Chapter 25

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"Good evening people of Faerghus. Two days ago, Dimitri, head of the Blue Lions Company, went to Black Eagles Manufacturing in Adrestian. Several days prior to their meeting, I had given them information about some recent findings on Edelgard, the head of the Black Eagles Manufacturing. This information was secret at the time until we had a definite answer of them. Thankfully, we have come to the conclusion that the information we found was indeed real. The information we have found was that Edelgard was making and selling an illegal weapon for the war that took place about a few weeks ago. It was a weapon that was deadly to the user and the receiver. A weapon that was highly dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. A weapon no one would ever even think of."

The screen changed to show the blueprints of the weapon Edelgard had made.

"This is what Edelgard was making. It looks like a normal machine gun, right? Wrong. It shoots out a bullet that explodes. The shards of metal, if at a fast enough speed, could be deadly. Not only are the shards dangerous if not aware of, but it can backfire since it was only tested during the time of the war. So there were no smoothing out the rough edges. She wanted Adrestian to win the war and this was how she came up with it. She also had a hand in killing off one of the best troops Faerghus has ever seen. Dimitir's troop was heading to the heart of Adrestian to stop the war. However, they were being watched. Edelgard had also made drones disguised as birds to track where they were. Once she found them, she sent in the best of the best to wipe them out. This was not by the order of Ionius. She made those orders herself. With having a hand in the war and making illegal weapons, she is sentenced to life in prison. With the information we have, Dimitri would like to say something to the people of Adrestian," Byleth said.

Dimitri walked over to the podium and stood in front of all of the cameras. 

"With the information that Commander Byleth had given all of you, I and a co-worker of mine have decided it was time to give back to the people of Adrestian. I know we can't make up for all of the losses the war had caused, but we can make up for the damage we have created. Right now, Blue Lions Company and Golden Deer Steel Inc. are working together to rebuild the destroyed homes and buildings of many families and companies. Not to mention that we are going to help the people. To all of the people who have bought the weapon Edelgard had made and did not know about it being dangerous, we are going to help them. 

"You may be wondering how we're going to help. Well, to the people who were injured and cannot receive medical treatment, we are sending a team from the military to treat the injured and sick. To the ones who were able to get medical treatment, but cannot afford to pay, we will pay for you so you do not have to worry about any debt or money issues. We want to help Adrestian in any way we can and I believe this is a better way for us to come together after the war. Not only that, but Commander Byleth will now oversee operations in the Black Eagles Manufacturing. Now, all three: Golden Deer Steel Inc., Black Eagles Manufacturing, and Blue Lions Co. will now work together to make Fodlan an even better place."

The audience clapped as Dimitri walked off the stage and back to where I was standing. I smiled at him as he walked towards me.

"Did I sound alright?"

"You sounded great," I said and we walked out of the building. We headed towards the company building and got everything situated.

"Y/N, can you oversee the military in aiding the injured and sick?" Dimitri asked.

"Of course. I will contact Byleth about giving the money to the people. I also need to talk to Claude about our production. Same goes with Byleth."


"Yes, my beloved?" he asked and picked his head up.

"You know you don't have to do this all at once."

"I know, but I want to help. We've caused so much hardships for them that I just want to repay the damage we have caused."

"I know you do, but these things take time. We can't rebuild Adrestian overnight."

"I know we can't, but," he sighed. "You're right. I shouldn't be rushing things. If we rush, we make room for too many errors."

"That's correct," I said.

"But I will get started on talking to Claude. We'll need to discuss planning and such."

"Just remember, these things take time," I said.

"I know. Thank you, for everything you've done, Y/N."

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder.

"You're welcome. I love you," I said and kissed his cheek.

He kissed my forehead and smiled, "I love you, too."

I walked over to my desk and thought about how many people there needed to be to help all of Adrestian, since all of the areas were involved in the war. Afterwards, I looked at the clock and saw how late it was. I got up, stretched, and looked over at Dimitri. His elbow was on his desk and his head was resting in his hand. His computer was still open and a pen was slowly slipping from his hand. I chuckled to myself and walked over to him. I touched his shoulder and lightly shook him awake.

"Dimitri," I said.

He opened his eye and yawned, "What time is it, Y/N?"

"Time for us to be heading home," I said.

"It's that late?"

"It is getting late. I don't want to be here too late."

"You're right," he said and stood up. He grabbed his computer and I grabbed mine. We walked out of the building and headed back to the apartment.

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