Chapter 44

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I went down the hall with the help of Claude and Byleth. I was in a wheelchair and I was holding Xander. They stopped by a window and I looked in to see Dimitri was laying down on the bed. He had a breathing mask over his nose and mouth.

"Why does he have a breathing mask on?"

"His injuries were more severe than yours. He didn't want to kill you. He wanted to kill himself. He knew where his vital organs were and went for them. He used you as sort of a diversion. He was in critical condition when they arrived to take you to the hospital. They had to perform two surgeries on him. Both of them were successful," Byleth said.

I looked at him through the glass. Xander stood up on my legs and pressed his hands against the glass.

"Dada!" he said and pointed to Dimitri.

"Dada is sleeping right now, Xander. We can't wake him up."

He turned back towards Dimitri and waved, "Bye, Dada."

I smiled at him, but that smile soon faded away. Claude and Byleth took me back to my room and left from there. Byleth was going to the capital building until I came back. Claude was heading back to Leicester today and wished me a safe and full recovery. I was just worried about what they're going to do about Dimitri. They could charge him with attempted murder and possible child endangerment. He could be thrown into prison and be stripped of his leadership of Faerghus. I wasn't ready to be leader of Faerghus since I know nothing about how to run an area. I sighed, trying not to think about the worst possible situations. I had to look at the bright side. The bright side of this was, the bad end of the vision didn't come true.

I walked towards the desk as they discharged me. It had been about a few days since I was admitted into the hospital. Dimitri still hasn't opened his eyes and they were worried that he would never open his eyes. He wasn't in a coma. I think he just refused to look at the world around him. He refused to look at the world he could have destroyed with just a single thrust of a lance.

"Am I allowed to see Dimitri?"

"Are you sure about that?"

"He's my husband. I need to know if he's alright."

"Alright. I'll send a nurse in with you in case something happens."

I walked down to his room and saw a nurse was waiting outside for me. I opened the door and she stood by it. I closed it to only a crack was open. Dimitri looked as peaceful as he did when he was sleeping. His eye was relaxed instead of scrunched tightly. His muscles looked relaxed and his breathing was normal. I sat down beside his bed and looked at him. I took his hand and intertwined it with mine. Since they had to do multiple surgeries, his chest was exposed. There were a few IVs attached to his arm. I hated seeing him this way. I hated seeing how hurt he was.

"I'm so sorry, Dimitri," I said. "I'm sorry that I was never able to truly help you. I'm sorry that you lost your fight to those ghosts. But if you can hear me, I need you to know that your son and I need you. You need to know that Faerghus needs you. Without their leader, how can they get things done? How can they have a stable state of mind? Faerghus can't be leaderless. Please, open your eyes. Open them so I can see that lovely blue shade."

"Please open your eyes. Open them so I can see that lovely blue shade."

I looked at my surroundings that enveloped me. All that was surrounding me was white. If I were to move, it felt like I never moved a single step. I sighed, feeling lost and feeling hopeless.

"Need a hand?"

I looked up and saw Klaus and my father walk towards me. My father wasn't dead, but he was in prison. Another person walked towards me. I turned and saw they were from my troop from the war. The ghosts that were haunting my head, were now here to finish me off.

"Are you here to finish me off?" I asked them.

"We're here to help you," said one of the soldiers. He was the one who was giving me and Y/N trouble back at the base.

"We are here to help you succeed at being a leader," Klaus said.

"And to succeed at being a father," my father said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"And to succeed at being a lover," said another one of the soldiers.

I looked at all of them as best as I could.

"But, how can I get rid of you? So I can stop hearing your voices day in and day out? To where the point it almost drove me to kill me and my wife? How can I get rid of this pain and suffering?!" I yelled at them. "How?!"

"It's easy," Klaus said.

"Just believe in yourself, Dimitri. That was the worst thing that let take hold of you. Your own doubt was what led us to talk to you," my father said.

"You taught us how to be better when we were part of the military," said one soldier.

"You showed us that love can trump anything," said a second.

"And you made me realize I was being a terrible leader," Lambert said.

"You made us see so many different things than we ever did. Now, it is time we show you how to get rid of us and the demons that haunt you. Believe in yourself, Dimitri. Believe that you can do the amazing things you can do. Believe in the people who need you and care for you. Especially Y/N. Believe in her and believe in the love that you two have formed. Because at the end of the day, she will be there while we won't," Klaus said.

I nodded my head, "Alright."

"Go. She's waiting for you," my father said.

"Thank you," I said and they disappeared into the blinding light.

"Please, Dimitri."

I slowly opened up my eyes. My left eye could clearly see her while my right eye was blurred. I turned to look at her. I had a small smile on my face as I stared back at her E/C eyes.

"I'm right here, my beloved."

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