I gain from being partners with you?" she asked.

"You gain a lot of things. You gain our support if you're ever in need of more metal. Like say you're low on metal for an order."

"I would never be low on metal!" Edelgard interjected.

"I am creating a scenario. If you're low on metal, we will be there to help you still get the order out on time to the person who bought it. You would still keep your branding and your name. You're basically just becoming a business partner."

She had an annoyed look on her face.

"This doesn't seem like I gain a lot," she said.

"Were you looking for a monetary gain?"

"I was looking for more of a personal gain," she smirked at Dimitri.

I knew what that smirk hid. It was a good thing Dimitri warned me about her.

"I cannot get personal here, Edelgard. Especially since we're seen as rivals."

"You're a smart man, Dimitri. Unlike your father."

I could tell Dimitri was becoming a bit frustrated. He balled his hand into a fist underneath the table. I slowly reached down and placed my hand on top of his. It seemed to have calmed him down for the time being.

"Continuing," he said. "You can keep your name, keep your branding, and keep whatever you like. Just as long as we're considered business partners."

"So we're basically ending this competition?"

"Yes. But there is one thing I want to discuss."

"Go on."

"It is about your taxes on our metal."

"I need to tax your metal since it's being imported."

"But at a high price? People here in Adrestian who wish to buy our metal has to pay inflated prices just because you placed a tax on it. All I request is that you lower the price and keep it that way. And to not fluctuate it."

Edelgard tapped her chin, "I am going to need more convincing."

Dimitri gritted his teeth together. It was a good thing we got Claude first.

"Excuse me," I said and stood up. I walked out of the conference room and walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Come on, Dimitri. Be a smart man and just give me what I want," Edelgard said and grabbed my tie. She pulled me towards her, almost choking me. I tried to reach up and loosen my tie, but Edelgard shot me this glare. I let her have her way. I knew this was going to happen. She released her hold on my tie. I coughed as I rubbed my neck. She grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me out of the chair. She forced me to sit on the table and she was a few inches away from me.

"You know you want to," Edelgard said in a low growl.

I averted my gaze from her. This was making me extremely uncomfortable since she was basically seducing me into giving her what she wanted. This was not how the business worked. If only Y/N was here to help me in this situation.

I walked back towards the conference room and looked through the glass. I stopped myself to see Dimitri was in an awkward position with Edelgard. I couldn't really see much over than Dimitri was sitting on the table and Edelgard was lower than he was. I tried to get the image out of my head before walking in.

Edelgard quickly backed away from Dimitri and looked professional. Dimitri sat back down at his chair and got himself together. I looked over at Dimitri. My heart felt broken after what I had just witnessed.

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