Chapter 24

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"Take off your suit," I said as we reached the jet.

He sat down and slowly took off his suit. I could only imagine the amount of pain he was in right now. Being stabbed in the shoulder, cut across the chest, punctured by his own lance, and two long cuts along his hands. I opened up a closet and saw some medical stuff. I grabbed the first aid kit, rubbing alcohol, and some gauze. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and walked towards Dimitri.

"This is going to sting," I said and poured some rubbing alcohol on the towel. I took the towel and ran it across his wounds. He closed his eyes tightly shut and bit his lip. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry." I opened up the first aid kit and started to stitch the cut across his chest.

"Thank goodness that Byleth taught us how to treat wounds," I said.

He chuckled, "You're doing pretty good."

I finished his chest and went to his shoulder. Once I was finished with his shoulder, I went to his side and then finished with his hands. I took the gauze and wrapped it around his chest, shoulder, side, and hands.

"That's going to take a while before it heals," I said.

"Thank you, Y/N," he said.

I smiled and him and kissed his forehead, "It was no problem."

I put the first aid kit back, but grabbed his lance. I took the towel that was already stained with blood and cleaned off his lance and placed it in the back of the jet. Dimitri got up, headed towards the closet, and opened up the door. There were a few shirts in there waiting for him. He slipped one off the hanger and put it on. The jet took off and we sat down.

"Thank you," he said to me.

"It was no problem, Dimitri. Get some rest."

"You should too. I think that meeting was a bit overwhelming," he chuckled.

"I definitely would not have expected that," I said and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He intertwined his hand with mine and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, Y/N. Wake up, we're back," Dimitri said.

I opened my eyes and slowly got up. I stretched and we walked off the jet together. We walked towards the company building.

"I got a message from Byleth with some important information. I would like to discuss it with you when we get back."

"Of course," I said.

We walked into the company building and headed to our office.

"Meet me in the conference room," he said.

I walked in and sat down. He walked in with his computer and he closed the door. He closed the blinds that led to the hallway. He came over and closed the blinds to the door. It was pretty dark in there. He hooked his computer up to the projector and he opened the message up from Byleth. There were a few attachments in the email.

"This is his message," Dimitri said.

"Y/N and Dimitri,

Thank you for catching Edelgard off guard. It seems she had no idea that you were ready for a fight. She was ready to kill both of you, but you proved to her that you were ready for anything. I also want to thank you for coming to me about this situation. When we were cleaning up Adrestian from the war, we heard rumors about Black Eagles making an illegal weapon and giving it to her father. Not to mention, some of the people she made an alliance with. We investigated the rumors and found out they were true. They were indeed making and selling an illegal weapon. I have incorporated images and a video explaining the weapon. Not to mention, the reason behind your ambush was because she had drones in the air that were disguised as birds. She saw you were coming and ordered her best men to take you down. She did not even tell Ionius that you were there and made the decision on her own accord. We have her at our base and we are going to continue to do interrogations to get more information. I will keep the two of you updated. And thank you, Dimitri, for taking the hits. We are sorry that you had to, but it was the only way to ensure her capture. Thank you both for participating."

Dimitri clicked on a few images. One was a blueprint to the weapon she was making and selling.

"It looks like it was still in its experimental phase," Dimitri said. "A weapon that has that much destructive power needed to be tested over and over before they would have perfected it."

"Yeah. Just imagine if she did perfect it."

"Take a look at this," Dimitri said and pulled up the video. The military soldiers were explaining how it worked. It was a large machine gun, but instead of shooting out normal bullets, it was a bullet that exploded. It sent out shards of metal that could cut through anything if it went fast enough. While they tested it a few times, it backfired and a bullet exploded too early and it cut the soldiers. They were protected, but they were still cut.

"If she sold these to the people of Adrestian and they got injured because of it, we should at least do something."

"We don't even know how many people she sold these to."

"She definitely sold them to her father's guards. I remember seeing that type of gun. I should contact Byleth and tell him."

"What are we going to do about it, Dimitri? The war is over."

"We should at least give some compensation to the people who got these weapons and were hurt because of it. They were hurt because it was a faulty weapon that Edelgard should of warned them about!"

I sighed, but nodded my head. I did want the people of Adrestian to get better and helping them in the aftermath of the war was one of the many ways we could help.

~I am so sorry everyone. I did not realize yesterday was my update day. It has been one hell of a week to be honest for me. It's been really stressful and I currently don't have anyone to really talk about it other than my parents and even then I can't really talk to them for long because I've got school work to do. Don't worry. I will manage to deal with this stress and this work load. I am so sorry I missed updating yesterday. I will be on top of things since it is the weekend.

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