Chapter 45

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"Dimitri!" I said and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and took off his breathing mask. He kissed the top of my head and placed his mask back around his face. I pulled away and sat back in the chair.

"I'm sorry for everything I have done," he whispered. "I just couldn't control them back then. I-I don't deserve someone like you in my life. I should be just left behind in the capital building and deal with being a leader. You deserve more."

I reached down and grabbed his hand. I shook my head, "What you did, it was traumatizing. But I can forgive you for it. You weren't the right person back then. I believe that you can become the right person I know you can be."

He smiled at me and nodded his head, "Alright."

"We can get through it together, Dimitri."

"I know we can."

Dimitri was evaluated a few days after I had left. They determined that he did not need to be sent to a mental institute and could be sent home right away. I had to go pick him up and we returned home. Xander was more than happy to finally see his father once more.

"Dada!" Xander cried and stood up from where he was sitting.

He ran towards Dimitri without falling over or stumbling. It surprised the both of us that he didn't even walk. He just straight up ran. Dimitri knelt onto the ground and picked Xander up. Xander had a huge smile on his face and he placed his hands on Dimitri's cheeks.

"Dada!" he cried once more.

"Daddy's here," Dimitri said and hugged Xander. I rested my hand on his shoulder and rubbed Xander's head.

"He just ran," I after a moment.

"He did," Dimitri smiled. "And you did such a good job," he said and kissed the top of Xander's head.

Things only got better from there. Dimitri was a lot happier and spent a lot more time with Xander and myself. However, there were times where he had to go to Adrestian and Leicester to talk to Claude and Byleth. I stayed back at the capital building to watch Xander and to be in any meetings while he was gone. I took over leadership if Dimitri had to leave Faerghus for any situation.

The years went on and Xander was heading to school and before we knew it, he was heading into middle school. It only felt like yesterday he was just a baby. Dimitri and I were sitting at the kitchen table when the door opened up.

"Sir Xander has arrived from school," said one of the guards.

"You don't need to announce my presence every time I come home," Xander said.

"Hello, Xander," I said.

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad."

Ever since Dimitri returned from the hospital, Xander had gotten closer and closer to Dimitri. Sure he was close with me, but he spent most of his time with Dimitri. However, when Dimitri had to leave for meetings and such, he would love to spend time with me.

"How was your day, Xander?"

"It was alright," he said and walked towards his room.

"I just noticed something," I said.

"What is that?"

"He looks like you when you were appointed to the head of the company?"

"You mean with my dumb ass haircut?" Dimitri chuckled.

I laughed, "It looked pretty good. But no, there is something going on with Xander."

Dimitri nodded his head, "Yes. I agree. I'll talk to him."

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