Chapter 21

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"It is with great honor to say that Ionius IX has surrendered to both Faerghus and Leicester. We could not have finished this war without one another's help. If we were to go at it by ourselves, we would have been overrun by Adrestian soldiers. Everyone played a major role in ending this war. The ones who have fallen and the ones who have survived. The ones who were severely wounded and the ones who were unscathed. There is one man in particular I want to shine some light onto.

"He and his troops were making their way to Adrestian to aid the Faerghus and Leicester soldiers. They were ambushed and sadly, only he made it out. My condolences to the families and friends of these fallen soldiers. This one young man took out the entire troop with his own bare hands. He was then taken to a hospital by a fellow comrade. They were taken back to base and he left the hospital with a burning desire to end the war. Not for his sake, but for the sake of everyone who is living and the next generation to come and for his fallen soldiers. He made his way to the heart of Adrestian, fought off Ionius's guards that were placed inside and outside of the building he was hiding in, and brought back Ionius here to tell us that he surrendered. The man I am speaking about is Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd."

Dimitri walked onto the stage and shook Klaus's hand. He walked over to the podium.

"I want to say that every family and friends who lost someone in the war, they fought with honor and dignity. They wanted to make the world a better and safer place for the people who are already standing here today and watching at home. As well as the next generation to come. What they did will not be forgotten. They fought so that all of us can keep doing what we do best and what we love. Their lives will not go down in vain. I'm sorry that I was the only one who came out of that ambush alive. If it had been any one of them or all of them, they would have seen the victory. They would have celebrated that the war was over. But I know they're watching us from above. It is with great honor that I was fighting beside the best group of men I could have ever met. Thank you."

"It is with great honor that I give Dimitri this medal of honor. For fighting so bravely in the face of evil. He is more than deserving of this medal. The same goes with the fallen and the living."

Dimitri lowered his head and Klaus placed the medal around his neck. He lifted his head back up and saluted to Klaus. Klaus saluted back and Dimitri walked off the stage. I was in the back waiting there for him. He walked over to me and smiled.

"Did I sound ok?"

"You sounded great. Come on, we're going to be late for the meeting."

He sighed, "Right. I forget we had to go back to work. Being out of the loop for nearly five months is not going to be the best. We're probably going to have another transitional period."

"If it smooths out the rough edges, I think we'll be ok for now."

Dimitir nodded his head. We stopped back at the apartment before returning to the company building. It has been five months since we had walked into the building. Dimitri and I walked in and everyone was there in the lobby.

"Welcome back!" they all said.

There was a huge banner in the back saying 'Congrats on the Victory in A!' Dimitri and I smiled at ever single one of them. They all came over to Dimitri and congratulated him on winning the war. Ingrid walked over to me.

"At least you're not dead," she joked.


"Look at him," Ingrid said. "Remind you of the day when you came up with those ideas?"

"Not really. He deserves it more than I do. He was the one who stopped Ionius."

"But you were there to help him get back on his feet."

Dimitri turned towards me and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me into the crowd.

"It wasn't just me who fought. Y/N was there as well. She," he looked down at me and had a bright smile on his face. "She saved my life. If it weren't for her, I might not be here standing before all of you."

The workers looked at me. I felt a bit nervous since Dimitri hasn't really called me out other than telling the people at the meeting the ideas were mine. 

"Let's hear it for Y/N!" Ingrid yelled.

The people started to clap and cheer. I looked over at Ingrid and mouth the words 'thank you' to her. She gave me a thumbs up and disappeared within the crowd. They all dispersed and I headed up to the floor I was at. Dimitri was with me since we had to clean up after the little celebration.

"Tomorrow, I want you to work in my office from now on."

"Why?" I asked and looked over at him.

"If you're going to be my right hand, I need you in close proximity."

"What about me filing and working in the archives?"

"I will have Ashe do that job. I want you there so we can discuss any major issues or anything that might interfere with the company. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Dimitri."

"Also, I know we've only been going out for about five months now, but I was wondering if you'd like to move in with me."

"You want me to move into your apartment with you?"

Dimitri nodded his head, "I think we've gotten comfortable with one another."

I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll get started on moving," I said into his shoulder.


The doors opened up and I walked onto my floor.

"I'll see you later, Dimitri."

"Until then, my beloved," he smiled as the doors closed. 

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