Chapter 15

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"Come on, Y/N! I know you can do better than that!" Byleth yelled.

I was in a sloppy stance as I was facing off with the soldier who called Dimitri out the other day. They had a huge smirk on their face. Dimitri was standing behind me. I knew he wanted to pummel the guy as soon as he could. My head felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to fall over. I guess lack of sleep was one of the reasons I could barely stand on my own two feet. I needed to snap out of it. I needed to prove I can do it. The guy was about to punch me once more. I told myself to dodge, but I couldn't move fast enough. I was hit square in the face and I fell onto the ground. I could hear the guys chuckle behind me. I rolled over to my stomach and pushed myself up. I looked up at Dimitri who looked pissed and concerned. He looked down at me and mouthed the words 'Prove yourself.'

With the last amount of energy I had, I pushed myself up and stood tall. I looked at the guy and wiped my mouth. Blood tricked down the corner of my mouth. I put my fists up and got in a stance. 

"You just don't know when to stay down!" the guy said. I moved away from his arm, I grabbed his forearm and his bicep. I rammed into him and using the strength I had left, I pulled him over my back and smashed him onto the ground. He looked at the sky with pure shock on his face. I looked over at the other guys who were just as shocked as I was. Dimitri had a huge smile on his face as he looked on with pure admiration. 

"Good work today, Y/N. You need to get better at your defense and offense. And your endurance," Byleth said. "Who's next?"

Dimitri raised his hand.

"Ah, Dimitri. Perfect. Who would like to go against Dimitri?"

No one raised their hand or shouted. They were all shaking in their uniforms. They all knew Dimitri was one of the strongest ones here. And it showed since he was very muscular. Not to mention, he was about five to six inches taller than the rest of the guys here.

"No one is volunteering? Might as well start calling people out. How about you?" Byleth said and pointed to a guy in the crowd. He slowly walked towards Dimitri. Within seconds, Dimitri had him pinned to the ground. The guy couldn't even land a single hit on Dimitri.

"Excellent work today, Dimitri. Since that is all the time we have for today, you're all dismissed to the mess hall. Good work today, everyone."

Dimitri helped the guy up and walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked and wrapped his arm around me.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine," I said.

"You look tried."

"I haven't been sleeping well lately."

"The visions again?"

"They won't stop," I said.

He looked at the ground for a second, then back at me, "How about you come sleep with me tonight?"

"Dimitri, you know I'm not allowed over there."

"So what? It's not like we're going to do anything."

"I know, but you know how they are."

"I at least want to be there to comfort you."

"I appreciate it, but we can't break the rules."

We got to the mess hall and started to eat our last meal before turning in for the night. Dimitri and I walked towards where we were staying for the night. Since I was the only female in the military, I had a special house to myself. Dimitri walked me up to the front door and hugged me.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Dimitri."

He pulled away and was about to turn to walk over to where he was sleeping. I grabbed his wrist and stopped him from leaving.

"Why don't you stay with me? No one really checks up on me during the night."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head. He looked around to see if there was anyone who was watching. I opened the door and he came in. I took off my uniform shirt and got ready for bed. Dimitri closed the blinds and took off his uniform shirt. He wore a black tank top underneath his uniform shirt. While I had on just a black t-shirt. I laid down on the bed and he turned off the lights. He walked over to the bed and got in. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I buried my head in his chest. His warm embrace was comforting, even though this was the first time we had cuddled with one another. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodnight," he said and kissed my head.

"Goodnight, Dimitri," I said and pecked his cheek.

I was having trouble sleeping since the visions were coming back. They were stronger now. I guess that meant it was getting closer and closer to it actually happening. I was now afraid. I was scared that these visions served only as a warning rather than showing me what actually happens. What if Dimitri didn't just lose an eye? What if he died due to his injuries and I wasn't there to help him in time? What if it was me rather than him? What if neither of us made it out alive to see this war come to an end? There were so many uncertainties that it scared me. I couldn't afford to lose Dimitri. He was everything I had ever wanted in life. He gave me a reason to believe in love again. He gave me a purpose in the company. He gave me a reason to wake up everyday and continue going to the same job day in and day out. It was all because he was there. He was my reason. 

My eyes opened up and I saw Dimitri's peaceful face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and deep. I smiled at how he looked so peaceful. As if one sound would disturb him, which I did not want to do. I did not want to disrupt his sleep. His embrace tightened around me. I tightened mine around him and fell back asleep.

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