Chapter 6

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I was trudging along in the desert as I carried Dimitri. The gauze was doing the best it could to clot the bleeding. However, they were becoming redder and redder by the minute.

"Why didn't you just leave me there?" he coughed and spat the blood on the sand.

"I couldn't just leave you for death. You said that I was your right hand. That I will always help you. Even if it is part of a transitional phase, I will always be there to help you."

Dimitri looked up at me and smiled sadly. "I can't believe you remember. Even after all this time."

"How could I forget the words that made me fall in love with you?"

He chuckled, "It took you quite some time to show it, my beloved."

"I was never one to want love in the workplace, but I see that is really the only place to meet people other than the streets."

We made it to the hospital an hour after the sun had set. A team of nurses and doctors rushed over to Dimitri. They took him from me. I watched as they took him to the emergency room. He definitely needed stitches and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

"Please come with us," a nurse said.

I followed them into the back where they checked up on me. I had no serious injuries other than a cut on my forearm from when I was fighting off enemies. They cleaned it out and covered it up.

"Do you know how long until I see him?"

"Probably not for another hour or so. He was pretty banged up when you brought him in."

"Thank you for treating him."

"It's what we do here," she smiled.

I walked into the waiting room and sat there for about an hour before some troops walked in. They looked over at me.

"Where's Dimitri?"

"He's currently being treated. Why?"

"The commander wants you back."

"No way am I going back now. I'm staying here to make sure Dimitri is alright."

"We will come back for him when he is discharged."

"No!" I stood up. "I am waiting here until he is discharged."

"We didn't want to have to resort to this."

One of the soldiers came over to me and grabbed me in a tight hold.

"Hey! Let go!"

"No can do. We have our orders. It's about time you listened to them."

"No! I need to wait until Dimitri is better!"

Before I was dragged out of the hospital, Dimitri was walking towards where I was once standing.


"Y/N!" Dimitri yelled and ran towards me. However, since he had just gotten his stitches, he was still a bit weak. He fell towards the ground. I watched as the team of doctors helped him up.


He looked up, anger in his eyes. "I will follow you wherever you go! One more day, Y/N and I can finally be with you once more!"

I lifted my head up and sighed. It was another dream about Dimitri. It all felt so real. I could even hear Dimitri so clearly. There had to be a connection between these two dreams since it picked up right where it left off. I mean, there are dreams that can do that. But this was uncommon for me to even dream. I had to get to the bottom of this. But who can I tell? I can't really tell anyone. They would think I am insane. Maybe I am insane? I shook the thought away and got up. I looked at the clock and it read seven thirty. I walked over to my room, changed out of my work clothes and into my pajamas. I walked back into the kitchen and opened up my laptop. I saw at the corner of the screen there was an email from Dimitri. I unlocked my computer and read it.


Claude was the first to get back to the email. He had replied that he would love to consider making a deal between our companies. He wants to speak with us in a couple of days. With that said, I have gotten everything prepared for the meeting. All that we need to do is come up with a deal. I have thought of major points we must bring up. I thought that you would help me put them together in the form of a contract. See you tomorrow!


I wrote him a reply and closed my laptop for now. I walked over to the fridge and found something to eat. I heated it up and when it was done heating up, I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. There were some news headlines that talked about the other companies and their transition. Since everyone here in Faerghus knew Lambert was handing the company over to Dimitri, there really was no news or media there to cover the story. I finished eating and turned off the TV. I got ready for bed and laid down on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like hours until my eyelids slowly started to become heavy.

I was sitting in the mess hall and our commander was talking to all of us. We were discussing our new plan of attack and how we were going to execute it. All that mattered to me was how Dimitri was doing. As I was lost in thought, the mess hall doors burst open. I turned around and saw Dimitri was standing there. He had someone behind him. He limped his way through the mess hall, dragging the person behind him.

"Is that Dimitri?"

"I thought he was dead. No one heard from him for nearly two days."

"He could of gotten captured."

"My gosh, look at that eye."

I watched his every move. From how he limped to how he dragged the person.

"Dimitri, what are you doing here? We thought you were dead," the commander said.

"As you can see, I am not dead. However, some of our men took Y/N out from the hospital before I was released. That pissed me off more than anything was to see her being taken from me. So, with that anger, I found him."

He threw the person he was dragging and he landed at the commander's feet.

"Is that really him?" the soldiers asked.

"Tell them what you said to me," Dimitri said to the person.

The person frantically looked around at their surroundings.

"Tell them what you said to me!" Dimitri yelled.

"I-I, Ionius IX, hereby surrenders."

"The father of Edelgard surrenders to us?" the soldiers asked.

"That's good. Looks like we ended this war," the commander said.

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